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Fibromyalgia or migratory arthritis gurus?


Pure Blood
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Star Valley, Wyoming
I'm getting to my wits end with the pain I've been experiencing over the last five to six months.
Starting somewhere around Christmas I started getting random joint pain that moves around. It affects my shoulders, wrists, thumbs, and feet. It moves joints every several days to a week. My wrist/hand is the most affected. Sometimes when I wake up I can't make a fist my hand is so swollen and sore. If it's my foot I hobble a bit till it loosens up. If it's my shoulder I can hardly sleep sometimes without pain killers, shoulder pain is top of shoulder joint, can't rotate without excruciating pain.

I slipped and fell twice on ice and got diagnosed with a TFCC tear in my wrist, but have been waiting for three fucking months to get an MRI and possibly surgery due to the Rona. The wrist is slowly getting better, but then overnight will get terribly painful, but not in the ligament tear area, but the other side. This leads me to think that the migratory pain is affecting that wrist double when it's affected.
The harder I work and the more I'm active the less the pain. (Accept for the torn ligament wrist)
Dr says I don't have migratory arthritis. X-ray of my wrist said no arthritis.

I'm 40. Im in perfect health otherwise. I eat very clean, mostly meat and veggies. Almost zero sugar. Very little carbs. This is not a new diet so I don't think my body is adjusting to anything.

I take both ibuprofen and acetaminophen (8 hr arthritis) when I'm in so much pain I can't function, but I limit it to just when I NEED it. Right now I haven't taken any in three days. I take apothe-cherry juice at night, supposed to be good for joint inflammation.
Bourbon makes everything better :smokin:

Got any suggestions? I'm willing to try just about anything. I've been very healthy my whole life, I'm not liking this being in pain thing.
My girlfriend has fibromyalgia and uses a little zap thing called a Quell. Seems to help her to the point that she can't stand to go long without it some days.
That stuff did NOTHING for me... I know it may help some, but for me it was a waste of time.

Tart cherry pills and Turmeric has had the BIGGEST impact.

Good to know, thank you. I take the apothe-cherry when Im home on the weekends. I just ordered the pills so I can easily take when I'm on the road.
How do you take turmeric? In your food or pills? We eat turmeric I'm our food quite a bit
I take turmeric in the pill form... I also take the tart cherry in pill form.

Heres one thing that also works, and works WELL. Essiac tea. That makes a gigantic dent. It's about 20 or 25 cucks a package, makes lots of tea... it is a 12 hour steep time, but the stuff kicks ass. It was a life changer for me. Do your own research, but I have been drinking it for about a year off and on.
I take turmeric in the pill form... I also take the tart cherry in pill form.

Heres one thing that also works, and works WELL. Essiac tea. That makes a gigantic dent. It's about 20 or 25 cucks a package, makes lots of tea... it is a 12 hour steep time, but the stuff kicks ass. It was a life changer for me. Do your own research, but I have been drinking it for about a year off and on.

Good deal, I will look into it.
Have you had similar inflammation issues?
I have the exact same symptoms. The only thing I've found that really helps is winter. I've tried all the meds that the doctors have tried, but not the tumeric and other things. I will give those a try because this sucks.

I'm 39 and last year they said I have fybromyalgia. It sucks ass
Good deal, I will look into it.
Have you had similar inflammation issues?

Dang I feel for ya guys... I am 48 and it started a few years back or more. Winters for me SUUUUCK. The cold tends to bring out the worse of it. My inflammation issues migrate too, knee, elbow, back, neck, all over the dam place. The things I mentioned above don't rid 100% of it, but they definitely tone it down! Price we pay for beating ourselves up in our youth...

My daily regiment looks like so:

Green drink, vitamins (includes tart cherry and turmeric), fish oil (also a biggie! 1000-2000 mg daily, by night time I am taking the essiac tea (2 ounces daily or 2 shot glasses full in about as much or more hot water). It's been the best combo I have found for me anyways. I have tried a ton of stuff too... cbd, etc... none of it worked as well as this combo. AND, believe it or not some coconut oil in my cooking seems to help.

Lots of water and cleaning up the diet... is when I am at my peak, but even then I need the supplements.
Also, have you ever had your Vitamin D levels checked? My family has notorious low levels. No amount of sun or pills will raise my Vitamin D to within the normal range. I have always thought that had something to do with my issues, which are damn near identical to what you described in the first post.
I have the exact same symptoms. The only thing I've found that really helps is winter. I've tried all the meds that the doctors have tried, but not the tumeric and other things. I will give those a try because this sucks.

I'm 39 and last year they said I have fybromyalgia. It sucks ass

I wish the cold did something for me. It's cold as fuck here and I get no relief. Now that I think of it, I got the closest I've ever been to hypothermia this winter, around the time this shit got bad.
Low d, a and b vitamins will definitely mess you up... also magnesium deficiency! I supplement ALL of those as well...
I tried everything suggested here, essiac tea, turmeric/cercumin, tart cherry, etc. No change.
I cut everything inflammatory out of my diet for weeks, no change.
Finally got a blood test after not making the appointment due to mask requirements. Fucking c u n t s and their masks.
Not good. Anti-CCP levels are 5-6x normal levels. Now they want me on a couple drugs which I'm staunchly against until I can get to a rheumatologist.
I hate the thought of taking drugs long term.
Anyone had luck with dietician/naturopath/acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis issues.
I had Polymyalagia Rheumatia. The name means aches and pains like arthritis. It's caused by inflamed nerve endings. Sometimes this can be diagnosed with a blood test. Mine could not, which meant it took months of pain before I found a Rheumatologist that knew what they were doing. The answer is Prednisone (steroid). It makes the swelling go away. I'm not a doctor, but I have stayed in a Holiday Inn.
Glad to hear you were cutting inflammatories out, but I wonder if you did it all? I mean, did you even cut grain flour?

Also, I'd be interested to know if a Fasting regimen might work. At 36 hours, your cells will start picking all of the last remaining 'bad' molecules out to metabolize, because they're 'starving'. I've had some success with it with some of my inflammation-related malfunctions like 'rosacea' or whatever the fuck I have going on with my face (adult acne, no it's not the herpes). There's good science behind this. No, I don't think it cures everything like Shouting Cole, but it's been pretty good to me. Too bad I'm an eating pig with terrible self-control.

In non-technical terms what I think happens with fasting is your body gets into starvation mode and quits all its bullshit with creating inflammation because it has more important things to do like burn fat and survive.
I cut out all gluten for a week.
I eat very healthy in general. Lots of greens, vegetables, nuts, oils (coconut, olive, avocado), meat. Very little carbs, sugars, refined anything, processed meat.

They put me on 20mg Prednisone for 3 days, night and day difference. All pain gone. Long term Prednisone isn't good though.

Looking for long term natural "cure". Im looking into fasting. I have a high metabolism and love to cook/eat, it's gonna be rough.
The harder I work and the more I'm active the less the pain. (Accept for the torn ligament wrist)


Masturbate more?

I wish I had the answer for you man. I know people who use turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties and it works and for others it doesn't.
Also, have you ever had your Vitamin D levels checked? My family has notorious low levels. No amount of sun or pills will raise my Vitamin D to within the normal range. I have always thought that had something to do with my issues, which are damn near identical to what you described in the first post.

This, I had joint pain so severe I wasn't able to even sleep cause the pain was that bad , Doc asked if I drink milk , nope I said and he put me on vitamin D regiment and it seems to have worked as I have considerably less joint pain. :smokin:
This, I had joint pain so severe I wasn't able to even sleep cause the pain was that bad , Doc asked if I drink milk , nope I said and he put me on vitamin D regiment and it seems to have worked as I have considerably less joint pain. :smokin:

Good to know. Have to see if vitamin D levels were checked in my blood panel. I get quite a bit of sun, levels "should" be good naturally.
Get on the meds. Not prednisone, but use that sparingly to stop flare ups. My wife has RA and took a couple of different drugs for 2-3 years and then was able to get off them. Occasional flare ups but nothing like when it started
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