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Evernoob has been absolutely correct

From the Pew. No matter how you do the math there are just more people voting Democrat, and they're good at getting people out of the Pueblo and on the bus to the polls.

[QUOTEParty identification


Around a third of registered voters in the U.S. (34%) identify as independents, while 33% identify as Democrats and 29% identify as Republicans, according to a Center analysis of Americans’ partisan identification based on surveys of more than 12,000 registered voters in 2018 and 2019.

Most independents in the U.S. lean toward one of the two major parties. When taking independents’ partisan leanings into account, 49% of all registered voters either identify as Democrats or lean to the party, while 44% identify as Republicans or lean to the GOP.

Party identification among registered voters hasn’t changed dramatically over the past 25 years, but there have been some modest shifts. One such shift is that the Democratic Party’s advantage over the Republican Party in party identification has become smaller since 2017. Of course, just because a registered voter identifies with or leans toward a particular party does not necessarily mean they will vote for a candidate of that party (or vote at all). In a study of validated voters in 2016, 5% of Democrats and Democratic leaners reported voting for Trump, and 4% of Republicans and GOP leaners reported voting for Hillary Clinton.
I'd argue that the current conservative party strategy is not sustainable. When you look at how the country is split, dems get the vote in almost every high density population center in america. The more dense the population, the more likely it will vote democrat on election day.

Combine that with the fact that our population is only going up(dense populations are getting more dense, and rural areas are getting built out and turned into dense population centers). And it seems like at some point the Republican party is going to need to figure out a way they can win those population centers over or slowly get edged out of the game.
From the Pew. No matter how you do the math there are just more people voting Democrat, and they're good at getting people out of the Pueblo and on the bus to the polls.


I don't know that they're 'good' at it, but they do it, which is more than can be said about Republicans.

There should be a nationwide Shortbus service for Republican voters, there are a lot of rural people trapped in their houses who would vote Trump.
We can thank social media. Anybody to the right of Bernie is a puppy kicking nazi and should be executed. If people hear it enough times, they'll start to believe it.

Except that's not really what most liberals believe(even taking into account the fact that you are probably using a hyperbole to get your point across). I'm not trying to be insulting, just offer a different perspective. The stance you're describing sounds an awful lot like the anti-left propaganda I see some of my conservative friends circulate around social media. Example: Biden is pretty far to the right of Bernie.
the apathy vote was 1/3 or so, which is pretty low but still generally high.

also of note, this election really highlihgted how much Johnson actually took votes from Clinton in 2016, rather than trump.

as well as in person voting being bigly dwarfed by mail votes
the apathy vote was 1/3 or so, which is pretty low but still generally high.

also of note, this election really highlihgted how much Johnson actually took votes from Clinton in 2016, rather than trump.

as well as in person voting being bigly dwarfed by mail votes

Yep, Johnson got my vote over Clinton. Would have never voted for Trump...

Although maybe a different way to look at it was that Clinton sucked so bad, people with a conscience had to find somewhere else to land their non-republican party vote.
Except that's not really what most liberals believe(even taking into account the fact that you are probably using a hyperbole to get your point across). I'm not trying to be insulting, just offer a different perspective. The stance you're describing sounds an awful lot like the anti-left propaganda I see some of my conservative friends circulate around social media. Example: Biden is pretty far to the right of Bernie.

the point is, there are an ABSURD number of people who think trump is a racist and base it on 2017 "there were very fine people on both sides" comment, nevermind the very next breath "except for the nazi's and white supremecists, who should be condemed totally"
The apathy vote is why the electoral college is successful at being a valid limit to the tyranny of the popular vote "democracy".
the point is, there are an ABSURD number of people who think trump is a racist and base it on 2017 "there were very fine people on both sides" comment, nevermind the very next breath "except for the nazi's and white supremecists, who should be condemed totally"

Ah. Yes, that was also me for a while until I looked into it more. Trump's not that great at forming clear sentences when speaking publicly without a script and the media definitely used that against him. Biden is the same way, so it will be interesting to see how he gets treated should he get elected. I don't see how the mainstream media will be able to get away with 4 years of giving the white house a reach-around without people seeing through that sort of BS.
Ah. Yes, that was also me for a while until I looked into it more. Trump's not that great at forming clear sentences when speaking publicly without a script and the media definitely used that against him. Biden is the same way, so it will be interesting to see how he gets treated should he get elected. I don't see how the mainstream media will be able to get away with 4 years of giving the white house a reach-around without people seeing through that sort of BS.

Is this some sort of mystery? You haven't paid attention at all to how the MSM buffs up Biden? What do you think's going to happen when the addled fool gets into the White House, the Press is suddenly going legit?

The difference I see between you and I is that you're naive. I think you reach this point in life where you're not jaded anymore, but you automatically look for the angle in everything. I'm even less bitter than a couple of years ago, it's expected that everyone is a shitbag. I guess I'm a shitbag too in many ways other than my obvious degeneracy and hostile attitude.
Is this some sort of mystery? You haven't paid attention at all to how the MSM buffs up Biden? What do you think's going to happen when the addled fool gets into the White House, the Press is suddenly going legit?

The difference I see between you and I is that you're naive. I think you reach this point in life where you're not jaded anymore, but you automatically look for the angle in everything. I'm even less bitter than a couple of years ago, it's expected that everyone is a shitbag. I guess I'm a shitbag too in many ways other than my obvious degeneracy and hostile attitude.

I know there was a double standard in how Trump vs Anyone Not Trump was treated by the media. Trump and the media have been at war since the beginning.

What I think will be interesting is what will happen when Trump is removed from the equation. Past presidents before Trump did not get as much of a pass from the media as any Trump challenger has lately. Are they suddenly going to revert back to the old way of doing things, or is Biden going to get a fluffing from the media for his entire 4 years in office?
The conservative Republican "silent majority" is a fucking myth.

Bunch of pussies.

I disagree. The fact that a complete moron such as Trump could even be in the race at all is proof. If the Republicans had fielded any other candidate it would have been a landslide.
the point is, there are an ABSURD number of people who think trump is a racist and base it on 2017 "there were very fine people on both sides" comment, nevermind the very next breath "except for the nazi's and white supremecists, who should be condemed totally"

The only way for a white man to escape the 'He Racyss!' charge is to marry a black, black woman. Only by mounting and colonizing a sable qt can we escape our Nazi pasts.

Except that's not really what most liberals believe(even taking into account the fact that you are probably using a hyperbole to get your point across). I'm not trying to be insulting, just offer a different perspective. The stance you're describing sounds an awful lot like the anti-left propaganda I see some of my conservative friends circulate around social media. Example: Biden is pretty far to the right of Bernie.

Yes, that was hyperbole. If you called a liberal friend a republican what their response be? Probably not "No, I'm a democrat." They might be offended and would jump to correct you and quip about their dislike for the right. "Republican" has become a derogatory term among much of the left. It's reinforced through social media. To be fair though, "progressive" has earned the same connotation among the red team.
Ah. Yes, that was also me for a while until I looked into it more. Trump's not that great at forming clear sentences when speaking publicly without a script and the media definitely used that against him. Biden is the same way, so it will be interesting to see how he gets treated should he get elected. I don't see how the mainstream media will be able to get away with 4 years of giving the white house a reach-around without people seeing through that sort of BS.

it was a perfectly clear scentence that matched the tone of the whole speech. that line, directly, was referenced in 3 of the "alphabet why donald trump lost" and they all 3 had to do with why he was a racist.

it's hilarious, and sad, and hilarious.

edit: anyways, if trump doesn't pull off the W, i'm leaving the anti-commie fight in your hands. god speed!
I disagree. The fact that a complete moron such as Trump could even be in the race at all is proof. If the Republicans had fielded any other candidate it would have been a landslide.

bill weld was the only challanger, and he is complete trash. Yes, i think trump likes america more than weld
Ah. Yes, that was also me for a while until I looked into it more. Trump's not that great at forming clear sentences when speaking publicly without a script and the media definitely used that against him. Biden is the same way, so it will be interesting to see how he gets treated should he get elected. I don't see how the mainstream media will be able to get away with 4 years of giving the white house a reach-around without people seeing through that sort of BS.

They did it for 8 years with both Clinton and Obama.
bill weld was the only challanger, and he is complete trash. Yes, i think trump likes america more than weld
Not my point. There are dozens, hundreds, of Republican's who could have made a better showing than Trump. The Democratic party has gone completely off the rails with all the socialist, green new deal, Antifa, blm bullshit. So many people voting for Biden only because they would not vote for Trump.
Yes, that was hyperbole. If you called a liberal friend a republican what their response be? Probably not "No, I'm a democrat." They might be offended and would jump to correct you and quip about their dislike for the right. "Republican" has become a derogatory term among much of the left. It's reinforced through social media. To be fair though, "progressive" has earned the same connotation among the red team.

Yep, we need to stop treating people like they're less than us for their political beliefs. There was a time when my dad was firmly in the republican camp, my mom a democrat, and they could joke about it at the dinner table. Not only that, they could actually talk politics with other friends over and everyone was allowed to have a different view.
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