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Dyam, I guess they really aren’t fucking around.

Ill second this.

Most of guys that are Foremans english is their second language. They work hard...most white guys that go work for them quit quickly. They also dont fuck equipment up or bitch about stupid shit. Great guys

Oh gee, another person dependent on the Illegal Economy is defending Illegals.

How did the Hoover Dam get built, anyway? Illegals I guess, because Americans don't do that work.

Everybody's houses got built by white guys until the cheap McMansions started getting slapped up by unscrupulous Contracts who look the other way when some Slowpoke shows up with an illegal crew.

The white guys that are going to go work for that wage will not of course work for that wage.

You'll have to pay them money to do that work, and that means houses go up in price, and your easy Contractor business becomes more competitive and less profitable. Fine, no skin off anyone's nose, that's the way it should be.

Justifying a perverted economy because you know some Illegals and people who employ them is moral weakness. You are a morally weak, wishy-washy woman.
Guess what you stupid fuck..... Im not from here. Born and raised in RI/MA and moved out here a few years ago because of a job offer. I'm an outsider down here, stand out like a sore thumb, and don't give a fuck. The second I open my mouth and the Boston accent leaves my lips all heads within earshot tend to swivel around in my direction and stare. I find it quite amusing. :laughing: I don't post what I post beating my chest claiming to be Texas proud or whatever the fuck your calling it, I post what I observe in real life day to day. Seems your trying to pull an Eviltwat and telling me how it is here when your way up there and know nothing of the goings on here. You see how far the twat is getting with that game in other threads, right? :shaking:

Oh the old "Buh-but you don't see what I see, you have to be right here on the spot at the exact time to know anything!" routine :rolleyes:

It's not a coincidence that that appears with your Illegal Economy Rationalization. Weak mind.

For the record, I HAVE worked alongside Illegals but I wouldn't contract with them, nor with anyone that hires them, but you do. What did I do? Worked on the clean side of a hospital laundry in summer on a Temp job. That's 30' dryers, just like your gas dryer at home but scaled up. Feeding hot damp sheets into a 'mangler' for 10 hours a day starting at 5:30am. Putting 200F laundry into bags. In August, with no A/C. Majority Guatemalen Illegals but there were white people there and we talked about the fact that wages hadn't gone up in years, bennies gone, etc.

So I KNOW people will work if they're motivated. And I've SEEN the effects of it, FIRST HAND, partner. Your fuckin "buh but you don't know" retard bullshit.

Not that I needed to hang Electrodep parts on racks hot off the de-scaling bath, stand next to a vat of molten aluminum at a die cast shop, or any of the dozen other jobs I've done where AMERICANS work but are getting pushed out by Illegals, to know all that.

Don't fuckin bully me with your "buh but hard work" bullshit Partner, I've done it.

Fuck you and fuck your excuses. :flipoff:
Oh gee, another person dependent on the Illegal Economy is defending Illegals.

How did the Hoover Dam get built, anyway? Illegals I guess, because Americans don't do that work.

Everybody's houses got built by white guys until the cheap McMansions started getting slapped up by unscrupulous Contracts who look the other way when some Slowpoke shows up with an illegal crew.

The white guys that are going to go work for that wage will not of course work for that wage.

You'll have to pay them money to do that work, and that means houses go up in price, and your easy Contractor business becomes more competitive and less profitable. Fine, no skin off anyone's nose, that's the way it should be.

Justifying a perverted economy because you know some Illegals and people who employ them is moral weakness. You are a morally weak, wishy-washy woman.

Another swing and a miss......

I don't work with nor does my company employ any Illegals. The companies that buy the drill rigs that we import from Italy(OH, No's!😱) and sell may though. Im basing my posts off observations I make while working in the field not some shit I thought up while sitting in my moms basement trying to be an E bad ass.

Just think of how may of these guys are paying in to Social Security, state and local taxes each week and have zero chance of ever getting a dime back..... In reality the Illegals you hate so much are actually helping the lazy Americans be more lazy by funding the very programs they are leaching off...... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Another swing and a miss......

I don't work with nor does my company employ any Illegals. The companies that buy the drill rigs that we import from Italy(OH, No's!😱) and sell may though. Im basing my posts off observations I make while working in the field not some shit I thought up while sitting in my moms basement trying to be an E bad ass.

Just think of how may of these guys are paying in to Social Security, state and local taxes each week and have zero chance of ever getting a dime back..... In reality the Illegals you hate so much are actually helping the lazy Americans be more lazy by funding the very programs they are leaching off...... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


1998 called and it wants its Boomer argument back, Boomer.

The entire economy is perverted by this, and it will be painful to go back. So what. Fewer people are buying your virtue-signalling justifications these days, they're finally waking up. In the long run we were better off when Illegals were kicked out and we used some migrant labor for farms, WHICH DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE A THING ANYMORE DUE TO ROBOTS.

This is a fucking discussion board, what we do here is discuss opinions and events and ideas in a forum which doesn't allow physical interaction or sperging out. That is valuable. It is good to be an E-warrior, you simpleton. That is the entire fucking point of discussion, and the entire point of discussing on the internet.

You really are a weak-minded little Boomer.

The Social Security system and tax system being bent out of shape by the Illegals IS THE PROBLEM you fucking simpleton. We haven't had to solve any of those problems because we just import more cheap labor and give simpletons like yourself the illusion that they are businessmen or tradesmen in an economy which cannot exist w/o Illegal Aliens.


Every single time someone complains about the debt load or welfare leeches, what they are really complaining about is the economic perversion caused by Illegals. And they use YOUR bullshit excuses to excuse it.

You didn't think this through, but I'll help you with it.
What's this boy's qualification to comment on these matters? He's a 'survivalist' or ex-military maybe a knuckle-dragging ground pounder? Not good enough, does he have any reasonable qualification?

I don't really need a gun before the boogaloo if there is one, because there are going to be plenty laying for me to pick up. That first wave of self-appointed Heroes is going down fast.

Daym son how is like living where there are places that the police don't even go after y'll invited the muslims in as guest workers. Friend oif mine went back to pick up his mom's ashes said the formerly clean street now look like trash dumps, so before kicking sand our way superman clean up your own country
Texas is over half the border problem. That means 15 million border hoppers passed through Texas. I was being generous: it's probably more.

People from those other States don't claim any special attributes by being from those States.

Texans try to cash in on being from Texas, it's right in the guy's video description.

"Dear Black Militia (NFAC), From a Good Ol' Texas Boy, Go See Mat Best"

I feel that the Texas branding is undeserved. I don't care about Farfugnugen because I owned a VW, I don't care about iApple because I had to work on them, and I don't care about Texas because Texas is the pipeline for half the illegals in this country. Simple as.

Meet Mat Best

I've been successfully ignoring these fags since I lived in Wyoming and I was taught that Texans are fags for wearing their jeans inside their boots.

Unfortunately, the State is pregnant with a hive of Illegals and the white parasites like SLOWPOKE693 who justify them, and they are part of the Electoral College. Also, once an Illegal gets legitimized on Slowpoke's jobsite, the Illegals are free to spread to other States.

I've been saying it for years, too, before I showed back up at the other board to burn my account down.

Texas Pride is a cancer, it should be mocked everywhere you see it.

Kind of funny coming from you superman when you find out that large precintage of TX have German ancestors!
Justifying a perverted economy because you know some Illegals and people who employ them is moral weakness. You are a morally weak, wishy-washy woman.

How are them workers you imported from the middle east working out for you superman
How are them workers you imported from the middle east working out for you superman

I'll respond to you when I know what you're referring to here.

I warn you, though, because this crowd is so big on personal experience 'n sheeit, that I worked at an H1B Visa mill that imported Muslims and other foreigners for software development, and I was planning on leaving that place after 9/11 for that exact reason. But I got laid-off, so I can't properly claim that I specifically quit, but I was planning on it. FOR that reason. Because they employed foreigners, especially Muslims. Part of the reason I got laid off is the severing of my friendships with several of the workers there, the big US Flag I insisted on flying on the back of my truck. I knew it was coming when my foreign boss started looking at me sideways (You can skip this little History lesson: he was an Indian from Tanzania and he escaped that hole after the blacks started going after them. Indians had become economically successful after being imported by the British as cheap labor in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and of course the Blacks don't like that b/c to an African Black, Indians are White, especially if they have money which Tanzanian Desis certainly did. So the whole South Africa thing comes as no surprise to me, I personally know Indians and Whites who have escaped Africa, and I've heard their stories before Laruen Southern made her excellent documentary, Farmlands, which you should watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_bDc7FfItk ).

I would not specifically work INTO a relationship with Illegals as Slowpoke has clearly done and as the roaches coming out of the woodwork have done, then make Boomer excuses about it "muh whites won't work" bullshit. Fucking racists, and ignorant, and liars, and morally weak.
Kind of funny coming from you superman when you find out that large precintage of TX have German ancestors!

The Southwesterners that HAVE to work with Illegals, I have known them and give them no flak whatsoever. I've had to work alongside Illegals as well.

This thread will show that I specifically attacked people justifying the economic perversion created by Illegals.

For example, when I worked Aluminum Die Cast, the platforms on the machines were that safety-grid rectangular metal with teeth on it, and the handrails were all that separated me from the vat of Al. I quit that job for safety concerns. There was oil sprayed everywhere because as long as the machines are operating at enough pressure to cast a motor mount, they don't fix hydraulic leaks. And they don't fix the handrails which wobbled 18" at the top because they were loose in the mountings. And they don't fix the safety interlock on the plexi doors which will catch the Aluminum if it squirts out of the die into your gut at whatever 1,000 psi it's at and bores into your abdomen.

Daym son how is like living where there are places that the police don't even go after y'll invited the muslims in as guest workers. Friend oif mine went back to pick up his mom's ashes said the formerly clean street now look like trash dumps, so before kicking sand our way superman clean up your own country

Noob is an American , you're thinking evilcuck.
Oh gee, another person dependent on the Illegal Economy is defending Illegals.

How did the Hoover Dam get built, anyway? Illegals I guess, because Americans don't do that work.

Everybody's houses got built by white guys until the cheap McMansions started getting slapped up by unscrupulous Contracts who look the other way when some Slowpoke shows up with an illegal crew.

The white guys that are going to go work for that wage will not of course work for that wage.

You'll have to pay them money to do that work, and that means houses go up in price, and your easy Contractor business becomes more competitive and less profitable. Fine, no skin off anyone's nose, that's the way it should be.

Justifying a perverted economy because you know some Illegals and people who employ them is moral weakness. You are a morally weak, wishy-washy woman.

I was more commenting on people that immigrate to the us, Oklahoma law is pretty strict on undocumented workers. THe people im referring to have work permits at a minimum
:emb4: :emb2:

Daym Skippy I'm sorry to have gotten you and your cousin mixed up

So you mad bro ? I just pointed out that you confused trolls , dummy .:flipoff2:
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Nope I embarssed that I got them mixed up. I don't know why you ass u med I was mad at you

It's arguable whether you are even smart enough to have a Theory of the Mind, much less have a grasp on reality.

I'd be surprised if mirrors didn't frighten and confuse you because you don't recognize the monster staring back.

So it's not surprising that you have people confused.
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