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Thick skull
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Bonners Ferry, ID
I keep seeing this word thrown around by the left about as much as they use racism. I'll be honest, I was a little unsure of its exact definition, say vs socialism or communism. So I looked it up.

Websters definition:

Definition of fascism

1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Sounds left leaning if anything to me? They want more government, more rules, and will freak out on anyone who disagrees.

Well how about the Wikipedia definition:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

Fascists saw World War I as a revolution that brought massive changes to the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and the total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilians and combatants. A "military citizenship" arose in which all citizens were involved with the military in some manner during the war.[7][8] The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines and providing economic production and logistics to support them, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.[7][8]
Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[9] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[9] Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation.[10][11] Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency) through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.[12]

Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist, and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th-century fascist movement.

Bet you couldn't put "far right" in there more times than that if you tried.
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Not directed at you, OP, as I'm pretty sure you're on the same page with "everything I disagree with is fascist" as I am, more just every time I see it, I hear Inigo Montoya.

I grew up in a country that had a fascist system of government for decades (Spain). They are still finding mass graves full of unarmed civilians in the woods after almost eighty years. If Trump is a fascist, he's he worst kind of fascist. Any self respecting fascist would have put his political opposition behind barbed wire, or they would have simply disappeared, never to be seen again.

That the people who call Trump a fascist every day don't fear armed men dragging them from their beds in the middle of the night and shooting them in the face, tells me that even those people don't believe what they say.

We really need to dial down the rhetoric in this country.
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What is left-leaning about antivaccine conspiracies :confused: seems to me the 'left' is the party that would be pushing vaccines, not questioning them...
There are many political compasses with varying levels of what makes each title, group, degree of social name calling, but the round compass goes full circle which is a good reminder the further extreme you go the closer you get to your enemy until you find out that you are the same. Disclaimer- Not my graph or thoughts, only to show the concept.

Almost like how Stalin was a communist and Hitler was a fascist, they were enemies, yet were both murdering their own people by the millions.

Btw: the "left" being red makes that graph super confusing :laughing:

I agree with mikel, people throw around very extreme word like nothing. What's ironic is that the people using these words are actually insulting to those who have experienced the rear thing. It's like the Dane cook bit on how everyone says they got raped about everything.
"forcible suppression of opposition"

That's the key part, I think. As we all see in every aspect of our lives, there is constant suppression of conservative position on any given subject.
We redefine words now. The meaning is whatever we want it to be at any given time. Like that Orwell guy wrote about.

This. It happens faster due to technology, but it has always been happening.

# <---- hashtag, octothorp, or pound sign?
To save the country we need to save the schools and you start by thinking about what we teach.

2 years of foreign language is a joke. We all took it and i doubt many of us speak fluent enough to have a conversation & those that can most likely picked it up from somewhere else.

We replace that with 2 years of government/ civics. And the 18 weeks of civics we currently have is replace it with an intro-law class.

and we require books like Orwell, not writing prompts and passages that work well on some standardized test
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This really is the same idea as how people here label anyone or anything they disagree with for whatever reason as communist or socialist. Half of the people throwing those terms around don't even know what the hell they mean.
There are many political compasses with varying levels of what makes each title, group, degree of social name calling, but the round compass goes full circle which is a good reminder the further extreme you go the closer you get to your enemy until you find out that you are the same. Disclaimer- Not my graph or thoughts, only to show the concept.

Almost like how Stalin was a communist and Hitler was a fascist, they were enemies, yet were both murdering their own people by the millions.

Btw: the "left" being red makes that graph super confusing :laughing:

I agree with mikel, people throw around very extreme word like nothing. What's ironic is that the people using these words are actually insulting to those who have experienced the rear thing. It's like the Dane cook bit on how everyone says they got raped about everything.

We redefine words now. The meaning is whatever we want it to be at any given time. Like that Orwell guy wrote about.

To save the country we need to save the schools and you start by thinking about what we teach.

2 years of foreign language is a joke. We all took it and i doubt many of us speak fluent enough to have a conversation & those that can most likely picked it up from somewhere else.

We replace that with 2 years of government/ civics. And the 18 weeks of civics we currently have is replace it with an intro-law class.

and we require books like Orwell, not writing prompts and passages that work well on some standardized test

To save the country we need to save the schools and you start by thinking about what we teach.

2 years of foreign language is a joke. We all took it and i doubt many of us speak fluent enough to have a conversation & those that can most likely picked it up from somewhere else.

We replace that with 2 years of government/ civics. And the 18 weeks of civics we currently have is replace it with an intro-law class.

and we require books like Orwell, not writing prompts and passages that work well on some standardized test

I fully support this.

Check out the Dreyfuss Civics Initiative, yes that Richard Dreyfuss




Richard strikes me as an old-style Lefty who still believes in education and thinking.
I grew up in a country that had a fascist system of government for decades (Spain). They are still finding mass graves full of unarmed civilians in the woods after almost eighty years. If Trump is a fascist, he's he worst kind of fascist. Any self respecting fascist would have put his political opposition behind barbed wire, or they would have simply disappeared, never to be seen again.

That the people who call Trump a fascist every day don't fear armed men dragging them from their beds in the middle of the night and shooting them in the face, tells me that even those people don't believe what they say.

We really need to dial down the rhetoric in this country.

'Fascism' is being promoted by the Chinese. The word has always been popular with Lefties, even Jeff Lebowski calls the Malibu sheriff a Fascist.

But the real ramp up came when Chinese Water Army and 50c Party started infesting every corner of the internet.


Why did I compare to the term 'Baizuo'?


'Baizuo' (bites-wow) was used almost exclusively by Chinese, both pro- and anti-PRC, to discuss Leftist politics in America. What dissident Chinese do in the US, the PRC Internet Army attempts to water down, over-saturate, and in other ways minimize the term.

Biazuo politics (BLM, Antifa, Biden/Harris, AOC, etc) benefit the Chinese. They openly talk about it. The only Chinese not into it are those who face discrimination at Harvard and Yale, discrimination enacted by Baizuo Lefty Whites.

So you can see that 'Fascism' is a term that the PRC also waters down, promotes, and makes activity over.

2 million Internet shills as of 2016, that we know of.

This is the most serious problem in the US right now, and the Party that benefits from it just got elected to the Presidency. This is not a major, major news story for a reason. It's probably the most serious attack on the US and West right now, the re-defining of Political terms in accordance with CCP doctrine.

We are fucking lost. This should be on the front page of the NYT. The only reason you guys aren't freaking out about it is because the Media isn't investigating it.
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