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The reason I ask is he seems like a troll, but I also get the impression he is just a legitimate weirdo.
I’d guess he’s just an autistic kid with time to research and post walls of text. I’m close to blocking him because, primarily, he can’t get to the point or make a point in a few brief sentences.

i don’t dislike him.
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I think Skippy is an "Agent Provocateur" for the FBI why else would he always be pushing for people to take to the streets :stirthepot:
Has anyone met my flecker?


No, but I hear that Trampas dude is shady as fuck.


Evernoob doesn't bother me at all, he posts some informative stuff. Sometimes he goes off the rails on rants that make no sense but i just scroll past those and move on with life.
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I think Skippy is an "Agent Provocateur" for the FBI why else would he always be pushing for people to take to the streets :stirthepot:

Frequently he makes excellent points, and is correct in his observations.

he is absolutely correct about the left winning at all costs while the right is a no-show "because me jerb, I has two much to loose"

Evernoob, how about visitinf L.A.? Plane ticket on me.

i said it before, anytime theres a very long, detailed, and informative post, my hunch that its evernoob is usually correct.

so what he beats his women. some bitches need a smacking around, and hes the man for the job. doesnt bother me any.

Evernoob, how about visitinf L.A.? Plane ticket on me.

i said it before, anytime theres a very long, detailed, and informative post, my hunch that its evernoob is usually correct.

so what he beats his women. some bitches need a smacking around, and hes the man for the job. doesnt bother me any.


When you were 11yo you sucked dick for a room temperature wine cooler.

Your kind can't be trusted. :laughing:

Evernoob, how about visitinf L.A.? Plane ticket on me.

i said it before, anytime theres a very long, detailed, and informative post, my hunch that its evernoob is usually correct.

so what he beats his women. some bitches need a smacking around, and hes the man for the job. doesnt bother me any.


Look at moneybags here flying in some manpussy for the weekend.
I have met many members, back when we were all on PBB and I consider most of them to be friends to this day. However, I have little to no desire to ever meet Evernoob.
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