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can't find a thread about Woodward's recordings

Doesn't surprise me - Trump lies every day multiple times.

The intelligent, sane, and normal people understand COVID and wear masks and social distance, the idiots of individual freedom are too brainwashed to get it, hold frat parties, super spreader events like Sturgis, cry "No masks" and share conspiracy theories.


290 cases from 417,000 participants is not a "super spreader". i hate to disappoint you but you fail again, bananenbieger.
Woodward asked Trump for the time to interview him for his book. He must think Woodward could write a decent book about him, and Trump doesn't shy away from this kind of thing. Of course Woodward recorded everything and Trump knew it, that's how these interviews work. 20 hours spread over weeks I'm sure. There's nothing to see here, he didn't say or do anything wrong. You lefty dipshits take everything out of context to make it look like he's doing wrong. You went big with Russiagate and it failed, but please keep doing the same thing over and over again, please. At this point you've failed so spectacularly that even traditional lefties are leaving your party.

from the department of redundancy department, Adam Schiff has another "whistleblower" hes going to shove down all our throats. unverified and completely bullshit, im sure.

290 cases from 417,000 participants is not a "super spreader". i hate to disappoint you but you fail again, bananenbieger.

I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.
I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.

I bolded the important parts. So basically more bullshit they put out with no basis in facts. Everyone in the medical community knows when you say something and it's not peer reviewed it's trash can bullshit.
I'm not black. :flipoff2: (Racist Germans call blacks bananenbieger. The naturally grow straight, you know.)

huh. i thought it was someone who engaged in pointless tasks, who cant concentrate, or has no direction in life. seemed like it fit you very well.
Woodward takes 45 seconds to ask a meandering question on white privilege and Trump just shuts him down..
I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.

Just so you’re aware, our local Home Depot alone has probably had 50x the visitors sturgis Had in a couple of months. All close, talking, touching, etc, etc. Just like every other big box store around. You cannot find a store that isn’t a complete clusterfuck of people right now.

I know the media is your #1 source for helping you look like a complete dumbass, but the reality of the situation is that people are everywhere, outside, in stores, at parks, at lakes, families houses, friends house, you name it. Sturgis ain’t shit compared to daily life.

You’ve been fooled yet again.
I bolded the important parts. So basically more bullshit they put out with no basis in facts. Everyone in the medical community knows when you say something and it's not peer reviewed it's trash can bullshit.

Agreed. So the other statistic, where did that one come from btw?

is there anything in this world more gullible than a democrat?

I think "gullible" doesn't have anything to do with democrats or republicans. It the same for both sides. If yer stupid, yer stupid. Both side have their (large) share of these people. Some smart ones make money off them. The end.

huh. i thought it was someone who engaged in pointless tasks, who cant concentrate, or has no direction in life. seemed like it fit you very well.
I guess it also means that, as well as other things. Now I know.
Doesn't surprise me - Trump lies every day multiple times.

The intelligent, sane, and normal people understand COVID and wear masks and social distance, the idiots of individual freedom are too brainwashed to get it, hold frat parties, super spreader events like Sturgis, cry "No masks" and share conspiracy theories.

No mention of protests. :lmao: Get fucked idiot. Double standard bullshit.

and yes mu freedoms! :usa::flipoff2:
is there anything in this world more gullible than a democrat?

You're incorrect about this. They are not generally gullible because they don't actually believe any of this stuff. They lie, cheat, and steal. They are manipulative liars, as we all have known for a long time, but now it's amped all the way up as far as they can go.
I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.

Your a stupid fuck and believe everything you read but have zero first hand experience with...... I spent a week working for a company who's whole crew went to the Sturgis rally a week before. 30 dudes and their wives went up there and wore no masks for a week. Guess how many of them got sick. Guess how many of their family members got sick.....Go ahead, guess.

The world needs less chicken Llittles like you. YOU are the problem.... :shaking:

I bet you wear a mask and gloves when your sitting in your moms basement by yourself.

Lol wtf is the president suppose to do. Scream at the top of his lungs we are all gonna die get all the coke and hookers you can find before it gets you!!!!!!

We were already suffering through a tp shortage there would have been a fucking civil war if trump caused a bigger panic and it caused a alcohol shortage.
I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.

it's a model that makes many assumptions, and one should question if it's accurate.
I used to think people talked shit about the OP for mostly nothing but this thread has skewed that view. Holy fucking shit was I wrong or what. It's like a budding tw@ but dumber and living in the US coming of age.
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

The only person Woodward has ever damaged with his bullshit is himself.

what was the CIA agent that Woodward claimed to have woken from a coma for an interview?
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I just read the non-covid deniers study:

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota spread COVID-19 to hundreds of thousands of people nationwide and its public health cost totaled billions of dollars, researchers said in a recently released paper, conclusions strongly disputed by South Dakota officials including Gov. Kristi Noem, who called the research “fiction.”

The researchers from San Diego State University’s Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies published a preliminary version of the paper late last week with the IZA — Institute for Labor Economics.

The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, is based on anonymized cellphone location tracking data and is the first known research to estimate the COVID-19 case spread and public health cost of the 10-day rally in Sturgis, S.D.

The rally, which ended Aug. 16, is associated with both local and national surges in COVID-19 cases, the researchers found, and should be linked to about 267,000 cases with a all-in public health cost of $12.2 billion.

So since I am giving you credit for being smart try and follow along.
1. Masks only help reduce the viral load sick people expel. And with how light the symptoms can be many people could easily confuse allergies with symptoms. There is no hard and fast list of symptoms as it changes almost daily untill everything is a possible symptom.
2. The CDC says mask make almost zero difference when healthy people wear them.
3. Under military enforced quarantine and mask mandates. On average 20-25% of people still get the virus.
4. You cant actually stop a virus! Hats the important one. So using terms like super spreader is just as bad as using terms Like murder hornets or meth gators.

This virus is going to go around the globe and expose everyone, probably already has a few times. Thinking we are capable of avoiding a virus or stopping one is a very narcissistic point of view. Right now we are developing a bed shortage in hospitals. Not because of covid patients but because of employee layoffs due to shutting down hospitals to all services except emergency and covid cases. There are floors of beds empty and closed off because the hospitals can mo longer afford to staff them. There has been a massive decline in the average number of early cancer detection because people either couldn’t or were to scared to see their doctor.

So beside using terms to keep covid “relevant” in the news is spreading the virus and gaining heard immunity a bad thing. Since we can’t stop the spread of it heard immunity seems the only real option.
Trump told the entire world on national TV that he was trying to promote calm and not create a panic. Woodward Writes it down his book like he broke the news In the media laps it up like it’s Some big scoop.. I don’t get it. And I don’t get how it’s worthy of a thread.
Trump told the entire world on national TV that he was trying to promote calm and not create a panic. Woodward Writes it down his book like he broke the news In the media laps it up like it’s Some big scoop.. I don’t get it. And I don’t get how it’s worthy of a thread.

OP hates Trump, OP loves berets. OP is easily led around by the nose by a any talking head in front of a TV camera, with his infatuation of filming and videos, obviously idolizes news media and media figures. Treats their word as gospel.

Woodward sucks and i cant believe he's not dead already.
I used to think people talked shit about the OP for mostly nothing but this thread has skewed that view. Holy fucking shit was I wrong or what. It's like a budding tw@ but dumber and living in the US coming of age.

I used to feel the same way on the other board, I thought people dog piled him because he was a bit weird and slow.

Since he got over here he stupidity has just taken front stage, I wish he would go back to just posting links to his creepy videos.
By calling it fake news, a hoax meant to undermine him, and no big deal. So much for expecting anything resembling honesty out of people when it's your team's leader.

This shit is going to give the dems another first: the first clinically demented president. And we really don't have anyone to blame aside from Trump.
Even Left bending Snopes says Trump never called the virus a hoax.

People have reached their maximum level of absorption or saturation. The media has promoted so much hype with no substance Nobody has the capacity to take in or believe anymore of it. The media bashing Trump are the equivalent to Lucy holding the football and all of their readers are Charlie Brown who continuously tries to kick it to no avail.

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If I am so wrong,, why is this topic on page 4??

because you have been demonstrated to be incorrect in several ways and failed to provide counter-points or twist the narrative to highlight where the facts and opinions presented are false or wrongly founded.

feel free to keep the conversation going, but if it circles the drain on logical fallacy then it is going to be ignored again.
By calling it fake news, a hoax meant to undermine him, and no big deal. So much for expecting anything resembling honesty out of people when it's your team's leader.

Remind me when we had a President that never lied or downplayed contemporaneous events to their benefit. Cause I am having a hard time remembering one.

Humans are stupid panicky animals in groups. There is plenty you do not tell the masses for their own good.

The outrage machine is going to be cranking out at least one of these a DAY till the election. Most of them are nothing once you dig into them. But then that is part of the problem. Most people are getting their info from a 14 word paragraph on Social Media and are not interested in digging deep enough to get a true understanding of an issue. Especially if those 14 words confirm their world view...
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