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Bill H. R. 127


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
In the House of Representatives January 4th 2021

A Bill To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.

If passed, would this be your “getting off the porch” trigger?

I tried copy pasting it but it won’t work on my phone
I like what other people have said before. If voter ID's suppress voters and thus we don't have that how is a firearms ID not suppressing the 2nd amendment?
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I like what other people have said before. If voter ID's suppress voters and thus we don't have that how id a firearms ID not suppressing the 2nd amendment?

I agree 100%. But you have to sell that to the commie leftist with their power hungry agendas
Well, one thing about it, you guys whose reps and senators are either (D) or wishy-washy about such things really need to at least get off the porch steps, if not the entire porch now.. I've got a couple of decent senators who I know will vote this down, and a rep that will as well: if I send an email to anybody else asking for their support, they're going to kick it to the curb based on my zip code. Letters from constituents carry a HELLUVA lot more weight than from some random other idiot.. If you're not in the habit of contacting your representatives over pending legislation, this is the time to learn how to do it.. We're going to get hammered pretty hard in the coming months, then it'll back off the closer we get to the '22 election. We really need to leave them with the impression that registered voters are watching what they're doing..
I like what other people have said before. If voter ID's suppress voters and thus we don't have that how is a firearms ID not suppressing the 2nd amendment?

Because you lack the political power to defend your Rights.
In the House of Representatives January 4th 2021

A Bill To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.

If passed, would this be your “getting off the porch” trigger?

I tried copy pasting it but it won’t work on my phone

Yes. It would be a get off your porch trigger. For some. Others were triggered. Most won’t be triggered and just accept it.
If something like this passes im sure it is in there that you can not buy a certain caliber of ammo if you dont have that caliber gun in their registration. At that point yeah time to do something about it. If you cant live the life you want its worth dieing to get it.
Say the wife beater who used to whine because others wouldn’t stick up for his he lost being stupid.

I think this ^^^ embarrassing jumble of words is an insult, which means it's probably true.

But none of that changes the fact that conservatives lack the political power to defend their Rights.
How did they come up with that name? It sounds Islamic.

She was a Pakistani exchange student that was killed by a classmate. The kid used his fathers legally owned weapons to kill people so this bill would do absolutely jack fuck all to prevent gun violence.
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