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Blm tries protesting in the rural mountains..


Your kind of Asshole
May 30, 2020
Member Number
Grass Valley CA
Goes Just Like I Thought It Would.

I’m not disappointed.

One PD Officer is my neighbor and I recognize a couple others.

I love this pic. Come on up bitches.


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Check out Leakreality.com. Basically Liveleak's replacement. Tons of videos like this of Antifa and shit trying to go to suburban and rural neighborhoods and getting kicked the fuck out.
:usa:They came out and did a “protest” out in my hood. Everyone was cool till one of them drove up and vandalized an excavator. The next day you heard more gunfire from just outside the no shooting zone that I have ever heard. Constant and all day from all around the town. Funny they left and have not been back.
As a clamper from chapter 10, Grass Valley/Nevada City. Screwy and his ilk are/were in the minority. There is a reason we have a no guns clause at doins... and a reason I only ever saw him at one doins and he had no friends.
Goes Just Like I Thought It Would.

I’m not disappointed.

One PD Officer is my neighbor and I recognize a couple others.

I love this pic. Come on up bitches.


What are you proud of, and what are you laughing about? Your fat sow of a female sherrif sat there in her 4 stars (:lmao:) saying "violence against protesters will not be tolerated"

And the video showed YET AGAIN cops protecting protesters.

.The gay Yoga instructor with gauges lied to the reporter about how he 'was just going to work' and got attacked, and the news reporter let him do it (Sacramento news).

Those BLM people were from NEvada City and they are still there.

I don't really see what there is to be proud of.

"Ellis added that he’s assigned a special investigator to seek criminal penalties against the people who committed the violence."

What is your proud town going to do about that?

Nothing. That's what you'll do. Because you are a conservative white and you are a consistent loser.
What are you proud of, and what are you laughing about? Your fat sow of a female sherrif sat there in her 4 stars (:lmao:) saying "violence against protesters will not be tolerated"

And the video showed YET AGAIN cops protecting protesters.

.The gay Yoga instructor with gauges lied to the reporter about how he 'was just going to work' and got attacked, and the news reporter let him do it (Sacramento news).

Those BLM people were from NEvada City and they are still there.

I don't really see what there is to be proud of.

"Ellis added that he’s assigned a special investigator to seek criminal penalties against the people who committed the violence."

What is your proud town going to do about that?

Nothing. That's what you'll do. Because you are a conservative white and you are a consistent loser.

Fuck You.

Proud Conservative.

Move to Portland and STFU. You think we are going to stand for that shit?

Off to find the Ignore feature, you’re worthless.
Fuck You.

Proud Conservative.

Move to Portland and STFU. You think we are going to stand for that shit?

Off to find the Ignore feature, you’re worthless.

Ahh, I see we've got a newcomer. And another conservative snowflake :lmao: You're so fucking obviously a little Facebook conservative bitch who can just live in his little bubble.

You'll just move farther and farther out into the mountains like whites have done for the last 70 years. You fucking tats, your brodozer, and your guns are meaningless. So is your prepping.

Everything that you do from the ignore feature to moving away to pretending you did something because there were only 3 cops on duty is a Loser's Game. Conservatives are losers that play a loser's game and only now are they waking up that they need to be engaged.

Loser. Time to buck up and change the behaviors that got us into this mess, little kiddo.
Love the douche crying about how the police could have de-escalated the whole thing by arresting people. :lmao: ...and the chick bitching about how scary it was?? WTF? These fucking people are retarded.
Fuck You.

Proud Conservative.

Move to Portland and STFU. You think we are going to stand for that shit?

Off to find the Ignore feature, you’re worthless.

Truth hurts.

The "cuckservative" insult from 2016 is real. All this BLM/antifa bullshit and no action whatsoever from any Republicans.
Ahh, I see we've got a newcomer. And another conservative snowflake :lmao: You're so fucking obviously a little Facebook conservative bitch who can just live in his little bubble.

You'll just move farther and farther out into the mountains like whites have done for the last 70 years. You fucking tats, your brodozer, and your guns are meaningless. So is your prepping.

Everything that you do from the ignore feature to moving away to pretending you did something because there were only 3 cops on duty is a Loser's Game. Conservatives are losers that play a loser's game and only now are they waking up that they need to be engaged.

Loser. Time to buck up and change the behaviors that got us into this mess, little kiddo.

FYI. You are about as thought provoking and antagonistic as a mosquito. Get over yourself:shaking:
FYI. You are about as thought provoking and antagonistic as a mosquito. Get over yourself:shaking:

I have definitely had an effect on the narrative of this board because this is not a personality issue. If you want to play personality games, go back to your faggot 12 step program, sportsball, or soap operas. Personally, I prefer dramas and novels.

Ideas have power. They are undeniable. You can hate me allllllllll that you want, but it is undeniable that your and everybody else's conservacuck bullshit has allowed this country to slip into Marxist chaos.

What we have done does not work. Bragging about some faggot shoving match and then going back to your coal rolling is not going to solve




I will whip and abuse every conservacuck ignoring echo chamber faggot and the power of that is undeniable. Nobody likes it pointed out to them that they are acting like female-minded pansies, so I can naturally expect to be hated. It's a necessary trouble and one I certainly enjoy. It means I am having an effect.
I have definitely had an effect on the narrative of this board because this is not a personality issue. If you want to play personality games, go back to your faggot 12 step program, sportsball, or soap operas. Personally, I prefer dramas and novels.

Ideas have power. They are undeniable. You can hate me allllllllll that you want, but it is undeniable that your and everybody else's conservacuck bullshit has allowed this country to slip into Marxist chaos.

What we have done does not work. Bragging about some faggot shoving match and then going back to your coal rolling is not going to solve




I will whip and abuse every conservacuck ignoring echo chamber faggot and the power of that is undeniable. Nobody likes it pointed out to them that they are acting like female-minded pansies, so I can naturally expect to be hated. It's a necessary trouble and one I certainly enjoy. It means I am having an effect.

My statement stands. You are lost in the reprocusions of your own past actions and begging for us to bail you out. You are a worthless human. Typical moron who blames everyone else for the way things are.
We are all proud to not be anything like you.

The End.

Go hide in your cabin, impotent twat. You are nothing but a good little idiot for big businessmen and literally nothing is going to change because you shoved a gay and a 105 lb woman around.

Putting me on ignore automatically makes you a fragile bitch. :shaking: I can't even imagine admitting that I got triggered by someone calling out my conservacuck behaviors.

You get a Marxist professor fired or Bill Ayers put back in prison, I'll be impressed. Nobody respects a bandana-wearing faggot who shoves a commie girl around. What a faggot you are for trying to make it seem cool.
All the chest pounding about being ready when they get to you is worthless. They have the supply chains and manufacturers, as they have already bended down the the BLM bannrs, pop culture, and censoring of talk and ideas outside of the BLM approved list of shit to say.

They run rampant in the centers of manufacturing, banking, and government.

If this was a war it would already be over.

So is this a war?
to put in perspective, blm barged into a city, the PEOPLE of the city confronted them to force them and their record of violence and destruction of property (not to mention disruption of business), out of the city. The GOVERNMENT of the city then decided to protect BLM, and to go after the PEOPLE.
This is a government that is declining to protect the wishes and values of the governed and instead is electing to protect a racist hate organization that has a history of violence, property destruction, and destruction of businesses. At a time when those businesses are struggling to recover from decrees from that same government with power that was seized out of thin fucking air.

How the fuck is this a win?
I have definitely had an effect on the narrative of this board because this is not a personality issue. If you want to play personality games, go back to your faggot 12 step program, sportsball, or soap operas. Personally, I prefer dramas and novels.

Ideas have power. They are undeniable. You can hate me allllllllll that you want, but it is undeniable that your and everybody else's conservacuck bullshit has allowed this country to slip into Marxist chaos.

What we have done does not work. Bragging about some faggot shoving match and then going back to your coal rolling is not going to solve




I will whip and abuse every conservacuck ignoring echo chamber faggot and the power of that is undeniable. Nobody likes it pointed out to them that they are acting like female-minded pansies, so I can naturally expect to be hated. It's a necessary trouble and one I certainly enjoy. It means I am having an effect.

You wont whip and abuse anybody. Youre the biggest bitch on this board. Youve done nothing but flap your gums and make veiled threats from the safety of anonymity (for the record a vpn isnt as anonymous as you might think). Be a man, stand your ground, be proud and post up who you are and where you are.
Im sure there are plenty of people who will give you the chance to whip and abuse them. Or are you like the little antifa cucks who goes to the party with a full face mask throws a limp wristed frozen water bottle and then runs back into the crowd to hide behind the women?
You wont whip and abuse anybody. Youre the biggest bitch on this board. Youve done nothing but flap your gums and make veiled threats from the safety of anonymity (for the record a vpn isnt as anonymous as you might think). Be a man, stand your ground, be proud and post up who you are and where you are.
Im sure there are plenty of people who will give you the chance to whip and abuse them. Or are you like the little antifa cucks who goes to the party with a full face mask throws a limp wristed frozen water bottle and then runs back into the crowd to hide behind the women?

Wat? You're a schizoid.

I've consistently advocated peaceful civil disobedience literally every single time I talk about this. I wouldn't waste my time playing handy fisty with a bunch of faggot anarchists in the street.

I have written extensively what we should do: Take it to the State Capitals and MAKE them take care of it. I do not advocate violence between Americans.

I will abuse anyone that says or does otherwise.

If 5,000 people x50 show up at their State Capitals with guns, plenty of ammo, and plenty of prep supplies, and make a tailgate out of it, there's literally nothing the government can do but cave to our demands. Not a shot or fist needs to be brought into it.
Love the douche crying about how the police could have de-escalated the whole thing by arresting people. :lmao: ...and the chick bitching about how scary it was?? WTF? These fucking people are retarded.

Antifa member who shed many tears and held a candlelight vigil when Cecil the lion was killed, for such senseless loss of life: “Down with the racist patriarchy! Down with capitalism! Down with the police! We want a revolution! Make the streets run red with the blood of our enemies! It’s time for a civil war!”

Anyone with a brain, including conservatives, LEO’s, military, etc: “War is hell. We don’t want a civil war. However, we are prepared to deal with it if you force it on us.”

Antifa member: Shrieking, throws Molotov cocktail.

Bubba: Bitch slaps Antifa shitbag, knocks them down, skinning their knee. Tears ensue.

Antifa member: Retreats to coven in mom’s basement. “It was terrifying, it was like Kosovo! And the police just stood there when they could have arrested the big meanie who pushed me!”

Anybody have a line on some cheap/second hand body bags? Thinking it would be a “greener” option than plastic trash bags or burning for the leaves in my yard. I could use half a dozen or so to stack by the curb. :flipoff2:
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*looks around Republican ran state*

Pretty quiet here. Nice morning sit on the front deck and have your morning coffee.
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