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Cdc admits only 6% of deaths were of covid vs with covid


Thick skull
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Bonners Ferry, ID
Why is this not posted here? They basically admitted they lied and only like 9k people actually died from covid.

I can't find the article now of course. I figured someone would have posted it already.
It was brought up in two threads yesterday but no new thread. I’m thinking it’s time to go back to total normalcy but too many dumbfucks are mindless sheep so that is wishful thinking
Notice they use the word "estimate" a lot. That's just another word for GUESS.
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That’s a lot of nerdy shit to read. Where’s the part that clearly calls out it’s only 6%?

It's on here: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/c...ekly/index.htm

Annotation 2020-08-30 090933.png
and what do you think everything is based on? Everything in life is based on GUESSING.

Guessing was ok 2 weeks in, after that it should have been replaced with facts and data. Here we are 4 months later with a ton of data counter to policy and policy keeps getting made based on guesses.
Guessing was ok 2 weeks in, after that it should have been replaced with facts and data. Here we are 4 months later with a ton of data counter to policy and policy keeps getting made based on guesses.

Yep, and instead of modifying policy, they just double down. Keep those masks on people.
The idiocy just keeps getting better and better.

The problem now is that all of the morons that believed this scam from the beginning will not admit wrong and join the call for reopening because their egos get in the way.

There is a reason that this isn’t plastered all over the news.
And this is the problem with social media. Everyone has a global voice that is written in stone, they won't admit their original stance was wrong because of their ego and there is written proof of it. Social media has fucked humanity, we're just getting started.

There was a manifesto once written by a mad man that warned everyone about all of this.:stirthepot:
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Ted, that is at least one reason the CCP controls all their sheep idiots and has a cell phone gps location on all of them. All recorded and stored 24/7 a billion of them. Busy ant hive :laughing:
And this is the problem with social media. Everyone has a global voice that is written in stone, they won't admit their original stance was wrong because of their ego and there is written proof of it. Social media has fucked humanity, we're just getting started.

There was a manifesto once written by a mad man that warned everyone about all of this.:stirthepot:

I think of him everytime im sitting at a red traffic light with no cross traffic.
Guessing was ok 2 weeks in, after that it should have been replaced with facts and data. Here we are 4 months later with a ton of data counter to policy and policy keeps getting made based on guesses.

There won't be much solid data for years. Science is a slow process. Since covid has become politicized we may never have good data and if we do half the country won't believe it.

Dark, regressive times we are in.
When will everyone realize they are wrong and we are right?
I think of him everytime im sitting at a red traffic light with no cross traffic.

My wife thinks I'm insane due to traffic lights. Why the fuck are we so God damned controlled by a fucking system that's so fucking inefficient? It gets me going all the time. I've shorted myself so much salary over my career because I chose commute and lack of traffic signals over salary amount when moving to new positions. The fucking struggle is REAL!!
The idiocy just keeps getting better and better.

The problem now is that all of the morons that believed this scam from the beginning will not admit wrong and join the call for reopening because their egos get in the way.

There is a reason that this isn’t plastered all over the news.

haha because it isn't fake news :rolleyes::lmao:
My wife thinks I'm insane due to traffic lights. Why the fuck are we so God damned controlled by a fucking system that's so fucking inefficient? It gets me going all the time. I've shorted myself so much salary over my career because I chose commute and lack of traffic signals over salary amount when moving to new positions. The fucking struggle is REAL!!

you're playing your name perfectly.
Best breakdown i've seen so far. https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1300075931458064384

this is getting a lot of press, so let's talk about what it does and does not mean

it does NOT mean that only 6% of reported cov deaths are "real cov deaths"

it means that those without co-morbidities have very low chance of dying

it also means that almost no young people die

so, if you are young, healthy, and are not obese, hypertensive, diabetic, etc, you have almost zero death risk.

but if you are in a risk category, this rises.

saying "it's not a covid death" because you're diabetic is like saying "it's not lung cancer because you smoked."

so let's be a bit careful with that claim.

there is zero question that covid deaths are being dramatically over-counted by using the "death with" vs "death from" categorization.

my best estimate, they are probably reported as 2-3X real deaths from.

and this is making CFR and IFR look much too high, but it's not as overstated as "94% are not real".

we simply cannot make that claim from this CDC data.

but the idea that we need to dig through it with care and figure out what real "deaths from" was is an important one.

no other disease/pathology is counted this way, so apples to apples comparisons of IFR and CFR to other diseases are impossible until we do.

and this is going to take some doing because all the incentives are to over count cases and deaths.

hospitals, testing cos, etc all get more money when tests are positive and cases are confirmed. there is a river of public money flowing into this.

so everyone will respond to get some.

using PCR tests that are way too sensitive is a big money maker.

simple rule of economics: when you subsidize something, you get more of it, and whoo doggie have we subsidized covid cases and deaths.

there is no doubt they are over-counted and it's important that this fact be foregrounded.

but it's also important that we're honest and do not overstate it.

claims that this CDC data implies that only 6% of covid was "real" are simply not supportable.

so let's stay on the side of facts and proper conclusions here.

let's be the credible side.
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