1. Scar tissue on the heart. It can not be repaired if it happens.
2. Lesions within the brain. Can not be repaired if it happens.
3. Genetically reset immune system. This can also not be repaired.
4. Reproductive damage that can affect future GENERATIONS of YOUR FAMILY tree to come.
These things, if they happen, can not be reversed. There is nothing that can be done to "undo" them. There is no medical treatment or technology to fix or erase or repair these issues.
If nothing else you take away from all this, please take this. Take it to heart.
Not saying your kid is screwed for sure if they get the vax(for those of you considering vaxxing your kid), but please carefully weigh the options and make sure you do understand that if your kid develops any one of the things I've listed above, there is nothing you can do about it, no going back, no saving grace. You just pray and hope for the best.
On the other hand, if your kid gets Covid V3.4, it's likely they may not even sneeze and develop natural immunity instead. Don't trust the politicians, don't trust the doctors. Trust the DATA. Even the tainted shit from CDC shows you clearly your kids are bulletproof to this shit by their GOD GIVEN immune system.
The 4 items I posted above come direct from the mouth of Dr. Malone. I took the time to listen to him and watch his videos to TLDR it for you. If you don't trust me, watch if for yourself to prove I'm 100% correct in quoting him.
<p>Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physic...
I care about you. I care about your kids. If you are short on time and only read my post, I hope you trust me. I have nothing to gain here.