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EverNoob how to be the best Troll I can be


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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Let help EverNoob best the best he can be...a grand Master of trolling , 1. Know your why

Trolling is an art form. It is something to be mastered with time. Before you post anything, speak to yourself. What is your overall goal? Every troll needs an end game.
Everdouche suffers from diarrhea of the keyboard. Any point he may be trying to make is wasted in these nigh incoherent walls of word salad. I legit wonder if he has a mild form of schizophrenia based on his inability to communicate his manifestos in a coherent fashion.
He does however post some interesting factual information at times.

Evernoob - intelligent, well researched, informed opinion whether you believe along side him or not, bring the good video of shit going on

Everdouche - arrogant, probably pets too many cats in his apartment, has multiple daily conversations with mom, "smartest person on earth", annoys the fuck out of every single person he works with, has a fridge covered with useless magnets
There are way shittier trolls around here that could use some lessons. Some have been here and at the other place going on 20+ years and they still suck at it and never learned. :laughing:

I really don't mind his posts. Alot of the stuff he types is very informative if you take the time to read it. Every once in a while he even makes a funny. Its rare, but it does happen..... And sometimes he goes off the rails. Meh, i just skip over those posts.

Like Beat95yj said, "he's no clark" but he is the best we have. It could be worse, but probably not much better.

I did actually agree with one of his posts, but then he screwed it all up on the next post. Maybe the multiple personalities theory has some merit?
There are way shittier trolls around here that could use some lessons. Some have been here and at the other place going on 20+ years and they still suck at it and never learned. :laughing:

I really don't mind his posts. Alot of the stuff he types is very informative if you take the time to read it. Every once in a while he even makes a funny. Its rare, but it does happen..... And sometimes he goes off the rails. Meh, i just skip over those posts.

Like Beat95yj said, "he's no clark" but he is the best we have. It could be worse, but probably not much better.


This is pretty much my opinion as well.
He is no Clark.

And he is no me. Our worldviews aligned on occasion but mostly diverged, we have completely different personalities, we are similar in that we both frequented PBBCC. I don't think that it's Holy or Unholy to invoke him, I'm simply saying we are not the same person.

I think it's a significant measure of my opinion of him that I have no problem talking about him whatsoever, as I don't feel the need to guard my opinion of him. You see.
Everdouche suffers from diarrhea of the keyboard. Any point he may be trying to make is wasted in these nigh incoherent walls of word salad. I legit wonder if he has a mild form of schizophrenia based on his inability to communicate his manifestos in a coherent fashion.

I absolutely blast walls of text on a more or less regular basis, but not all of the time. I think your dismissal of me is unfair.

On occasion, I get something done in there, and I have my moments of pith.

Edit, I thought it was a different comment: I have no manifesto. I've repeated my main thoughts enough times that they should become apparent.
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He makes me miss piggy

Hmmm, this is odd, as I am not trying to be piggy, nor should I, and nobody has asked me to.

However, if someone with a differing opinion turns your thoughts to him, I think that means he occupied a meaningful space in your mind. And I think that speaks well of him. Not because of my inadvertent and what you would probably say undeserved association, but because he had an impact on you. And that's kind of nice. :beer:
If he didn't write books for each and every post I would read his junk. He is not good enough with the English language to make a point with out using 700 characters.
Evernoob in reality.

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