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Eating Hearts, more performance art peacful protests


Jul 8, 2009
Member Number
Gatesville, TX

The group added on its Facebook page: "We will peacefully demonstrate with speeches and patriotic banners in order to send a message that our group will not be intimidated into silence by the leftist mob. The Antifa / BLM sycophants in the media will no doubt lie about Super Happy Fun America and lionize the violent extremists on the left. But freedom loving patriotic Americans know the truth."

witter user Al The Great wrote as a caption to the video, "Antifa burn the US flag and eat a heart symbolic of the President during an anti-democrat violence protest in #Boston #Massachusetts on 10.18.20."

In the video, one protester can be seen walking through the smoke from a burning American flag as he is surrounded by fellow protesters. He then takes what appears to be a bloody heart, rips it open and pours it on his face, as those around him clap and yell.

"I'm on fire! I'm on fire," he can be heard yelling.

Several other protesters are heard mockingly yelling "Make America Great Again" and "f*** the nazis" as they jump over the burning American flag.

welp, in addition to killing people in the street, building effigies of politicians, plots to abduct politicians, assaults on buildings and private residences and otherwise mass intimidation, we have our newest revelation. symbolic cannibalism.

this is dangerous shit.
Just gonna get worse... brace yourself.

I never keep magazines stacked, and while I know it is just paranoia, i'm seriously considering it. I live at the end of a neighborhood and last summer had a neighbor spin a bunch of yarn about how we're racists and shit, even taking it to the school and inspiring a gal to shout from the street. I strongly doubt anything would happen in my particular neighborhood, as i'm sure 90% of americans would say, and probably 99% if city people consider their "neighborhood" to simply be their building or block, but dayum. this is wild.

Need the war to hurry up and end so that I can move my family to Afghanistan and raise goats in the high desert in the land of anarchy and freedom :flipoff2:

welp, in addition to killing people in the street, building effigies of politicians, plots to abduct politicians, assaults on buildings and private residences and otherwise mass intimidation, we have our newest revelation. symbolic cannibalism.

this is dangerous shit.

Interesting isn't it?? Keep telling people to stay locked up and they are going to die any second, oh and everyone's racist and the only way you can gather together and socialize is fight it... Oh why are cities now burning and people are now flirting with cannibalism??

It's mind blowing people get this wrapped up in a system and about people that could give two shits about you and fighting some imaginary evil force.
I never keep magazines stacked, and while I know it is just paranoia, i'm seriously considering it. I live at the end of a neighborhood and last summer had a neighbor spin a bunch of yarn about how we're racists and shit, even taking it to the school and inspiring a gal to shout from the street. I strongly doubt anything would happen in my particular neighborhood, as i'm sure 90% of americans would say, and probably 99% if city people consider their "neighborhood" to simply be their building or block, but dayum. this is wild.

Need the war to hurry up and end so that I can move my family to Afghanistan and raise goats in the high desert in the land of anarchy and freedom :flipoff2:

I live in a pretty insulated neighborhood that few from my area even know about. My neighbor flies the battle flag of Gonzales every day and there's a lot of Trump/Texas/Gadsden flags flying. I'm not terribly worried around here. But I carry daily and keep a long gun in the truck too. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
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