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can't find a thread about Woodward's recordings


May 26, 2020
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Republic of the Rio Grande
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

Woodward ? fuck that cuck ,Trump in a landslide bitch .:flipoff2::usa:
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

Better put on your shit brown hat, make a sign and stand in the best buy parking lot to let people know.
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

I have not really heard anything that bad. The only thing I have heard so far was trump saying that he was downplaying the corona to keep people from panicking. He was still following faucci and still banned travel to china. If that is it then you are really really reaching
Trump's Twitter ranting, dumbass statements, and childish behavior are already baked in. There is not one person in the world that is voting for him that would change their mind for Biden/Harris at this point.

You either like Trump for his Twitter, dumbass statements, and childish behavior, or you like Trump for his policies, judges, sticking to to Dems, etc.

Or Both.

Nobody gets worked up for a statement that he makes anymore, except liberal hand-wringers that give Pelosi a pass for driving this whole bullshit C-19 thing and then gives first hand evidence that its all bullshit. But the masses watch her every word with their masks on tight.

Biden is a failure and Harris is a racebaiter and not much more.

Like or hate Trump, he has a record to point at that is mostly successful. No new wars, no escalation of current conflcits and judges is enough for me. Literally, if he had nothing else, that would be enough.

The magazine overturn is the 9th is a direct result of Trump although he didn't sign a single bill or EO. All done legit through the legal process. That is what I am voting for. More shit like that. With these fires every month now it seems, same process is underway. Trump already steamrolled Newson to double the land mass to "clear" in the coming years. There is another step that gets almost zero attention.

Fuck Biden. I cannot how anyone watches him as thinks "that is who I want to be president". No way.

Orange man is racist and bad is about it.
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Nobody gives a shit anymore.

They used up everybody’s give a fuck with made up and fake bullshit. You could have a full blown high definition video and nobody will believe it or care.
wait... didnt trump "escalate" stuff with some country like China? or N.Korea?

no, in fact he deescalated N Korea to a historical point. I mean, holy fuck. there were family reunions, a sitting US president visited, the S K government and N K government got together, it was honestly fucking amazing.

Seriously, anybody else in the world would get a peace prize for that, i'm not even kidding. it was fucking amazing.

china should, by all rights, get a ground war that fucks them up by every country in the globe as a coallition, so no, he hasn't escalated there
I really cannot overstate how spectacular the NK stuff was, especially being earlier on. It is still a bigger deal than his israel stuff.
so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

Woodward is still trying to relive his glory days, because he can't accept he is a washed up liberal hack
Didn’t dr. Dumbass (faulsi) come out in early March and say ‘nothing to worry about, don’t buy masks ect’?

this is like slow news day fluff, who gives a fuck?

so I kept telling people that I wish someone "Micd" would catch Trump saying the wrong thing.. I would have preferred something about what he supposedly said concerning the military..

However, it seems Woodward did catch him on "Mic" saying all kinds of stuff.. Trump is in trouble now..

Woodward has a book coming out..

#1 The fact that he has a book coming out is the only reason any of the rest of it is coming out. Promotion=dollars. That's it.

#2 Trump downplayed it to keep you from panicking and you STILL bought all of the toilet paper. It was the logical choice. The left doesn't understand logic. They don't understand science or math either, but that's another day.

#3 Do you think there has ever been a president who has not downplayed the danger of something to keep the idiots from panicking? Who?

wait... didnt trump "escalate" stuff with some country like China? or N.Korea?

Yes he did. That's what works. Instant escalation and intimidation. You walk in, slap that fat fuck in the head, tell him to knock it off, and walk out.

Think about it. Really.

Remember this?

Did it work? How would cops handle that situation? Hiding behind their cars with their guns aimed at the kid, telling him to "put the gun down" "that's not ok" "use your words". Give him way too much opportunity to fuck it up and he'd be dead.

You claim to have been 'security'. Did you escalate or de-escalate? Initially?
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Doesn't surprise me - Trump lies every day multiple times.

The intelligent, sane, and normal people understand COVID and wear masks and social distance, the idiots of individual freedom are too brainwashed to get it, hold frat parties, super spreader events like Sturgis, cry "No masks" and share conspiracy theories.
Woodward asked Trump for the time to interview him for his book. He must think Woodward could write a decent book about him, and Trump doesn't shy away from this kind of thing. Of course Woodward recorded everything and Trump knew it, that's how these interviews work. 20 hours spread over weeks I'm sure. There's nothing to see here, he didn't say or do anything wrong. You lefty dipshits take everything out of context to make it look like he's doing wrong. You went big with Russiagate and it failed, but please keep doing the same thing over and over again, please. At this point you've failed so spectacularly that even traditional lefties are leaving your party.
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