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Drink of choice?

Can't do hard stuff. blech

Beer is going to be Guiness. Or any coffee lager. mmm mm

But, I rarely even have a beer, so I typically stick with iced tea or Sprite.
Dark chocolate stouts are always on my bucket list.

garrison brothers for whiskey.

covid status: $15 24 packs of Lonestar red. :rolleyes::homer::flipoff2:
Lately it's been crushed ice, cranapple, and vodka. Sometimes through in some ginger beer if it's on hand, but mostly vodka
I drink very little. When I do it's either Vodka, Tequila or Dark Beer. I really like a good milk stout with a streak.

Typically I just drink tap water.
Whiskey, Vodka, Beer, Wine, hard lemonade, Sake, Baileys, Rum, . . .
I prefer beers. Mostly Coors Light for the nice summer days. I like most everything Elysian brewing makes. I've been on a "fuzzduster" kick lately. Half Elysian Space Dust and half Elysian Superfuzz.

I only drink the hard stuff when I go out with the guys on wheeling trips. I usually buy a big bottle of Jack Daniels.
Wouldn't mind a cold Grolsch.

I drink beer mostly, and mainly IPAs or American/farmhouse ales.
I do enjoy Bourbon but tend to drink too much of it, hard on the bank account so I limit myself to special occasions.

For those of you that like Bourbon, my current favorite (reasonably priced favorite) is EagleRare.
it’s distilled at the Buffalo Trace distillery, Local to me I can find it for under $30. if you like bourbon and don’t know EagleRare I highly recommend for the $
Scotch on the rocks here. The older and smokier the better. I like most of the islay's and the area glenfidditch is from.
Thanks asshole... Now I'm gonna have a ceasar when I get up instead of my bailey's and coffee.

I have a jug in the fridge, but I keep having things to do in the morning. I like the canned ones for camping. Pop one of those open at 7am by the smouldering remains of a campfire, surrounded by the detritus of redneckery and there's a lot of hungry bloodshot eyes on it!
I'm big on IPA's with La Cumbre Elevated being my go to and Second Street 2920 being a close second. Also never say no to a shitty light beer. Buffalo Trace is my go to bourbon. I did enjoy the bottle of Blanton's Gold my wife brought back from Germany
Now days water, Coffee, or ice tea

I finally cup back my coffee to 6 cups a day (measuring cups, not mugs) during the week and 8-10 on the weekend. mostly water from the tap or water from a can with carbonation. apparently soda isn't healthy anymore :(

i look forward to living somewhere warm and having tea with ice again
Whisky, particularly fond of the Isle of Jura stuff at the moment, straight or on the rocks depending on the temperature of the day. If I can get my hands on it Monteith's Summer Ale, anything by Flying Dog and in an absolute pinch anything containing ethanol :flipoff2:
I was once a beer drinker. Now I drink wine. Not sweet wine. The beer made my cholesterol high.
Whiskey just burns.
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