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Ca invades tx

Fuck transplant Californians and Austinites. :mad3:

Until people are actually willing to discriminate against other people and make their life hell in little ways based on where they're from the problem will only get worse.
French fries in a burrito? I've done hash browns. Maybe go grab an order of fries from Mickey Dee's next time... :smokin:

JP Sears is dah schizzle. :lmao:
French fries in a burrito? I've done hash browns. Maybe go grab an order of fries from Mickey Dee's next time... :smokin:

JP Sears is dah schizzle. :lmao:

the trick is to make sure the french fries are a bit crunchy and salty so it doesnt turn into a potato burrito
Pretty sure New Mexico has become the fucking toilet, tagged teamed by 2 panhandlers at the gas pump in Albuquerque, one looking in the car while the other trying to get my attention, Called proud boy by some stinky fucking dirty hair hippies in front of the ice cream store in Old Town Santa Fe.
A buddy went to look at an old school bus, Albuquerque craigslist and got hollered at by a tweaker over it.
All in the last two weeks.
I used to think New Mexico was cool.
New Mexico's been a toilet for years. It's sad because the state has a lot to offer in natural beauty.
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