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Election runoff idea: Driving test/competition

May 19, 2020
Member Number
South Park, CO
Just had a :smokin: idea, Trump Vs. Biden Head to Head Physical driving test to determine who gets to drive the country forward (or backward as the case may be). The age limit question got me thinking about how I've always thought seriously old people should have to pass a driving test regularly and show competence. I know Biden would just say C'mon maaaan.:flipoff2:
Give em both a 50' garden hose run 25' uphill then 25' back down to a kiddie pool of water. First one to suck a siphon wins.

At least we'd finally have an answer of which one sucks worse. :flipoff2:
duel...Hamilton vs Burr style.
Exactly why I would be a horrible president. I would want to sit in the front seat of every thing we flew or drove. It would drive everyone nuts lol
"I know you're the copilot and all, but could you just sit in the radioman's seat for a bit?"
[486 said:
"I know you're the copilot and all, but could you just sit in the radioman's seat for a bit?"

Exactly along with the how do you fire the weapons2 counter measures! Could we stop at Whitman afb and take a b2 for a spin.
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