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Cuomo to re-open New York state economy


Surgical Shotgunner
May 19, 2020
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OH YEAH? Who would have ever seen that coming, with Trump now out and the Dems with no one to scapegoat for their failures.


NY Gov. Cuomo's tone shifts after months of coronavirus lockdowns

The state intends to use COVID-19 testing to reopen of restaurants, arts centers, and theaters

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivered his "state of the state" address on Monday, telling residents he intends to reopen the state’s economy in a safe way despite an uptick in confirmed coronavirus cases.

The Democratic governor put a heavy emphasis on planning the state’s "economic resurgence," even as it faces a record-setting budget deficit.

"We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass – the cost is too high," Cuomo said in his address. "We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely."

Cuomo added that the plan was to use COVID-19 testing to enable the reopening of restaurants, arts centers, and theaters.

Without making moves now, Cuomo gravely forecast that the state would have "nothing left to open."

A spokesperson for Cuomo's office declined to elaborate on the reopening plan beyond remarks made by the governor on Monday.

Like many states, New York shut down completely at the outset of the pandemic in the spring.

In the summer, the state shifted to a policy of targeting so-called "hot spots," where businesses were closed within specified areas when confirmed cases climbed above a certain percentage threshold.

Cases throughout the U.S. are once again at record levels -- with New York’s statewide positivity rate at 6.22% as of Sunday.

The state is facing a coronavirus-related budget hole valued at a record $15 billion, Cuomo said.

He repeated calls for federal aid to state and local governments, a plea that is likely to fall on more sympathetic ears after Democrats take control of Congress and the White House.

But he has also proposed other measures to raise money, like legalizing cannabis and online sports betting, which would generate additional tax revenues.

Meanwhile, New York’s coronavirus vaccine rollout -- like others throughout the United States -- has proceeded at a slower-than-expected pace.

As of Saturday, 543,147 doses had been administered in the state.
I can't wait for the day he is no longer governor. He has really screwed a lot of people over. I bet as soon as Biden is in the virus will miraculously dissappear :homer:​​​​​​​​​
It won’t, there are too many people living in fear for it just to disappear now.

Still is a mechanism of control. Will be for a long while, at least while the Dems are in power
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It won’t, there are too many people living in fear for it just to disappear now.

Maybe but if the media start broadcasting it could play out a different scenario. But then again it's still boils down to government control over people.
And then Uncle Joe Biden is going to write a huge federal check to bail out the state.
For fuck’s sake. These assholes could come out and admit to everything and no one would give a fuck.

The media can start preaching the virus has mutated and is not nearly as deadly as believed on repeat, and the stupid motherfuckers out there would be like, “Oh boy! It’s safe again!”

Fucking horseshit.

Can we get to 2022 already?
Maybe but if the media start broadcasting it could play out a different scenario. But then again it's still boils down to government control over people.

The media (all forms) will report and suppress exact what they are told to.

Now maybe if the media was more scared of the public than their handlers....
In all fairness to the governor, the trend seems to be moving in the right direction. :lmao:

Still is a mechanism of control. Will be for a long while, at least while the Dems are in power

I'm just sitting here waiting for the economy to collapse. Everything is overvalued, borrowing at all time high, stocks at all time high. This looks nothing like 1928... Then everyone will need bailouts, government chesse, etc and the dems will be there for handouts. Thank god for biden fixing the mess trump created.

Or everything gets to California-esque dumb fuck pricing, increased taxes are inevitable. I pray for a crash.
Funny all the banks and credit unions in my county went back to drive through banking only starting today :( lobby by apt only!
and we have relatively low numbers.
It won’t go away, but it will fade to the background until they need it again. It proved to be too useful of a tool for them to give it up.

News dickhead on a normal day- “250 new cases of kung flu reported in the state, now on to sports”

News dickhead when next dem scandal breaks- “300 new cases, and it’s a new .0001% deadlier strain. Everyone shelter in place. No interacting with your neighbors. We will be here to provide you around the clock coverage of this new outbreak” as dem scandal is hurriedly covered up and fades from memory

The thing that opened my eyes to the true intent of the media in the USA was the Arab spring. One of the biggest world events of my lifetime, and as soon as the kid toucher Michael Jackson died it was non stop coverage on that. Not another peep was heard about the Arab spring. The entire Middle East was wrapped up in protest, riots, and revolutions against their despotic rulers, and all you saw on US television was “top ten artist Michael Jackson impacted” or “20 times Michael Jackson made us smile”:mad3:

The liberal mouth piece needs addressed...
It won’t, there are too many people living in fear for it just to disappear now.

Unless "they" can find something else to strike fear in the hearts of people in America. Something like a manufactured insurrection like we saw on the 6th and "intelligence" agencies warning of the same in all 50 state capitols.
Unless "they" can find something else to strike fear in the hearts of people in America. Something like a manufactured insurrection like we saw on the 6th and "intelligence" agencies warning of the same in all 50 state capitols.

Do they need something else? People are already turning in their neighbors for having people over for holidays... seems like all they have to do now is slowly stop talking about COVID... the damage is done... the religion is adopted.
Do you really think the entire globe faked a pandemic to rig a US election?


Thought this thread was about cuomo? Not trump. No , there is definitely a virus and a bunch of unanswered questions that will take a few years before things will add up.
Guess who’s instant opening up?
Our governor, old dumbfuck newsom here in California is opening up countless counties, effective immediately because “projections” are saying that the hospitals won’t be overwhelmed in the near future.

Now take into account that he has said repeatedly that we will need to stabilize for multiple days prior to even thinking about ending the lockdowns.

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that this was not exaggerated for political purposes. Absolutely embarrassing.
Sorry fellas, this is not just going to dissapear. Way too many people have it. I am not a chicken little, I had it, it wasnt that bad for me. Medium cold at best. Hit my wife a little harder. I had to go out to the shop to talk to a mechanic about some airplane parts. Uh, troy is out with the rona. Does he have a back up? Yep, Jim is out with it too. Fuck. How about the inspector? Rona.

I was in a room with 4 people today at work, asking about the 5th guy i needed to talk to. Just left 30 minutes before to get tested because he is sick. 2 other guys and myself started sharing covid stories, that last guy who hadnt had covid was nervous as fuck. It was hilarious. The scary part was the 40 year old guy, not fat, mild asthma spent the day in the ER and was very close to being admitted and put on a vent. I dont like the false hype, but that shit sucks!
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