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Cave "Stagnant" water

A guy I used to work with got Giardia water skiing on the Sacramento River. Goes to the Dr after shitting his brains out for a few days, Doc tells him "You've got Beaver Fever", and Gus says, "Doc, you gotta tell me I've got something else. If I tell my boss I can't come to work because I've got Beaver Fever, he's just going to say 'Gus, I've got that every damn day and still make it to work'".

I grew up on the Sacramento River, my dad would have us for the weekend and we would spend it on his cabin cruiser docked at what is now Swabbies. If I got out of the river it was to eat, fish, or sleep. I can't tell you how much of that water I probably drank on accident not to mention cuts from jumping on submerged sticks and stuff. Probably the reason I only get sick every other year or so. I always thought it was funny the people who live here and have never gotten in the river because it is silty / brown, maybe I was the weird one.

We were also encouraged to tell our Mom we were wearing our life jackets the whole time. I don't think my dad got the memo that you were supposed to bubble wrap '90s kids.
I cannot get clear answer on this as it seems to be broad variety and a huge "no/avoid" :rolleyes:

Cave with clear water with zero visible lifeform(any sort of fish, snail, etc) but yet clear blue water.

Ef it, jumped in, swim, dive. Tasted fresh, much better than tap I tasted my whole life. Did I discover Kung Flu Killer? :flipoff2:

Apparently, I read sign after the hike/cave about some parasite and bacteria in the cave/water. Guess the alcohol must've killed them. Oops? :grinpimp:

Almost all the "clear running streams" in the Sierra Nevada are contaminated with giardia. The water is crystal clear and tastes great, but you'll end up with a massive case of the shits if you don't filter it first.
Almost all the "clear running streams" in the Sierra Nevada are contaminated with giardia. The water is crystal clear and tastes great, but you'll end up with a massive case of the shits if you don't filter it first.

Wow, there's a whole lot of paranoids here. The danger spewed out . . . is way overblown, just as the danger from the Kung Flu is overblown. Go run and hide if it scares you.

I grew up on the Sacramento River, my dad would have us for the weekend and we would spend it on his cabin cruiser docked at what is now Swabbies. If I got out of the river it was to eat, fish, or sleep. I can't tell you how much of that water I probably drank on accident not to mention cuts from jumping on submerged sticks and stuff. Probably the reason I only get sick every other year or so. I always thought it was funny the people who live here and have never gotten in the river because it is silty / brown, maybe I was the weird one.

We were also encouraged to tell our Mom we were wearing our life jackets the whole time. I don't think my dad got the memo that you were supposed to bubble wrap '90s kids.

We always called it Riveritis, and figured it was from all the Ag runoff, clog up your sinuses for a day or so. Gus got sick near one of those canals that dump into the river between Verona and Knights Landing, none of the rest of us got it that day.

Edit; I was down river from you. Garden Hwy and San Juan. Remember the floating house with the pole running up through the middle of it? I was renting the next house down river.
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I, and many others I know have personal experience with giardia. Vastly different scenarios. It truly is apples and oranges, comparing water in nature to modern food processing. Keep being ignorant by believing they're in any way similar.
I, and many others I know have personal experience with giardia. Vastly different scenarios. It truly is apples and oranges, comparing water in nature to modern food processing. Keep being ignorant by believing they're in any way similar.

Keep being ignorant and assuming you know my unstated beliefs on either subject :rolleyes:

I've put iodine in stream water to drink & I've eaten rare beef that may've been blade tenderized.

Only fucking with you because you're being such a crotchety douchebag in the beef thread :flipoff2:
We always called it Riveritis, and figured it was from all the Ag runoff, clog up your sinuses for a day or so. Gus got sick near one of those canals that dump into the river between Verona and Knights Landing, none of the rest of us got it that day.

Edit; I was down river from you. Garden Hwy and San Juan. Remember the floating house with the pole running up through the middle of it? I was renting the next house down river.

Small world that is really close. I dont remember the house specifically but I probably saw it a thousand times. It was the late 90s and I would have been like 10-12. Don't know how long since you have been down there but Metro Marina is now a bar / restaurant / live music Venue called Swabbies kind of a cool little spot but it gets pretty packed and wild. Good tacos though.
Small world that is really close. I dont remember the house specifically but I probably saw it a thousand times. It was the late 90s and I would have been like 10-12. Don't know how long since you have been down there but Metro Marina is now a bar / restaurant / live music Venue called Swabbies kind of a cool little spot but it gets pretty packed and wild. Good tacos though.

I left Sac in 1994, so the action was farther down river.
Ya' know, I find this thread quite amusing !

Perhaps OP will catch "herpes simplex 10" instead ???

Carry on!


Yes, buy the iodine tablets & bring them with you when going outdoors. This is a military spec rule to prevent getting consumption/malaria-

We had small glass medicine bottles, water-filled, w/ iodine crystals in the bottom. 1 capful of solution per quart of water, shake & wait. Never got the turbo Hershey squirts in the back country, so it worked. Easily 50x what we needed for a Boy Scout 50-miler (a few pounds, a shitload of years & a couple of knees ago).
I'm still dead. :flipoff2:

English isn't my first language but I tasted the water(just from swimming in it), not drink the water.

I did get to shit 3 times the next day.

Helluva information though!
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I'm still dead. :flipoff2:

English isn't my first language but I tasted the water, not drink the water.

I did get to shit 3 times the next day.

Helluva information though!

Who are you and where you from? It's funny cuz I almost used your username as my own when I joined.
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