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CAL4 Cal4Wheel submits comments on proposed rule for Foothill Yellow Legged Frog


Access Issues - California Four Wheel Drive

Cal4Wheel's Natural Resource Consultant, Rose Winn, submitted a comment to the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) to oppose a proposal to list four population segments of the Foothill Yellow Legged Frog (FYLF) as "threatened" or "endangered." If the listing is approved, there is risk of OHV access closures throughout FYLF habitat, which includes millions of acres of public land in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and the coastal region of California. While FWS claims to use the best available scientific and commercial data available to determine the final decision, there is evidence that the proposal and impending decision have been heavily influenced by environmental special interest groups like the Center for Biological Diversity.

Read the full comment here for more details. Cal4Wheel is proud to advocate for preservation of OHV access in California's public lands to ensure that everyone may continue to enjoy OHV recreation throughout the state.


For more information about this proposed listing of the FYLF, check out the proposal announcement in the Federal Register, or the full proposed rule docket with accompanying documents and roster of public comments.

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