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CDC Cancelling evictions, bad time to be a slumlord


Evernoob is a douchcanoe
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Upstate SC
CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield signed a declaration determining that the evictions of tenants could be detrimental to public health control measures to slow the spread of SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19



As if 2020 wasn't fucking the small guy enough..... Now your renters don't have to pay and you can't evict them. Hope this hits the courts and is tossed out fast.

things must be super shitty for scotfj40 these days :flipoff2:
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Glad I dumped my slums last year, that’s going to screw a bunch of small business owners.
Glad I dumped my slums last year, that’s going to screw a bunch of small business owners.

You and water head were the two who were on the IBB I was thinking of having a bunch of rentals and getting screwed by this. Glad to hear you got moved to a position that this doesn't destroy you.

Every time I consider rentals, I end up not seeing how they would pay me back better than other investments. I travel for work constantly so would have to pay people to manage them and maintain then. Glad I didn't buy the 2 duplexes I looked at least year :lmao:
Just squeezing us plebs so big corporations like Blackstone can swoop in and buy everything for pennies on the dollar. Just like they did 10 years ago.
Just squeezing us plebs so big corporations like Blackstone can swoop in and buy everything for pennies on the dollar. Just like they did 10 years ago.

Yep, same with realty companies and shit. Housing market is going to suck in a few years.
Our checks keep coming in, thankfully.

I got a chuckle a few weeks ago when I read about lefty tenants spouting that since their rent pays the LL's mortgage, they're part owners of the house. :laughing:
Shits nuts here in MT, lots of folks fleeing liberal shithole cities and moving here. Housing is level 10 nuts and there is 10 people standing in line for every apartment, housing under $350k is mostly gone in a day. I’m Going to look at an old shot box fixer tonight, cash only house and it will probably have 10 all cash offers by tomorrow. I can probably clear 50k in 3-4 months if I can get it.
This guy is out of his mind if he thinks he can suspend evictions under the guise of public health emergency. LOL
This guy is out of his mind if he thinks he can suspend evictions under the guise of public health emergency. LOL

These are the same idiots that want to regulate guns under the guise of public health. :laughing:
Our checks keep coming in, thankfully.

I got a chuckle a few weeks ago when I read about lefty tenants spouting that since their rent pays the LL's mortgage, they're part owners of the house. :laughing:

There was a thread here about a week ago and some people were saying that. :lmao: I didnt even bother posting.

They are too stupid to realize that if their landlord fails on his mortgage/taxes they're out on their asses. Too busy protesting retarded shit instead of protesting to get their jobs back.
They also say don't think you don't have to pay your rent, it will all come due at the end if you don't keep up on it. December 31st is a hell of a time to be evicted. If you are a renter, do your part and pay what you can when you can, don't think this is a way for you to dis your responsibility to pay your rent! Doesn't apply to commercial real estate.
News says the CDC was given an order to do this by Trump's executive order...
Its been that way in Richmond Va. for 6 moths already, they are fully getting away with it.

VA put a stay on evictions following suite with a lot of other states when COVID first happened. That ended weeks ago. The protesting for rent freezing lasted all of like a week here and even as liberal as everyone here is no one really supported it. There was like a week or two period where people were driving around my neighborhood hitting the horn all day to protest for a rent freeze but that stopped pretty damn quick and never happened again.
VA put a stay on evictions following suite with a lot of other states when COVID first happened. That ended weeks ago. The protesting for rent freezing lasted all of like a week here and even as liberal as everyone here is no one really supported it. There was like a week or two period where people were driving around my neighborhood hitting the horn all day to protest for a rent freeze but that stopped pretty damn quick and never happened again.

Its still in effect, at least by default according to the slum lords I know in Richmond who can't even get a court date until Nov. They had one for Sept1st but squatter got a delay and still hasn't paid a dime. Their lawyer told them its going to keep up like this for months.

EDIT; They just announced that Louisiana is extending theirs until Jan.
Its still in effect, at least by default according to the slum lords I know in Richmond who can't even get a court date until Nov. They had one for Sept1st but squatter got a delay and still hasn't paid a dime. Their lawyer told them its going to keep up like this for months.

EDIT; They just announced that Louisiana is extending theirs until Jan.

It's not legally in effect, but there's a massive backlog due to the evictions being frozen for 3 months, the court system trying to stay COVID compliant, and now all these protests as the courthouses keep getting vandalized.

Everything govt related is severely backlogged. DMV here has gone appointment only and are booking 90 days out at most and all of those appointments are gone pretty much as soon as they're available. Local gov't across the board is overwhelmed on top of their usual inadequacy.
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