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Cuomo is getting deeper and deeper in shit


May 19, 2020
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Filer, Id.
Rep. Stefanik says 'dam is breaking' against Gov. Cuomo after nursing home cover-up | Fox News

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D., and his administration have been heavily criticized for not fully reporting the numbers after Cuomo had directed nursing homes to take in residents who had been hospitalized with COVID-19. The backlash over this policy, which was meant to free up space in hospitals, intensified after a Cuomo aide reportedly admitted that the administration withheld data from the Department of Justice.

Maybe New Yorkers will catch a break and be rid of this asshole.

Also, the recall petition against Newscum in California is very close to the needed number of signatures needed to force a recall election. There just might be some hope after all.
yet again, fuck cuomo. i hope the stern letter and warning that he receives disrupts his mid-afternoon tea!

that would be some proper justice :) mild inconvenience is certainly fitting if we can get it
One of the points I find interesting is how fast deblasio turned on him. Apparently bill thinks it will either keep him out of trouble or he thinks he can be the new governor.

This is my favorite part...”Last week, Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa reportedly said Cuomo's administration feared the data about COVID-19 deaths could "be used against us" by the Justice Department in the midst of its federal probe initiated against four states regarding nursing home deaths, including New York.”

Trump scary bully!! We had to lie to the feds. Clearly there was reason to use that against them...

Ive never understood why he needed to send Covid patients into nursing homes when he had the makeshift hospital being built in the Javits center and the floating hospital ship which never even were used?

On another note I really don’t regret voting for Stefanik.

Somebody would have gotten credit for building the temp hospitals and mobilizing the ships. We couldn't have that.
As with everything else involving one of the elite, there will be a lot of smoke and noise then it'll all go away, when the next crises appears!

You have either a short or selective memory. Quite a few high profile pols have been booted and many went to jail.
Hopefully justice prevails, the Fox News AM weather lady was all over this but was being ignored., maybe him and his fucktard brother will both feel the heat.
Cuomo will likely squirm out of this with help of the Tammany Hall that still exists in NY....But his chances of high Federal office are probably history... I believe NY is the most corrupt state by far....
You have either a short or selective memory. Quite a few high profile pols have been booted and many went to jail.

A few years back most of homo's staff went up the river for the corruption, he allegedly didn't know anything about it happening right under his fucking nose! He's a POS and I hope they can hang the prick! :mad3:
Dude says the cause of the deaths were from workers and visitors who may have been asymptomatic spreading it around the nursing homes...... I guess nobody filled this fuckstick in that multiple studies have showed that asymptomatic spread doesn't happen. :shaking:

What a piece of shit. I hope the Dems scapegoat the fuck out of him and throw him to the tigers as a sacrifice. :smokin:
Page two and it’s still not Trumps fault? It must be serious.
This is my favorite part...”Last week, Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa reportedly said Cuomo's administration feared the data about COVID-19 deaths could "be used against us" by the Justice Department in the midst of its federal probe initiated against four states regarding nursing home deaths, including New York.”
Trump scary bully!! We had to lie to the feds. Clearly there was reason to use that against them...
Time to start with Federal charges for falsifying government records and go from there?

Ive never understood why he needed to send Covid patients into nursing homes when he had the makeshift hospital being built in the Javits center and the floating hospital ship which never even were used
Exactly, if it had gotten to the point where hospitals were completely full, Javits and Mercy/Comfort (cant remember which was in NY) were full, THEN I could see as last resort sending nursing home patients back, but it wasn't to that point (granted NYC hospitals were reportedly stuffed to the gills, but if they weren't sending people to Javits or the ship they must have had some room left).

Aaron Z
Rep. Stefanik says 'dam is breaking' against Gov. Cuomo after nursing home cover-up | Fox News

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D., and his administration have been heavily criticized for not fully reporting the numbers after Cuomo had directed nursing homes to take in residents who had been hospitalized with COVID-19. The backlash over this policy, which was meant to free up space in hospitals, intensified after a Cuomo aide reportedly admitted that the administration withheld data from the Department of Justice.

Maybe New Yorkers will catch a break and be rid of this asshole.

Also, the recall petition against Newscum in California is very close to the needed number of signatures needed to force a recall election. There just might be some hope after all.

Yes, but the fuckwits in charge have to verify the signatures which is something they would not do for mail in ballots.
Local guy to me ,took off his face book page .https://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Chris-Tague
he should resign. no question about it.
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