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Capitol riot leaves Democrats split domestic terrorism law and criminalizing dissent


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
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Watch what you post up and say, I’m sure they’re watching you, they just want a law to, yaknow, make it all “legal” and whatnot. Sure, you think “well I’m not a white nationalist or neo nazi so makes no difference to me!” you’re wrong. It’s a huge slippery slope as to what is or isn’t considered white nationalist or neo nazi under their so called bill. And like anything it’ll surly be abused.

As of for now, they’re split on this bill, but be warned I believe they’ll do something sooner or later.

Scary times for sure
Domestic Terrorism will certainly be emphasized in the near future. It would be ignorant to not attribute the recent events at the Capitol to this movement.
There is no 'split'. The ACLU simply wrote a letter to Jerry Nadler stating that the domestic terrorism bill would end up discriminating against POC.


H.R. 4192 would unnecessarily expand law enforcement authorities to target and discriminate against the very communities Congress is seeking to protect. The additional crimes, criminal penalties, and expansion of the death penalty in H.R. 4192 would further incorporate abusive terrorism authorities into a discriminatory criminal justice system.

People of color and other marginalized communities have long been targeted under domestic terrorism authorities for unfair and discriminatory surveillance, investigations, and prosecutions. Law enforcement agencies' use of these authorities undermines and has violated equal protection, due process, and First Amendment rights.
I find your ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

DM me or one of the other non-US residents here whatever you feel like spouting off that you think may be targeted by the dems as nationalist. We'll post it on your behalf. They can't arrest us :D
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Domestic Terrorism will certainly be emphasized in the near future. It would be ignorant to not attribute the recent events at the Capitol to this movement.

Sorry but the whole concept of "terrorism" is nonsense. Made up by the ruling class to instill unfounded fear amongst a clueless public. Assault and murder are crimes committed by criminals. We prosecute or kill criminals. End of story.
Domestic Terrorism will certainly be emphasized in the near future. It would be ignorant to not attribute the recent events at the Capitol to this movement.

Meanwhile the Democratic run cities are doing everything they can to defund the police and let criminals run wild. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
For fucks sake, we were going to have mass censorship and purges of conservatives one way or another. The "Capitol siege", which was basically people waving flags and loitering after being let in by the police, was 100% staged and planned out. Now they're running with the narrative the conservatives and Trump tried to "overthrow the government". The oh so convenient false flag they needed.
For fucks sake, we were going to have mass censorship and purges of conservatives one way or another. The "Capitol siege", which was basically people waving flags and loitering after being let in by the police, was 100% staged and planned out. Now they're running with the narrative the conservatives and Trump tried to "overthrow the government". The oh so convenient false flag they needed.

this x 1000
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