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Colorado parents of five kids robbed, shot dead by teen after responding to car ad


Ol' School member
May 20, 2020
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Colorado parents of five kids robbed, shot dead by teen after responding to used car ad


Joseph and Jossline Roland leave behind five children

A Colorado couple was robbed and killed by an 18-year-old after responding to an online advertisement for a used car, according to police.

As People reports, Joseph and Jossline Roland went to the Southlands Mall to buy a 2017 Toyota Rav4 they had seen on the Letgo app by a man named James Worthy.

Upon arrival, the married couple, who had five children together, met 18-year-old Kyree Brown at the mall, who told them he had accidentally brought the wrong vehicle title.

The RAV4 had been stolen a few days earlier, according to police. Brown allegedly convinced the couple to follow him to his apartment on East Cornell Circle near South Parker Road, where he demanded the thousands of dollars in cash they brought to purchase the car.

The suspect allegedly re-listed the car under a different name after the shooting
Married Colo. Parents of 5 Are Killed After Responding to Ad to Buy a Used Car

According to CBS News, the teenager robbed the Colorado couple at gunpoint while they were still inside their car, and fired at them as their vehicle began to move forward, with both parents being killed by gunfire.

Brown allegedly admitted to shooting Joseph, 39, but claimed he then shot Jossline, 40, by accident.

The married parents were pronounced dead at the hospital, within five minutes of each other.

According to the affidavit, Joseph Roland’s 17-year-old daughter told investigators she originally planned to go with him to buy the RAV4, but her stepmother decided to go instead.

According to the arrest affidavit, Brown said he met the couple at the mall and told them he accidentally brought the wrong vehicle title. He convinced them to follow him to an apartment on East Cornell Circle near South Parker Road.
Joseph And Jossline Roland Killed After Responding To Used Car Ad: GoFundMe Set Up To Help Their 5 Children

As local Fox News affiliate WHNS reports, Brown allegedly told police he robbed the Colorado couple of $3000 after they had been killed and tried to set the stolen RAV4 on fire near Havana Street and East Colfax Avenue.

After the deadly shooting, police say the teen posted the car for sale on the Letgo app again using the same photo — this time under the user name Jessica Harlan. Police were able to ping Brown’s phone and track down his location.

Investigators determined the likelihood of the alleged killer targeting another victim via the app was significant.

Brown was arrested on August 27, after a chase through Denver. He was formally charged with two counts of first degree murder on Thursday.

According to the arrest affidavit, the Rolands left home at about 11 p.m. on Aug. 14 to meet the seller at Southlands Mall.
Police: 18-year-old robbed and killed couple who responded to ad for used car

Joseph Roland flipped cars for a living and worked as operations manager at ABM Industries, according to the Denver Post. Jossline was the firm administrator at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya.

The Colorado couple robbed and killed leave behind “five sweet children,” according to a GoFundMe page created to assist the family.
They went with 2 people, public place to start, kid had a believable excuse to change locations. Man, even if the couple was carrying it sounds like they were seated in the car... kinda helpless.

scary situation.
They went with 2 people, public place to start, kid had a believable excuse to change locations. Man, even if the couple was carrying it sounds like they were seated in the car... kinda helpless.

scary situation.

unless it was a typo. 11pm is an odd time to look at a car and the public place isn’t as public if no one is around
They went with 2 people, public place to start, kid had a believable excuse to change locations. Man, even if the couple was carrying it sounds like they were seated in the car... kinda helpless.

scary situation.

Agreed, I have done far shadyer deals on CL and been lucky.

I found my first mig welder on Craigslist and the guy wanted to meet me in the parking lot of an out of business grocery store in Oshkosh 30 mins away from my fdl trailer park at midnight on a Tuesday. He was in a semi truck and had me get in the cab to make the deal and sign the BOS. I paid cash and he had all the original parts and paperwork. I used the hell out of that thing and still have that lincoln suitcase for portable jobs.

The possibility of getting murder raped never even crossed my mind till I was discussing it at my moms house at Thanksgiving.
They went with 2 people, public place to start, kid had a believable excuse to change locations. Man, even if the couple was carrying it sounds like they were seated in the car... kinda helpless.

scary situation.

Someone my wife worked with had his sister and her husband have the same thing happen. Went on a test drive with several thousand in cash. Killed for it.

They made a serious mistake following the miscreant to his home turf, obviously.
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I just don't know why people do dumb shit like this. If it's too good a deal with a sketchy background you can assume it's likely either stolen property or a setup. Most likely stolen property, but doesn't that make you a big POS for buying some else's stuff that was probably just stolen. Are you really any better than the thief? No way I'm carrying $3K for a cash deal with stranger. I pull up and see a dumbass looking hoodlum, I keep driving.
yep ive done sketchier deals than that

met in closed commercial areas

met AT there house

had a guy from pirate drop parts off to me at my work

i'd say there real big mistake was believing in $3k for a 2017 rav4

thats a scam for sure, but even i wouldnt have thought that id get shot for $3k, robbed sure but not killed
[486 said:

13% man


Not worth the risk for a good deal. Quick profile check can save a lot of time and possibly your life. It's funny how you can tell an honest person from a dishonest one. Ask them to meet in the police or sheriff office parking lot. :laughing:
Should have been carrying. Guns save lives, and even if this kid got one glimpse of a print on dudes hip most likely would have tucked tail and found an excuse to leave. I agree 3k should have been your first clue. But I'm sure the dad figured it was the nicest thing he could get for his daughter and let feelings over take common sense. It happens to everyone at some point or another. Feel bad for the kids.
Agreed, I have done far shadyer deals on CL and been lucky.

I found my first mig welder on Craigslist and the guy wanted to meet me in the parking lot of an out of business grocery store in Oshkosh 30 mins away from my fdl trailer park at midnight on a Tuesday. He was in a semi truck and had me get in the cab to make the deal and sign the BOS. I paid cash and he had all the original parts and paperwork. I used the hell out of that thing and still have that lincoln suitcase for portable jobs.

The possibility of getting murder raped never even crossed my mind till I was discussing it at my moms house at Thanksgiving.

Your like me I don’t even think about that kinda of crap. We are lucky to live in a place where 95+% of the people are still stand up. The other 5% you can tell right away they are no good. Hell you stopped over at a random guys house to get a piece of bunker plastic without thinking twice lol.
I just don't know why people do dumb shit like this. If it's too good a deal with a sketchy background you can assume it's likely either stolen property or a setup. Most likely stolen property, but doesn't that make you a big POS for buying some else's stuff that was probably just stolen. Are you really any better than the thief? No way I'm carrying $3K for a cash deal with stranger. I pull up and see a dumbass looking hoodlum, I keep driving.

Dude was a car flipper. He wasn't thinking about his daughter. He was thinking "dumb :mr-t: doesn't know what he has".
:mr-t:11pm, $3000 2017 rav 4 and he “forgot the pink”.

While I feel bad that these people were killed, every single warning sign was there and they ignored them.
I watched the news this morning, no mention of this at all, odd?

Anyway, no fucking way would I go for that deal.

The guy knew that a 2017 Toyota was worth way more than $3k

That seller, that price, that whole deal was sketchy as fuck.

The world is not a safe place and you need to protect yourself and damn, bring your wife into that as well?

What the hell was that guy thinking?

Yes fuck that :mrt: he was a POS but you have to protect yourself and your family.
I've actually lost a lot of sales because of this. I'm always trying to grab used toys and clothes for the kiddo. My fake FB account that I use for just Marketplace doesn't have any pics, location, friends, or anything. Just an obvious fake name. I've had people bail on meeting me or me meeting them because of it. I always opt to meet at a police station.
I've actually lost a lot of sales because of this. I'm always trying to grab used toys and clothes for the kiddo. My fake FB account that I use for just Marketplace doesn't have any pics, location, friends, or anything. Just an obvious fake name. I've had people bail on meeting me or me meeting them because of it. I always opt to meet at a police station.

Yeah; unwise business move.

What I find interesting is people actually respond to your "obvious fake name", and even set up a meet-time.

I've met some shady people at shady spots in Denver to buy potentially stolen stuff, but no way I would do it at 11pm. WTF.
Yeah; unwise business move.

What I find interesting is people actually respond to your "obvious fake name", and even set up a meet-time.


4 outta 5 times its ok. If its with a female, they'll do like a Wendy's or a busy gas station. That sort of thing. I don't blame them for it.
Nice area of town too. Pile of shots are everywhere.
Not sure how i survived buyin several dozen sub $500 cars in south chicago, east chicago, hammond, gary, etc. lol
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