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Buying/selling property with Gold

Can someone translate this for me?

Is this guy saying he never transfers vehicles into his name after purchase?

He probably just types up his own State of Jefferson title/registration on an MS word certificate background template, with lots and lots of legal sounding words like "authorization to own, posses, use, and operate this motorized motor vehicle for the purposes of travelling as an individual blah blah blah..."

He'll probably even put some of the legal sounding words in all caps, y'know to make it EXTRA official.

I actually have no idea if PAE is one of these guys?
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[memphis said:
;n309563]. but from a capital gains point of view...

Say a $100 face value gold coin has a market value of $1000. If I bought a $100k property with 100 gold coins, legally did I only purchase that property for $10,000? Could the same go for selling? I mean if it’s legal tender it’s legal tender right?

If you buy a property, theres the legal buy/sell contract will determine capital gains. If it states $100K sale paid in gold at spot price based on date. Or paid in 5 pounds of gold, delived on <date> you would likely be paying market value price in capital gains on that date.
They are going to tax you on the appraised value. Its the government the laws apply to us lonely serfs not the important people behind the walls:mad3:

thats what happened with my house/lhousl, Didnt matter how i tried to argue it. I paid 250k (got a great deal but it was compleatly legitimate) and the county assesed it and tax me at 600k
thats what happened with my house/lhousl, Didnt matter how i tried to argue it. I paid 250k (got a great deal but it was compleatly legitimate) and the county assesed it and tax me at 600k

I think you're talking about real estate tax. That has nothing to do with capital gains.
I think you're talking about real estate tax. That has nothing to do with capital gains.

Im talking property tax. I must have missed the Capitol gains part. Either way had i paid with 30k face falue of gold it wouldnt have affected my assesed value
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