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Election tinfoil time


In Hell
May 20, 2020
Member Number
So I have this theory that right before the election old Bidens gonna get tough on the rioters and demand that " all you hooligans need to stop your nonsense " and poof! magically they will all see the error of their way and stop the nonsense. Then of course the media will bow down before the "hero" who with just his calm demeanor was able to bring quiet to the masses thus showing what a great leader he is. Now of course intelligent people will know this was planned and carried out by the powers that be behind the riots int the first place but the sheep wont.

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That the irate forum has fucked the software somehow and when you hit enter for a new paragraph... it posts instead?

I agree. What do you say Austin ? Is this the work of Biden?
That the irate forum has fucked the software somehow and when you hit enter for a new paragraph... it posts instead?

I agree. What do you say Austin ? Is this the work of Biden?

That too.
So I have this theory that right before the election old Bidens gonna get tough on the rioters and demand that " all you hooligans need to stop your nonsense " and poof! magically they will all see the error of their way and stop the nonsense. Then of course the media will bow down before the "hero" who with just his calm demeanor was able to bring quiet to the masses thus showing what a great leader he is. Now of course intelligent people will know this was planned and carried out by the powers that be behind the riots int the first place but the sheep wont.


My vote = "weak theory"

. . . only because nobody's plan can hinge on Joe Biden delivering a complete, intelligible sentence :flipoff2:
My vote = anyone who can't hit enter and reach another paragraph is tinfoily.





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So I have this theory that right before the election old Bidens gonna get tough on the rioters and demand that " all you hooligans need to stop your nonsense " and poof! magically they will all see the error of their way and stop the nonsense. Then of course the media will bow down before the "hero" who with just his calm demeanor was able to bring quiet to the masses thus showing what a great leader he is. Now of course intelligent people will know this was planned and carried out by the powers that be behind the riots int the first place but the sheep wont.


Man that is just screwy enough to be plausable, look at how they were quite through most of the Dems convention such as it was, but roared back as soon as it was over
Remember Biden doesn't have to get up and make a speech just release a statement

As for hitting enter and posting you gus having that problem have someting messed up on your end
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My prediction is I’m going to have to go dig up some of those illegal machine guns I made and buried during the Obama administration.
My prediction is trump will win but they won’t call it for weeks.

When Trump wins reelection; the Biden campaign won't concede, AND they'll take the election results to court.

Where they hope to drag out the proceedings; which could take YEARS.

*When inauguration day comes; Trump and Pence will have to vacate the White House/Washington until the 2020 election court battle is settled by the courts.

*Whoever is Speaker of the House will become president until said court battle is settled.

*As per Constitution (IIRC)
When Trump wins reelection; the Biden campaign won't concede, AND they'll take the election results to court.

Where they hope to drag out the proceedings; which could take YEARS.

*When inauguration day comes; Trump and Pence will have to vacate the White House/Washington until the 2020 election court battle is settled by the courts.

*Whoever is Speaker of the House will become president until said court battle is settled.

*As per Constitution (IIRC)

if it goes down like that it will start a civil war, which I’d be ok with
if it goes down like that it will start a civil war, which I’d be ok with

I'm good for 300 yards. With better optics and some practice 5 is not completely out of reach. Yeah...that's easy for some but I'm not shooting a $3k rifle either. 😁
I'm good for 300 yards. With better optics and some practice 5 is not completely out of reach. Yeah...that's easy for some but I'm not shooting a $3k rifle either. 😁

Why would you need a $3k rifle to hit 600yds? My 3 gun AR is a PSA 18" barrel with a 1-6 power scope and a timney trigger. Ive got $800 bucks in it. I hit standard ipsc targets at 600yds without even trying. My cheap PRS gun with 5-25x50 scope and bipod has just under a grand tied up in it and I run it out to 1200yds. Its the indian not the arrow.
One thing I said a long time ago, when Trump is inaugurated this time, he will have the largest croud size ever. That way he will have another one of his supposed lies be true. (The Dems hate when that happens)
So I have this theory that right before the election old Bidens gonna get tough on the rioters and demand that " all you hooligans need to stop your nonsense " and poof! magically they will all see the error of their way and stop the nonsense. Then of course the media will bow down before the "hero" who with just his calm demeanor was able to bring quiet to the masses thus showing what a great leader he is. Now of course intelligent people will know this was planned and carried out by the powers that be behind the riots int the first place but the sheep wont.


it won't stop that quick. biden has well been setting himself up as 'tough on riots'. the D mayors and gov's will activate the NG to crack skulls in the days after the "official" announcements. most people will stop, maybe another dozen will be killed and it will be over quick
Why would you need a $3k rifle to hit 600yds? My 3 gun AR is a PSA 18" barrel with a 1-6 power scope and a timney trigger. Ive got $800 bucks in it. I hit standard ipsc targets at 600yds without even trying. My cheap PRS gun with 5-25x50 scope and bipod has just under a grand tied up in it and I run it out to 1200yds. Its the indian not the arrow.

Mossberg patriot. 308. Yeah, its probably more the Indian :laughing:
My vote = anyone who can't hit enter and reach another paragraph is tinfoily.






Ive been known to be full of shit and other things at times but never tinfoil. Like today I was going to the hardware store and just before I got out of the truck I let this huge bowel emptying fart. It was unlike any other before it. It was just tremendous I swear my innards just fell into the cavity left by the escape of gas (I was just full of it apparently). Anyway I go into the store wander a bit get my stuff and back to the rig. I jump in crank the motor when this god awful smell hit me. I about gagged and jumped out of the truck. Luckily I had already started it and was able to drop all the windows while safely standing outside. I waited a good 10 minutes pretending to talk on the phone so the other people in the lot wouldnt wonder what was going on while the stench evaporated. It was still kind of pungent when I finally left. Moral of the story dont fart in the truck and then let it percolate in the sun bad things will happen.
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I predict a contested clusterfawk, but Trump will win in the end. Democrats are already working on the baritone. I also predict people are tired of the liberal bullshit, and at some point soon some will have to sorted out as an example to the rest.
When Trump wins reelection; the Biden campaign won't concede, AND they'll take the election results to court.

Where they hope to drag out the proceedings; which could take YEARS.

*When inauguration day comes; Trump and Pence will have to vacate the White House/Washington until the 2020 election court battle is settled by the courts.

*Whoever is Speaker of the House will become president until said court battle is settled.

*As per Constitution (IIRC)

From the underside of the globe and without a dog in the fight it looks like your next president will be decided by your courts. It just doesn't seem like either side is going to be happy with the ballot, they are both already making excuses.

Fun time ahead
It's going to be a shitshow regardless of the outcome.

I actually think Trump may win the popular vote this time. That isn't going to stop the Dems from throwing every turd they can push on the wall about voting fraud. When that doesn't work, they'll impech him again.

Antifa and BLM will never stop rioting until they are crushed. They don't care about Trump or Biden......they want the system to burn. The Dems are fools to think those groups are friends of theirs.
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