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Damn it’s hot!!!


Getto fab garage owner
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Lindon, Utah
It’s 102 outside right now. Was 105 today in SLC. I like summer way more than winter, but I’m getting old and a puss!
Yeah Utah is hot right now. Was up 14 this morning and it was 80 up top before noon.
I like summer way more than winter, but I’m getting old and a puss!

Guess I'm getting old too, I remember loathing rainy days as a kid but I was fucking dying this past week the couple days it was pushing 100 up here. I was overjoyed yesterday to wake up to clouds and 65 degrees, actually got some shit done.
I love the hot summer, figured I have another 2-3 mo ths left

i fucking hate anything less than 60
It’s so fuckin hot here I’m changing my depends three times a day and I ain’t even pissin in em, just can’t keep my flaps from sweatin.
It hit 110* here Thursday and my dumb ass walked out to my truck and back across pavement to grab something for my potential future ex, I was barefoot. The blisters finally stopped hurting today. :homer:
Working with some guys from Alaska...


Temps up in the 120's out where we are.

All they want is the AC.

I keep tellin em its not a good idea...What do I know.

I'm only a local.:lmao:
It hit 110* here Thursday and my dumb ass walked out to my truck and back across pavement to grab something for my potential future ex, I was barefoot. The blisters finally stopped hurting today. :homer:

It doesn't hurt until it's too late!
It doesn't hurt until it's too late!

Fucking fact! It was warm on the way to the truck so I stood there in the shade from it for a second. It was twice as hot on the way back and the last 20' I was on a move for the shade! :laughing:
Pussy shit. It’s been 108 to 113 all week. Today was a balmy 107.
Working with some guys from Alaska...


Temps up in the 120's out where we are.

All they want is the AC.

I keep tellin em its not a good idea...What do I know.

I'm only a local.:lmao:

Last summer I was working on the pavement. I figured out quickly that scrubs and a polyester long sleeved shirt are requirements for that job. I normally go out in sleeveless shirts and shorts but I'd have cooked to death in that shit out there.
What's the humidity?:flipoff2::flipoff2::flipoff2:
Come sweat your nuts off in high humidity VA at the same temp and say it's hot in Utah. :lmao:
Last summer I was working on the pavement. I figured out quickly that scrubs and a polyester long sleeved shirt are requirements for that job. I normally go out in sleeveless shirts and shorts but I'd have cooked to death in that shit out there.

I wear long pants year around. Sit out or work in the sun in shorts one day and long pants the next and the long pants day is way more doable IMO. My wife goes batshit crazy thinking me wearing long pants in hot weather is a mistake. Keeping the sun off your skin/soaking into your skin isn't hotter, I guarantee. Especially on concrete or asphalt.
I wear long pants year around. Sit out or work in the sun in shorts one day and long pants the next and the long pants day is way more doable IMO. My wife goes batshit crazy thinking me wearing long pants in hot weather is a mistake. Keeping the sun off your skin/soaking into your skin isn't hotter, I guarantee. Especially on concrete or asphalt.

Yea that job taught me that one. Light weight fabric that breaths is great while baking on the pavement.
It's the fawking humidity that gets me. I sweat walking to the car. I miss living at 6900ft. with no humidity.
Yea that job taught me that one. Light weight fabric that breaths is great while baking on the pavement.

Carhartt makes a thin material (not that stunt man dragged on pavement thick shit that's standard) that fits that bill perfectly. I've gotta be able to weld or torch without my pants melting and the thin shit is gold for me. It's not FR, but you don't go up like wood planer shavings either. I've worn shorts 2x this summer kayaking and burned TF up...it was sun saturation all the way. Pavement and water gets heat waves coming off of it and it gets really hot really quick when exposed to it. I'll be in Moab in 2 weeks and you bet your ass I'll be covered and cooler than Tommy Bahama in his shorts and flops.😁
When got to work at 5am Friday
It was 107 today in my hometown. GF place in Mesquite was north of 110. It's funny when you can shower with nothing but cold water.
Anyway; fucking smoke in Hurricane Utah is thick and heavy! Nearest fire is somewhere in Arizona; might be wrong on that .
When I left at 2:30pm, I was outside the hole time
To the ones seeing 115-120* - No Thank You!
At least in the winter I can layer up and go from there.

I am outside a lot for work, SPF rated long sleeve shirt - shorts have been treating me ok so far. Some sunblock as well.
Heat does make it pretty miserable regardless...
I wear long pants year around. Sit out or work in the sun in shorts one day and long pants the next and the long pants day is way more doable IMO. My wife goes batshit crazy thinking me wearing long pants in hot weather is a mistake. Keeping the sun off your skin/soaking into your skin isn't hotter, I guarantee. Especially on concrete or asphalt.

What do you do for swamp ass and ball mitigation? Thats what always kills me wearing Jean's when it's hot out.

I worked with a pakastani dude who layered up in the heat and would make fun of all us whiteys wearing shorts and t shirts when it got hot as fuck out at work.
Right now at 4:37am, its 76°F & 77% humid. As today will drag on, the heat will rise & humidity will lower due to mini rainstorms a few hours ago-
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