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Did the Morning Joe's Brzezenski just threaten Republicans?

the flip side is akin to "well if you have nothing to hide, then let the police search your house without a warrant"

No dumbass. Two very different things.

A US election is supposed to open and fair. There is no expectation of privacy when it comes to counting or verifying votes. As a point of fact it specifys in the Constitution who and who may not vote and what the conditions of that privilege are. That along with counting and the validity of thousands of votes has been blatantly violated according to sworn witnessess. It may apply to hundreds of thousands of votes in several states.

On the other hand a private citizen has a very sacred expection of privacy expressly conveyed by the 4th Amendment with very few but specific exceptions. They arent nearlty the same at all.

So be it if it becomes a shit show. The truth regardless of the winner needs to be determined. I personally despise both Biden and Harris. Hes an incompetent senile fool and shes an obnoxious overbearing whore who sucked her way up. However if an open and fair count determines they won I can live with that. An election where they win by fraud is a different matter altogether.
Yeah, like some of the people here who swallow Info Wars/Alex Jones "hook, line, & sinker". :flipoff2:

Are you insinuating that I fallow any of that nonsense ? post up any thread that I said that in , I got nothing but time so i'll wait. :rolleyes:
I see your point. But I think it’s a little different when a public election is involved

Of course it's a different situation, I was only commenting on your "if I had something to hide" post.

I know there is an expectation of being able to check the results independently
No old timer you paint with a broad brush so why wouldn't I think you where directing that at me , otherwise why would you bother saying it ?

I mean since you quoted me.

Do me a favor and stop being quotable you useless bag of shit, now kindly fuck off. :flipoff2:
No dumbass. Two very different things.

A US election is supposed to open and fair. There is no expectation of privacy when it comes to counting or verifying votes. As a point of fact it specifys in the Constitution who and who may not vote and what the conditions of that privilege are. That along with counting and the validity of thousands of votes has been blatantly violated according to sworn witnessess. It may apply to hundreds of thousands of votes in several states.

On the other hand a private citizen has a very sacred expection of privacy expressly conveyed by the 4th Amendment with very few but specific exceptions. They arent nearlty the same at all.

So be it if it becomes a shit show. The truth regardless of the winner needs to be determined. I personally despise both Biden and Harris. Hes an incompetent senile fool and shes an obnoxious overbearing whore who sucked her way up. However if an open and fair count determines they won I can live with that. An election where they win by fraud is a different matter altogether.

Context, dumbass. I was replying to a specific hypothetical comment posted here.
Morning Joe...Is it that morning news show that's hosted by a gay couple?
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