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finishing pole barn


white collar hillbilly
May 28, 2020
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thinking about finishing my 30x50. I'm looking at using foam board insulation (found a deal on CL) and covering with plywood up to 8'.

Here's my question - with 6x6" posts and 1.5" purlins, I'd have 7 full inches of space to fill if I want to cover the posts... Rather than doing that, and having to figure out how to fill the void with insulation, I'm thinking about 2 layers of 1.5" and covering with plywood, which would leave the posts 1/2 exposed. Partially to reduce costs, and partially to maximize space.

Dumb idea? Better to bite the bullet and frame/fill between the posts to allow covering of teh posts? I'm not heating and won't be insulating the roof for quite some time.
How much foam board can you get? I would fill the space between the purlins with foam board, then frame a 2x4 wall between the post, even with the inside. Then you can sheet through and cover your posts and get the most insulation value for your efforts.

That is exactly what I am doing, although I haven't found foam board for cheap, so I may skip that on my building
How much foam board can you get? I would fill the space between the purlins with foam board, then frame a 2x4 wall between the post, even with the inside. Then you can sheet through and cover your posts and get the most insulation value for your efforts.

That is exactly what I am doing, although I haven't found foam board for cheap, so I may skip that on my building

There's a local guy on CL selling 8x4x1.5 boards for about $10/each at quantity. I can probably get 100 w/o an issue.

One thing I would like to avoid is using any sort of bat insulation - just due to dealing with critters. And, well, cost.
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