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Blm tries protesting in the rural mountains..

I have definitely had an effect on the narrative of this board . . .

. . . by being the pile of dog shit that people step around, call out to others, and complain about encountering.

Congratulations, you're an impressively heaping, steaming, pile of dog shit in the room :homer:

Folks who "ignore" you aren't afraid of you - they're just avoiding the dog shit. Dat simpul.
. . . by being the pile of dog shit that people step around, call out to others, and complain about encountering.

Congratulations, you're an impressively heaping, steaming, pile of dog shit in the room :homer:

Folks who "ignore" you aren't afraid of you - they're just avoiding the dog shit. Dat simpul.

Until you have spent some time with a person that suffers from multiple personality disorder and narcissism, it doesn’t make sense.

His life could be a tv show. 7 personalities, no job and a 400sq ft, 1 bedroom apartment. You think his outburst and tantrums on here are bad, you haven’t seen shit.
All the chest pounding about being ready when they get to you is worthless. They have the supply chains and manufacturers, as they have already bended down the the BLM bannrs, pop culture, and censoring of talk and ideas outside of the BLM approved list of shit to say.

They run rampant in the centers of manufacturing, banking, and government.

If this was a war it would already be over.

So is this a war?

No dude, it's not. There's no "Them" and there's no "Us". We're all people who live in the United States of America together and we're obviously going to clash on policy because it's a big country with a diverse group of people. In that large diverse group of people, there are always going to be the extremes and the crazies. Crazies get the biggest reaction out of the general public, so the media is going to show them and talk about them as much as possible so they can get good ratings and make money.

Meanwhile, we're all over here gobbling it up and deciding there's a war coming. :rolleyes:
No dude, it's not. There's no "Them" and there's no "Us". We're all people who live in the United States of America together and we're obviously going to clash on policy because it's a big country with a diverse group of people. In that large diverse group of people, there are always going to be the extremes and the crazies. Crazies get the biggest reaction out of the general public, so the media is going to show them and talk about them as much as possible so they can get good ratings and make money.

Meanwhile, we're all over here gobbling it up and deciding there's a war coming. :rolleyes:

BLM seems to have identified that anyone against them is racist. Doesn't that seem like a clear distinction of "us" and " them"?

BLM is Attempting to fundamentally change this cpuntry through fear and aggression.

And you make it seem that the media is not a driver of this bullshit, but rather just along for the ride.

Meanwhile they bury the story of a 5 year old geyting his head blown off execution style. Why? They call rioters protestors. Why?

Keep being a useful idiot, they really do appreciate it.
"The police did little to stop the counter protesters ?" either you want the police or you don't , fawking pussies.:lmao:

That's the most amusing part of watching the portland streams. "Fuck you pigs, ACAB, we dont need you..." (someone gets shot at or their face stamped in, they all call 911) "why the fuck weren't you pigs protecting us? Go investigate, fuck you, why havent you arrested them?, ACAB..":rolleyes:
No dude, it's not. There's no "Them" and there's no "Us". We're all people who live in the United States of America together and we're obviously going to clash on policy because it's a big country with a diverse group of people. In that large diverse group of people, there are always going to be the extremes and the crazies. Crazies get the biggest reaction out of the general public, so the media is going to show them and talk about them as much as possible so they can get good ratings and make money.

Meanwhile, we're all over here gobbling it up and deciding there's a war coming. :rolleyes:

Excellent post.

The media has fooled fools into believing that this shit is an actual issue and relevant.
The reality is, this is a tiny minority of retards that are plastered day in and day out on tv and social media to make people believe that the world is coming to an end and a civil war is coming.

Hell, look at this story. It’s made out to be a big deal, when in reality, it was a couple small groups retarding around, being retards.
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BLM seems to have identified that anyone against them is racist. Doesn't that seem like a clear distinction of "us" and " them"?

BLM is Attempting to fundamentally change this cpuntry through fear and aggression.

And you make it seem that the media is not a driver of this bullshit, but rather just along for the ride.

Meanwhile they bury the story of a 5 year old geyting his head blown off execution style. Why? They call rioters protestors. Why?

Keep being a useful idiot, they really do appreciate it.

The media is indeed a driver of bullshit. Not for any conspiracy theories, but because it makes them money.

BLM is a big group and there are also a lot of people not really affiliated who just do shit and claim "BLM". We had protests here in my town. They filed for a permit, they organized a big march with hundreds of people from a local community college to downtown, and then protested downtown for an hour or so. Nothing got broken, no one got hurt, nothing got stolen, and the police didn't have to do anything other than have a few officers keep an eye on what was happening.

Of course, you're never going to see reports of that on the news either. Because it doesn't play to people's emotions, create more views, and get them more money.

You call me a useful idiot and say the media is part of the problem, yet you play right into the conservative narrative that side of the media is pushing by believing you're in a 'war' with other Americans.

Looting, property damage, and attacks on others are not OK on either side of the protest line and I don't condone anything like that, but that doesn't mean I have to pick an Us or Them side.
The media is indeed a driver of bullshit. Not for any conspiracy theories, but because it makes them money.

BLM is a big group and there are also a lot of people not really affiliated who just do shit and claim "BLM". We had protests here in my town. They filed for a permit, they organized a big march with hundreds of people from a local community college to downtown, and then protested downtown for an hour or so. Nothing got broken, no one got hurt, nothing got stolen, and the police didn't have to do anything other than have a few officers keep an eye on what was happening.

Of course, you're never going to see reports of that on the news either. Because it doesn't play to people's emotions, create more views, and get them more money.

You call me a useful idiot and say the media is part of the problem, yet you play right into the conservative narrative that side of the media is pushing by believing you're in a 'war' with other Americans.

Looting, property damage, and attacks on others are not OK on either side of the protest line and I don't condone anything like that, but that doesn't mean I have to pick an Us or Them side.

You can stick with that viewpoint, makes no difference to me 🤷‍♂️
I just got back from a camping over night in VT on the bike. I rode through middle-of-the-fucking-nowhere towns, and BLM signs were everywhere. :confused:
Fuck :laughing: I think I confused Noob with the Etwat, How could that happen. :confused: No comparo to Skrewzer. RIP. Noob-Twat go fuck off y=ou have nothing but p=uffer taunts. Which one was the wife, woman or child beater ??
Fuck :laughing: I think I confused Noob with the Etwat, How could that happen. :confused: No comparo to Skrewzer. RIP. Noob-Twat go fuck off y=ou have nothing but p=uffer taunts. Which one was the wife, woman or child beater ??

Well, one thing's for sure, we know where it's 5 o'clock. :laughing:
Well, one thing's for sure, we know where it's 5 o'clock. :laughing:

Not fair. right hand forearm in cast. typing, drinking all impacted. ya gotta bel-ieve that ?? Not bothering to sepell edit correct any more :laughing:
Not fair. right hand forearm in cast. typing, drinking all impacted. ya gotta bel-ieve that ?? Not bothering to sepell edit correct any more :laughing:

A cast? Damn, that's devotion.

Trump has been president for nearly 4 years. Your bitch ass didn't put him there, wonder who did?

Trump is not going to save us. What happens when he inevitably leaves office or dies?
Folks who "ignore" you aren't afraid of you - they're just avoiding the dog shit. Dat simpul.

Bullshit. They're exactly the same as leftist echo-chamber Karens.

They are literally Cancel Culture. That's what it is.
Bullshit. They're exactly the same as leftist echo-chamber Karens.

They are literally Cancel Culture. That's what it is.

So you enjoy stepping in piles of dog shit? You're close to being the first on my list and I really detest eviltwats lame ass efforts of dog shit. You're in a close second because of your fucking obvious mental disorder. Go get some fucking help you gunless apartment dwelling ****.
A cast? Damn, that's devotion.

Sure. Yeah. Since you brought it up :laughing: try sitting on your left hand until it's numb. Proceed. Will feel like someone el-se is giving the reach around. Yee !!:grinpimp:
Excellent post.

The media has fooled fools into believing that this shit is an actual issue and relevant.
The reality is, this is a tiny minority of retards that are plastered day in and day out on tv and social media to make people believe that the world is coming to an end and a civil war is coming.

Hell, look at this story. It’s made out to be a big deal, when in reality, it was a couple small groups retarding around, being retards.

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