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Do We Have a Chicken Thread Here?

Probably about time I updated this.

our 8 birds have gotten pretty large and are ready to be moved outside.

I have been working on their coop most of the month when my work schedule and the weather allows. There are only a couple more items I need to do before it is liveable for them. I can do the finishing touches after we move them in.

coop with run is about 6’ x 10’ and 7’- 8’ tall. The henhouse is about 36” x 72” and 40ish inches floor to ceiling.

of course we had to pick the time when lumber prices are insane to build it. We are probably $1300 into it and still have siding and a few hardware items to buy. I think after it is all said and done $2000 is probably where we are going to end up. Hopefully it will last a long time.

i’ll put up photos after I at least have the roof and siding on.
I got 3 more from a buddy tonight and put them in the coop. Let's see how long it takes for anyone to notice. :laughing:
We have 9 more birds in the brooder right now. Mixed bag of breeds, brings the total flock to 15. I'm in the process of extending my run. Currently its 8x10, going to be 18x10 when Im done.

I had to put my rooster down after 3 years as he became too aggressive so I got his replacement.

I love this guy, he is the cutest Roo I have ever seen..

He is still too small to put out with the hens.


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We will have 24 in our flick to start. All layers for now. We'll get meat birds as soon as these ones are producing. Be about a 50 bird flock by mid summer. Coop will be 8x8 for every 25 birds. The run will be comingled, but only one set of birds out at a time. The run will be about 50x100 or so. It will encase our garden so the birds have free range over the whole thing. Should be pretty good for them and us.


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Culled and ate 3 roosters yesterday to make room for 8 new hens and put 2 timid hens we had in another coop with them. So got rid of 3 mouths and got 8 new breakfast pooping velociraptors, all 3 years or under. That puts us somewhere around 30 birds.
Had 22 hens, weasel or mink came in and killed 13 on Thursday night and 8 more in Friday night (despite us locking the chickens into the coop, it bent the door of the live trap I set, got out, then dug through the floor of the coop to get into where the hens were).
Went back out this afternoon to set a trap and it was back in the coop looking for food. Setup a trap (think a "bucket trap" but with a 55 gallon drum), hopefully it catches it.

Aaron Z
Had 22 hens, weasel or mink came in and killed 13 on Thursday night and 8 more in Friday night (despite us locking the chickens into the coop, it bent the door of the live trap I set, got out, then dug through the floor of the coop to get into where the hens were).
Went back out this afternoon to set a trap and it was back in the coop looking for food. Setup a trap (think a "bucket trap" but with a 55 gallon drum), hopefully it catches it.

Aaron Z
Bummer! :mad3:
Ours is 40x40 and divided 50/50 with rabbits on one side and chickens on the other. It's the wife's thing.

We give away more eggs than we eat. We have coyotes, hawks and owls so it's fenced on all sides.

Chickens moved into their new home today. There is still a decent amount of work to do, but it’s at least liveable.

there is also a pair of Mallrds that have been visiting every day. Not sure where their actual home is. But they are welcome to stay if they want.
I’ll take some picks of my set up. I started with a kids converted toy house and now I’ve got a very easy to maintain foul pen. It is all about convenience. Easy to feed, easy to water, easy to color TD eggs and clean.

I use a 5 gal bucket with 2 3” pvc elbows for a feeder. I’m getting a big mess and lotta food loss. What feeders do you use?
We had something like this, but I made the part that goes in to the bottom from a piece of threaded rod and welded it to the side of a piece of flat stock to make a T, then I cot a circle out of a bucket lid where they used a container lid:

It goes in a 35 gallon drum screwed to the wall, no waste until they get to the last 1/4 of the barrel.

Aaron Z
They have been out two full days. Yesterday the wife had to coax them out of the henhouse. Today they came out on their own. I’m hoping they go back in tonight without too much help from us.

ETA: 7 of 8 were inside as soon as it got dark. #8 was sitting in the henhouse door


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Our magnificent pure Rhode Island rooster was killed by a fox. the hens are now more closely watched when they free range. Got 5 Leghorn and one Buff pullets from Tractor Supply clearance for 5 bucks.
Chickens and ducks here. We had a chicken hatch a duck egg and get some press about it. Small town life. Haha.

The original article with a video: Chicken hatches and raises duckling

And we knew how the eg got there. They fakes newsed it up. The birds are out side now and the duck thinks its a chicken. It screeches instead of quacks, and just generally has no interest in the other ducks.

The OG ducks.

Chickens and ducks here. We had a chicken hatch a duck egg and get some press about it. Small town life. Haha.

The original article with a video: Chicken hatches and raises duckling

And we knew how the eg got there. They fakes newsed it up. The birds are out side now and the duck thinks its a chicken. It screeches instead of quacks, and just generally has no interest in the other ducks.

The OG ducks.

We used to have a mallard female that was a great foster mother to feed store chicks it was kind of funny to watch them following her around the pin, she never could understand why the would climb into the water with her. She would climb in the try to get then to follow and they would stand and peep at her till she got out and lead them off again :laughing::flipoff2:
Got the Run extension mostly finished, have to build a door between the two, but we are going to use the section to keep the new pullets separated from the current flock for a bit so that can wait.


I got brutally attacked, nearly died. Don’t try and count her babies!


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Down to 7 birds now. Our Husky got out and caught one while the rest scattered.

my first chicken funeral
We had something like this, but I made the part that goes in to the bottom from a piece of threaded rod and welded it to the side of a piece of flat stock to make a T, then I cot a circle out of a bucket lid where they used a container lid:

It goes in a 35 gallon drum screwed to the wall, no waste until they get to the last 1/4 of the barrel.

Aaron Z

Clever idea, but certainly not "waste free". It may start that way, but them lil fookers will realize how it works and beat up the lower tray and it will go everywhere. Too small also, you will be filling it up every day or other.

Been running chickens for awhile now. 30 at the moment. I cannot be bothered to deal with them everyday. I have a 50 gal plastic drum for water and another 50 gal plastic drum for feed set up kinda like this:
Only difference is I used 45deg fittings instead on 90s. The 90s are a bit long for the chickens to get all the way down in there to feed. I can dump 15 gallons of feed in the barrel, check the water barrel and collect eggs once a week. It is a nice mellow saturday morning chore, so easy peasy.

Oh yeah, keep the lids on the barrels so the chickens wont poop into them as they will try to sit on top.

My turkeys are set up the same way, low maintenance.

Keep the run big enough and you wont have to deal with the droppings other than around the lay boxes. Arrange your run and house for YOU, not the birds. If you cant easily get in there to do maintenance and cleaning, you either wont do it or you will be hating life. Man sized doors folks, full height ceilings, etc. Skip those feed store "coop kits". They suck and are too small. You would be better with an old van or shed. Again, if you cannot fit in it, you are doing it wrong. Chickens really dont give a sh1t what it looks like. Function over form.

Winter: I have a livestock waterer heater (donut looking thing with a plug) in the water barrel. The lay box area has a door to cut the wind, but I dont heat it at all. We hit -40 last winter and they did fine. I have found it easier selecting a breed for the climate than trying to optimize egg production or something. We have some leghorns now, got em for free, and they are not real cold hearty birds. My preference is Barred Rocks, but Rhode Islands are ok too. Jersey Giants and Orphingtons have been good all weather birds too. Heritage breeds, or close to, will be better all weather birds that need less maintenance.

Chickens arent like dogs. Plan on a few extra birds from what you think you want. You may lose one or two along the way (impacted egg or similar), or more likely you will get one with bad temperment that just attacks the others. No solution on that but to cull it. if you are thinking "4 is just right", you may be down to 1 or 2 in short order. It happens.

First round of chickens all got names. They were fun names like "soup", "bisquit", "omlet" and such, but the wife really treated them like pets more than livestock. Many rounds of chickens later, there are no official names, but are often hollared at with names more like cuss words. Something like "you M-Fer! You pooped on my shoe" or "G-D it! You peck me one more time and it is the pot for you ya little sh!t!". All in good humor of course, .....most of the time. :flipoff2:

If you are doing this to introduce your kids to keeping animals, make sure you include them when it is time to slaughter and clean them. Our first round of birds, we went to a local farm that for a very minor charge would let you use their equipment and show you how to do the deed. My boys went too. They learned alot about bird biology as well as life lessons. Processing birds is easy once you have the steps figured out.
This guy was looking for eggs today in one of my coups


it’s that time of year, came out to this guy trying to get up to the egg hutch on the outside. When I got close he went into a log nearby to hide. A lil blowtorch under the log to light it and 5 min later somebody came out …… and died lol
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