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Conservatives silenced?

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
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Anyone else noticing severe censorship of anything that goes against the COVID narrative, or just of conservatives in general? A buddy at work was literally banned from Facebook for merely linking to the FB page of an independent candidate. Not sure if FB prohibits that (regardless of party) but it seems like BS. Just today I had comments removed from a news site comment section questioning the efficacy of these bandanas people are wearing over their faces. The cancel culture is getting worse and worse. I fear regardless of who wins in November, there are some dark times ahead for the USA. Logic and rational inquiry are taking a back seat to feelings and emotions. What's your theory on how we became such a weak and pitiful society offended at every little thing? I think it actually started decades ago with the feminist movement.
Happens all the time. A guy posted some fucked up trump meme and I posted one in return. I received a 30 day time out.
this one
Click image for larger version Name:	52595446_627797934348213_2928037702861324288_n.png Views:	0 Size:	207.2 KB ID:	123393
Certainly had nothing to do with emancipation.
Maybe the hippies?
I mean, love peace and happiness, and these days a nice chair at a University or positions of power?
Big time. And it’s ramping up by the day. Yahoo “temporarily” closed all comments on all their articles a few weeks ago. Facebook has gotten completely out of ha d censoring and removing posts.

i shared a post about the CDC COVID number update showing the 6% actually dead from COVID and the next day got a notice that Facebook added a disclaimer as being partially false specifically because President Trump had retweeted the info. (Straight from the CDC itself but because President Trump shared it, must be fake news)

ive also had Facebook delete some of my comments for supposedly violating some standard or other of there’s even though they did not do so, it they were pro Trump, vote Trump and vote red comments.

oh and I also saw that Zuckerburger is not allowing any positive posts about Kyle Rittenberg or posts showing support. According to Fagbook commander I. Chief he is now classified as a Mass shooter for killing 2 people in self defense.
Zukeface was on the TV the other day saying he was against anything pro Trump and would begin censorship on his baby. Fuck him! Any good social medias worth looking into?
Facebook will remove posts that it deems to be in support of alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse.

“We’ve designated the shooting in Kenosha a mass murder and are removing posts in support of the shooter," Facebook said in a statement to Breitbart News. The statement came after conservative commentator Mark Dice said a video he posted was removed and that Facebook was "threatening to delete my entire account."

“Facebook just removed a video I posted showing Kyle Rittenhouse offering help to a wounded protester in Kenosha,” Dice tweeted.
I posit (college b.s. Word) if you're not regurgitating the Dem's mantras ' they'll scrub it from existence!
State "free stuff" for illegal 's all is well!
State "deport em" deletion happens!
No idea what you're talking about... :laughing:

Anyone else noticing severe censorship of anything that goes against the COVID narrative, or just of conservatives in general? A buddy at work was literally banned from Facebook for merely linking to the FB page of an independent candidate. Not sure if FB prohibits that (regardless of party) but it seems like BS. Just today I had comments removed from a news site comment section questioning the efficacy of these bandanas people are wearing over their faces. The cancel culture is getting worse and worse. I fear regardless of who wins in November, there are some dark times ahead for the USA. Logic and rational inquiry are taking a back seat to feelings and emotions. What's your theory on how we became such a weak and pitiful society offended at every little thing? I think it actually started decades ago with the feminist movement.

Yahoo “temporarily” closed all comments on all their articles a few weeks ago.

Did they ever come back? I remember a few years ago MSN "temporarily closed" their comments. Pretty sure they never came back, so they lied and used that as a euphemism for censoring their readers.
Man, if only they would stop making you guys use their platforms...:homer:


That's my initial reaction too... but the more I think about it, the more I think we're stuck with what we've got. If you want to reach a huge percentage of the population with a message, how do you do it? TV air time is going away, more and more people are cutting that cord every day. Younger people don't listen to the radio, they just stream music on Spotify or Pandora or whatever. If print media isn't dead already, it's circling the drain... So all we have left is what we post online, and all of those are for-profit entities that have their own agenda(not that state-run would be much better, then we'd never trust them because of government censorship). So what is left if you want to connect with a large mass of people for your grassroots movement? Call people on the phone? Go door to door? You're going to get stomped out every time by whatever competing ideologies are willing to sell their soul to social media. It's a problem.

Now according to the good ol laws of capitalism, if our current crop of social media providers suck enough, everyone will get fed up and go somewhere else. That law works well for most shitty goods and services, because whatever you switch to will be able to provide the same services. Not so with social media. EVERYONE needs to switch all at once, because the main service that's provided to the public is the ability to connect with everyone else. Jump to any of these new services, and you lose that. Or worse, put yourself in an echo chamber with only people you agree with.

It's a problem and I have no idea what we as a society are going to do about it.
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