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Did the Morning Joe's Brzezenski just threaten Republicans?


In Hell
May 20, 2020
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Pay attention to the last paragraph.


MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski on Monday said it “would be traitorous” of the GOP to fight the presidential election results. Over the weekend, the media declared former Vice President Joe Biden the winner, but the President Donald Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in multiple states over claims of voter fraud.

Host Joe Scarborough said it was a “dangerous path” to contest the results. He added Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “knows this election’s over,” and that is why he is focusing on the Georgia Senate run-offs, which Scarborough said the GOP should win unless Republicans “really foul things up” with fighting the results.

“This is nonsense,” Scarborough said of the alleged fraud. “You don’t have to ask where Mitch McConnell is. Mitch McConnell knows how to count votes. Mitch McConnell knows this election’s over. He’s concerned about winning those two Georgia seats, which he should win unless Republicans really foul things up over the next several weeks — which they could do if they follow the madness of Donald Trump’s claims.”

“It would traitorous, actually, to the process that our country has in place for a peaceful transition, and quite frankly, any of these Republicans who try and do that might find themselves in the wrong location across from an adult bookstore,” Brzezinski advised. “I mean, that actually happened."
talking heads who have no idea how the process actually works... makes perfect sense... and given we have no concept of teaching Civics in school... perfect storm.
its gonna be cool new hip thing to do, continue to threaten anyone who didn't support the dem in this election.

I've seen several threats from all walks of the group, from officials to random people. The hate i've seen from some 'friends' that if you didn't vote for biden you're a racist and killer.

its establishing some lines in the sand for sure.
across from an adult bookstore? is she trying to make a Book Repository/Deely Plaza connection? or is this "adult bookstore, seedy back alley, Anytown, USA" where you get stabbed in your bullet wound?
across from an adult bookstore? is she trying to make a Book Repository/Deely Plaza connection? or is this "adult bookstore, seedy back alley, Anytown, USA" where you get stabbed in your bullet wound?

Thats wbat I was trying to figure out. One of the killings that BLM is in an uproar about happened across from an adult bookstore but there are multiple "across from an adult bookstore" killings.
across from an adult bookstore? is she trying to make a Book Repository/Deely Plaza connection? or is this "adult bookstore, seedy back alley, Anytown, USA" where you get stabbed in your bullet wound?

It's the new jab on all the left leaning social media sites. (Meaning, all of them.) Apparently where Giuliani had his press conference last week as in front of "Four Seasons Landscaping" which was next to a dildo store and some other shady place. The narrative they're pushing now is that that they were supposed to book the Four Seasons but screwed up and ended up there.
This has been a great week. Biden will be president, and the rains down in Africa will be blessed.

Be careful what you ask for. But if aoc has her way If you didn't vote for biden you should be silenced. You must be proud of your party of inclusiveness and understanding
Be careful what you ask for. But if aoc has her way If you didn't vote for biden you should be silenced. You must be proud of your party of inclusiveness and understanding

you're talking to a person who has no critical thinking skills. stop wasting your breath.
So you have a jackass threatening a different jackass?

Pretty much it. Calling people a traitor has become a pretty common place thing in the last 20 years or so. You get called a traitor if you disagree in any way with that person's view. Very, very sad.
Pretty much it. Calling people a traitor has become a pretty common place thing in the last 20 years or so. You get called a traitor if you disagree in any way with that person's view. Very, very sad.


and no one even knows what it actually means.
If I had something hide, I wouldn’t want a recount either. But if everything is on the up and up, I’d let that recount happen just to jab the knife deeper. You’d think the libtards would think about that. How they’re trying to divert attention and say a recount isn’t needed just seems shady.
If I had something hide, I wouldn’t want a recount either. But if everything is on the up and up, I’d let that recount happen just to jab the knife deeper. You’d think the libtards would think about that. How they’re trying to divert attention and say a recount isn’t needed just seems shady.

the flip side is akin to "well if you have nothing to hide, then let the police search your house without a warrant"
I heard someone on the radio this morning saying that Biden should be in agreement with Trumps complaints. Let the courts look into it, then if and when Joe wins, he will know he did it honestly....Make sense to me.
I heard someone on the radio this morning saying that Biden should be in agreement with Trumps complaints. Let the courts look into it, then if and when Joe wins, he will know he did it honestly....Make sense to me.

No matter what happens with this election to loser will scream fraud and that the winner isn't legitimate.
The Dem's claimed that for years about the Bush v Gore election.
You know he does , he's a barely functioning retard that is spoon fed msm lies and he's thinks it's the gospel.:lmao:

You're giving him way to much credit.
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