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COVID measures (masks, distancing, curfews) into year 2022.

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
Member Number
Calling it now. Bump this thread in 13 months so I can be proven right. Everyone in the grocery store will still be wearing masks. Plexiglass will still be up. Signs will still be up. It will still be a dominate theme in the media.
I still cant get over all the teens and 20 somethings wearing masks. Pussies everywhere

Watched my neice's 3 kids teen down to 5 year old get out of the truck and they all were pulling on their masks as they stepped down. I realized we now had a generation who will think nothing of wearing a mask for the rest of their lives
Watched my neice's 3 kids teen down to 5 year old get out of the truck and they all were pulling on their masks as they stepped down. I realized we now had a generation who will think nothing of wearing a mask for the rest of their lives

I can understand young kids listening to mom and dad. What ever happened to teens going against the grain? 20+ years ago if I was told to wear a mask and stay inside, someone would be getting the same f.o. I'd give them now. Is it cool to conform now?
Here is my prediction: When all the bullshit ends, "they" will tell that you that even though you are not required to ____(mask, distance, etc)....however if you want to keep doing it, you still can.
Because they will want to remind you that they give you permission to do so.
"You can still wear a mask."
"I will allow you to do that if you want. Thank me."

I kid you not, just watch the news and see it happen. You will see this following broadcast: "Even though masks are no longer required, if you want to keep wearing one, you can do so."
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I still cant get over all the teens and 20 somethings wearing masks. Pussies everywhere

saw a commercial on TV while lounging yesterday... something to the effect of "i'm 23... i don't need to be afraid" "I'm 15, it doesn't impact me" type of stuff... followed up with "social distance and wear a mask"

Wife found an article that indicated Vitamin D is critical. something about 90% of patients who died had low D levels and dr's are now loading people up when they present at 1000 IU per pound of weight. That's massive.
This will last at least through the next potus term. At the very least, we will be told to mask up every winter now to stop the spread of the common cold and flu.

Were any of you a young kid in the 80’s when the AIDS scare was happening? I remember how the teachers stressed how it could transmit by any body fluid and how we need to avoid each other all the time. No contact. Constant TV commercials about it. What I remember is not much different than what we are seeing today.
Wife found an article that indicated Vitamin D is critical. something about 90% of patients who died had low D levels and dr's are now loading people up when they present at 1000 IU per pound of weight. That's massive.

This is what pisses me off. From the start of this they could have been recommending better health and boosting your immune system in general. I don't care what kind of illness it is, if you take vitamin d, zinc, eat healthy, and drink lots of water, it's going to boost your immune system and help fight shit off. But no, when food was flying off the shelves at the start of this, there wasn't a frozen pizza to be found. But by God the produce and meat isle was full!
This will last at least through the next potus term. At the very least, we will be told to mask up every winter now to stop the spread of the common cold and flu.

Were any of you a young kid in the 80’s when the AIDS scare was happening? I remember how the teachers stressed how it could transmit by any body fluid and how we need to avoid each other all the time. No contact. Constant TV commercials about it. What I remember is not much different than what we are seeing today.

Oh ya, very vividly. They scared the shit outta us in school about sex, I thought every pussy was infected with the HIV.:homer:
This is what pisses me off. From the start of this they could have been recommending better health and boosting your immune system in general. I don't care what kind of illness it is, if you take vitamin d, zinc, eat healthy, and drink lots of water, it's going to boost your immune system and help fight shit off. But no, when food was flying off the shelves at the start of this, there wasn't a frozen pizza to be found. But by God the produce and meat isle was full!

Hell you had people getting banned off social media platforms for suggesting that!

This is almost exactly like post 9/11, none of this shit is going away. Just like then, people are buying into the scary boogie man is around evrey corner ready to kill us all narrative.
I can understand young kids listening to mom and dad. What ever happened to teens going against the grain? 20+ years ago if I was told to wear a mask and stay inside, someone would be getting the same f.o. I'd give them now. Is it cool to conform now?

She's thirteen so not fully into the teenage agnst
Wife found an article that indicated Vitamin D is critical. something about 90% of patients who died had low D levels and dr's are now loading people up when they present at 1000 IU per pound of weight. That's massive.

Morning show guy I listen to out of Denver had an Dr. on from the begining who was advoctaing Vitaman D, especially in the winter months, and Zinc I added C and B just to be sure
If masks are still a thing in 2022 it very well may be the thing it takes to get me out of california and somewhere that nobody cares. I absolutely hate it that my 2 year old thinks this is normal and cant go to parks, daycare, play with his little cousin
(my sister is pro covid bs), and is asked how old he is going into stores to see if he needs a mask. Maybe I'll go try to by the property next door to death machine fab and work for him.
Watched my neice's 3 kids teen down to 5 year old get out of the truck and they all were pulling on their masks as they stepped down. I realized we now had a generation who will think nothing of wearing a mask for the rest of their lives

There are still a lot of us who are not conditioning their kids to be mindless pussies.
man, y'all hating on masks.

it's the best way to keep yourself from being tracked by cameras.

you should thank the covids that now you can wear a mask in public without it being against the law anymore.

False. They have that algorithm figured out already. Unless it something like a balaclava with dark big glasses they already got you. Makes sense if you think about it. Lets encourage the entire population to use their photo to access their phones. Then lets encourage them to upload all their photos to the same system so we can look at all of them. Now lets make masks popular and encourage people to have contests showing off themselves wearing their new masks. The accuracy in facial recognition that they have been able to achieve with all the masks and social media and people locked in doors is probably amazing by now.
I grew up during the aids thing but remember it differently. We were not taught anything contrary to the facts, so no one was scared of contact.
The bodily fluids thing was stressed as well as the use of condoms -that's it.
Aids could kill a healthy person however, so the comparison is laughable. This flu is sort of the opposite come to think of it.
There weren't too many 70+ yr. olds fucking and sharing needles so they were the least at risk.
Today the people most at risk of dying from covid are in the life expectancy window. Imagine that.
False. They have that algorithm figured out already. Unless it something like a balaclava with dark big glasses they already got you. Makes sense if you think about it. Lets encourage the entire population to use their photo to access their phones. Then lets encourage them to upload all their photos to the same system so we can look at all of them. Now lets make masks popular and encourage people to have contests showing off themselves wearing their new masks. The accuracy in facial recognition that they have been able to achieve with all the masks and social media and people locked in doors is probably amazing by now.

some geometric shapes on your mask fixes all of that.
some geometric shapes on your mask fixes all of that.

You mean a unique pattern that would be noticed in a crowd? ;) One of the police car burning suspects was ID'd by her distinctive mask and tattoos.

They are also good at using ears for ID'ing since they are hard to hide.
You mean a unique pattern that would be noticed in a crowd? ;) One of the police car burning suspects was ID'd by her distinctive mask and tattoos.

They are also good at using ears for ID'ing since they are hard to hide.

a distinctive mask she purchased I assume?
if i color some shapes on a mask with a sharpie, there's no way to trace that to me.
and it's pretty easy to hide my ears with a hat.
it's 10 degrees outside, my ears won't see sunlight for another 4 months at a minimum.

fact is that prior to the rona if you were wearing a mask that was reason enough for the police to come talk to you.
and now it's not.
If masks are still a thing in 2022 it very well may be the thing it takes to get me out of california and somewhere that nobody cares. I absolutely hate it that my 2 year old thinks this is normal and cant go to parks, daycare, play with his little cousin
(my sister is pro covid bs), and is asked how old he is going into stores to see if he needs a mask. Maybe I'll go try to by the property next door to death machine fab and work for him.

Why wait? I suppose by then property will be cheap in Ca and a good investment again.
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