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COVID 19 scams.

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
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Got a speeding ticket a few weeks ago. I plead not guilty by mail and they send a letter with a court date stating that due to COVID, nobody is allowed to see the DA to negotiate a plea bargain. So it's perfectly fine to drag everyone to court, fleece them for cash, and potentially expose them to the virus, but the DA can't show because of COVID...:shaking:

Anyone else experiencing these types of scams under the guise of protecting people from COVID?
Yep, around here they arent holding traffic court.
see you fucked up when you decided to get pulled over
if you just kept driving they'd have killed you for it, much less paperwork on your end

yea ANYTHING that starts out with a covid statement!

Hiding behind a face shield, and expect me to think that's gunna save ME!

Or prices going up to comp. For lost sales across the board!
6' apart then have 2 lines 3' apart side by side (think grocery store)!
Or We have to make you come to the store to pick up the drop shipped item you ordered???? (Coulda sent it to my house!)
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Not scams, just lame-excuses-for-worthlessness:

Went to the ski shop to get kiddo gear. What's more social-distancing than skiing? Can't get close to other people, everybody's got 4-6' sticks strapped to them. And most are wearing masks, too.
So you can't get kid gear at the ski shop without an appointment.
Go to the website to make an appointment, there are none available.
Go back to the door guard to ask if he can make an appointment, he can't.
You have to do it online, but the online appointment app will only let you book two weeks out and it's booked solid.
So you have to wait online until it opens up another day somewhere around midnight, and book it as soon as it opens up, or it'll all be taken by others doing just that.

FU, I can buy used kid gear off flakeslist or fakebook for the same money, just a little more PITA, because it's one-deal-at-a-time, but if your business is so hosed by Covid that you can't manage to do business any more, it's time for your business to fail. If your business is by appointment only, and your appointments are solid two weeks out, and you aren't booking past two weeks out... it's time to open up the calendar farther out, hire some more help, add a second shift, put up a tent in the parking lot (which they've done before), something... good grief. Best problem in the world to have and they're turning away business "because Covid".

Same sort of thing at the DMV for plates, make an appointment, but that apparently doesn't get you any better off, or walk-in and wait a couple hours. I didn't think the DMV employees could be slower or less efficient than they were before, but "hey Covid, hold my beer!"
Plea deal, for speeding? What in the actual fuck :lmao: What are you going to do, expose other speeders in exchange for a lighter "sentence"?

Not sure where you live, but around here it's pretty typical to plead not guilty to speeding, then go to court, sit with the DA, and agree to plea guilty to a lesser charge. No way would I just plead guilty and accept the full point/fines.
Not sure where you live, but around here it's pretty typical to plead not guilty to speeding, then go to court, sit with the DA, and agree to plea guilty to a lesser charge. No way would I just plead guilty and accept the full point/fines.

We call that "mitigation" around here. "I was speeding, but it was because I left the oven on, please be nice to me", that sort of thing. It's not a deal. A plea deal is where you have something to offer the DA in exchange for him recommending a lighter sentence. You got nothing. You're basically just whining and hoping he'll go easy, And around here, I don't think it involves anyone but the judge.
90 in a 65....:laughing:

I've hired a lawyer. He says he will get me off with no points and a $100 fine due to have no existing points.

If you are truly a conservative and not a scoff law, you would manup and take your punishment :laughing: You voluntarily and willfully broke the law by a wide margin, and you want mercy ?? Nay !!! Pay !!! So was it a radar gun with hidden smoky or was it some camera thing ??
Bought a couple footlongs at Subway and noticed when I got home they had a Covid fee on the receipt.

Fuck. Really? It passes me off they're doing that, but itboisses me off more that they're calling it out specifically instead of just increasing the price.
Restaurants. Adding an extra 4% charge or whatever to the bill to cover "extra expenses". Complete bullshit. Their costs have dropped.
1) They no longer have to clean the bathrooms.
2) They no longer have to wash dishes.
3) They no longer need to clean tables.
4) No more serving people and bringing food to tables, and asking if anyone needs ketchup, etc.
5) Less electrical bill because the seating area inside can stay dark and doesn't need AC/heat.
6) No more replacing broken glasses, dishes, forks, etc.

They can run on a skeleton crew serving take out only and still charging full price as if you're sitting down, then they have to nerve to charge you extra?
I have not left a single tip at any place that charges me extra. You want that extra 4%? Fine, take it. Say goodbye to the 15% you would have had otherwise.
Drove through Illinois last May. Signs before and at toll booth said that booths were closed due to Covid, and just keep driving. Three months later I get a letter from Illinois toll administration with a bill for $10. It was for $1.50 toll, a $3.00 administration fee, and a $5.50 late fee. What a crock of shit. Can you imagine how much money they are making with all of the toll booths they have around Chicago?
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If you are truly a conservative and not a scoff law, you would manup and take your punishment :laughing: You voluntarily and willfully broke the law by a wide margin, and you want mercy ?? Nay !!! Pay !!! So was it a radar gun with hidden smoky or was it some camera thing ??

Wtf does being a conservative have to do with it? You are either a pathetic statist or a pathetic troll.
Drove through Illinois last May. Signs before and at toll booth said that booths were closed due to Covid, and just keep driving. Three months later I get a letter from Illinois toll administration with a bill for $10. It was for $1.50 toll, a $3.00 administration fee, and a $5.50 late fee. What a crock of shit. Can you imagine how much money they are making with all of the toll booths they have around Chicago?

well with the million signs they have up says if you went thru a toll booth pay online. :flipoff2:

I drive thru that shit hole once a month as a meeting place for my daughter's mother to pick her up for her weekend.
Restaurants. Adding an extra 4% charge or whatever to the bill to cover "extra expenses". Complete bullshit. Their costs have dropped.
1) They no longer have to clean the bathrooms.
2) They no longer have to wash dishes.
3) They no longer need to clean tables.
4) No more serving people and bringing food to tables, and asking if anyone needs ketchup, etc.
5) Less electrical bill because the seating area inside can stay dark and doesn't need AC/heat.
6) No more replacing broken glasses, dishes, forks, etc.

They can run on a skeleton crew serving take out only and still charging full price as if you're sitting down, then they have to nerve to charge you extra?
I have not left a single tip at any place that charges me extra. You want that extra 4%? Fine, take it. Say goodbye to the 15% you would have had otherwise.

That might be the dumbest thing I've read in a long time...
Drove through Illinois last May. Signs before and at toll booth said that booths were closed due to Covid, and just keep driving. Three months later I get a letter from Illinois toll administration with a bill for $10. It was for $1.50 toll, a $3.00 administration fee, and a $5.50 late fee. What a crock of shit. Can you imagine how much money they are making with all of the toll booths they have around Chicago?

not at all surprised... Illinois, and all.
Drove through Illinois last May. Signs before and at toll booth said that booths were closed due to Covid, and just keep driving. Three months later I get a letter from Illinois toll administration with a bill for $10. It was for $1.50 toll, a $3.00 administration fee, and a $5.50 late fee. What a crock of shit. Can you imagine how much money they are making with all of the toll booths they have around Chicago?

Next time remove your license plates.
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