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firewood exchange club


Drunken Hobbit
May 21, 2020
Member Number
While on our trip to the southwest she decided she liked the smell of the pinyon pine burning. I am looking for some just to toss on the fire every now and then for the aromatics, not a cord of it. Amazon is pricy but I ordered some for her birthday. I don't know of any wood you southwestern people would like from our area other than sizzle and smolder wood so I figured it would be a cash exchange.
TLDR Looking for someone to ship a box of pinyon firewood if you think it can be done for less than 30 bucks.
[486 said:
;n255135]do you got tree diseases wiping out everything where you're at?
Because this is how it happens :flipoff2:

well, shove it up your ass and kiln dry it before you ship it.
PS I burn all this in non-EPA cert. wood stoves from the '70s if you wanna cry
well, shove it up your ass and kiln dry it before you ship it.
PS I burn all this in non-EPA cert. wood stoves from the '70s if you wanna cry
I've probably put more styrofoam through my wood stove than you've put wood through yours, faggot.

There used to be 150 or more trees in my dad's yard, nowadays there are about five that are not dead and dried because emerald ash borer, oak wilt and dutch elm all came through one after the other.
[486 said:
;n255135]do you got tree diseases wiping out everything where you're at?
Because this is how it happens :flipoff2:

Amen. Dutch elm killed every American Elm trees out here. Every single fucking one.
Emerald ash borer hasn’t made it this far west yet. If it does, it will be catastrophic. Everyone planted ash trees to replace the dead elms 30 years ago.

Get your old lady a nice scented candle.
Jesus, I shipped a pair of boots USPS two states away for $13.05 and you want a box of wood for under $30? Try telling your old lady you can’t make her happy. I bet she’s used to it...:flipoff2::flipoff2:
Jesus, I won't kill the smoky mountains or a bus load of nuns by importing firewood that isn't kiln dried. I just keep buying it on amazon.
You put styrofoam in your wood stove?
yeah, where else would I put it? Actually recently stopped because I'll be seeing how it works as fill when I bury my concrete shit
Plastic burns pretty good and gives off a fuckload of heat while making almost no ash. Only smokes if you try and damp it down.
That just sounds dumb as fuck, like you calling someone else a faggot.
PS I burn all this in non-EPA cert. wood stoves from the '70s if you wanna cry

how do you smell the type of wood burring in a wood stove unless you or outside where it exists the house?
fireplace makes sense, but a stove, not so much.

I could be burning a tire in mine and would not smell it in the house.
Pinion Pine and Alligator Juniper burn very well for ambiance..... But I'm not sure you could even smell the volume of wood that $30 shipping would get you.

How about you Cannonball it and I'll load your truck up. You can make it here in 30 hours.

I can meet you in Amarillo in a month.
Not heating with it mostly leave the wood stove cracked when we use it. hell is was 60 today. Also, stove is way too large for the house if we ran it correctly it gets to 90 degrees in about an hour
[486 said:
I've probably put more styrofoam through my wood stove than you've put wood through yours, faggot.

Styrofoam is mostly air. Burn tires and automotive plastic like a real man. :flipoff2:
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