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Biden to skip the presidential debates?

the conservative atheist

Jun 3, 2020
Member Number
My money is on one debate max, IF any at all. They will cite COVID and how Biden is protecting himself and others. Everyone knows, including democrats, that having his dementia on full display during a live debate isn't going to sit well with voters.
There's no way the Dems will allow him to debate Trump. All they have to do to win this thing is sit back and watch Trump implode as COVID blows up instead of "just disappearing" as Trump keeps saying. It would've been nice if the Pubs could've primaried Trump with a candidate that my have been able to stand a chance come November.
I'd like to see Trump and Jo Jorgenson debate, but im sure they will do anything possible to keep a libertarian candidate for entering the debates. Biden can't even form a complete sentence, so i doubt he will debate.
You all know that about 30 years ago Biden had two aneurisms that required brain surgery. A doc at that time said it could cause problems later in life..
To me, Trump is hard to listen to. Not that he can't do the job, he just sounds like what he is, a huckster...
There's no way the Dems will allow him to debate Trump. All they have to do to win this thing is sit back and watch Trump implode as COVID blows up instead of "just disappearing" as Trump keeps saying. It would've been nice if the Pubs could've primaried Trump with a candidate that my have been able to stand a chance come November.

Sad to see you've boughten into the scamdemic hoax. 330,000,000 Americans still haven't died since January.
You all know that about 30 years ago Biden had two aneurisms that required brain surgery. A doc at that time said it could cause problems later in life...

Huh, I "heard" it was cumulative hair product inhalation toxicity from sniffing all those women & girls . . .
Sad to see you've boughten into the scamdemic hoax. 330,000,000 Americans still haven't died since January.

They are selling that shit like its a used car.

You know the old saying; There is a sucker for every seat? Well there are a fuck load of suckers running around grabbing seats like its nobody's business. Facts be damned. :shaking:
I agree there is no way Biden’s handlers are gonna let him debate President Trump. It would be suicide for his campaign and they know it. I also agree they will use the Covid scam as a cover as to why he can’t handle it. Even with getting the questions ahead of time like Hilary did last go round he wouldn’t be able to form a complete sentence for his responses.
Personally I hope there are no debates. They're worthless as far as changing anyone's mind(s) and from what I've heard they don't even have any real entertainment value.
Personally I hope there are no debates. They're worthless as far as changing anyone's mind(s) and from what I've heard they don't even have any real entertainment value.

Normally I would actually agree.

With Trump though, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. He hates Biden. Biden likely conspired to spy on him and/or at least likely knew about it. Trump is going to want to destroy him
Shit the dems will let him debate! Just watch close for the wires running his movements and mouth. Then if they pull back the curtain like wizard of oz. You’ll see Hillary running the controls. :flipoff2:
Personally I hope there are no debates. They're worthless as far as changing anyone's mind(s) and from what I've heard they don't even have any real entertainment value.

I have to agree, they aren't really debates anyway just prolong question and answer sessions

Damn I just agreed with SDCJ Again HELP!!
I have to agree, they aren't really debates anyway just prolong question and answer sessions

Damn I just agreed with SDCJ Again HELP!!

They're not even Q&A. They're Q & segue into something I want to talk about while avoiding the Q all together.

I do believe there would be good entertainment in a Trump Biden debate. @RocDoc hit the nail on the head. Joe has gotten pretty excited during some of the meet & greets. One on one under the lights with Trump pushing buttons would probably push him over the edge. It would actually be a good litmus test to see if he's still cool enough to handle the pressure of the job.
I don't know what the final excuse will be, but there is no way Biden is going to show up in a live debate. NO WAY.
I don't know what the final excuse will be, but there is no way Biden is going to show up in a live debate. NO WAY.

The NY Times is already laying the groundwork/cover arguments for him to only debate if two conditons are met. One has to do with Trump tax returns from 2016-2018.... jesus..... i cant believe they are still going to beat this tax return drum. Like its going to show he claims on line 53b "Illegal Russian Money to Buy Presidential Campaign". Just more lunacy.
There's no way the Dems will allow him to debate Trump. All they have to do to win this thing is sit back and watch Trump implode as COVID blows up instead of "just disappearing" as Trump keeps saying. It would've been nice if the Pubs could've primaried Trump with a candidate that my have been able to stand a chance come November.

Thanks for the laugh:laughing::laughing::laughing::lmao::lmao:
I agree there is no way Biden’s handlers are gonna let him debate President Trump. It would be suicide for his campaign and they know it. I also agree they will use the Covid scam as a cover as to why he can’t handle it. Even with getting the questions ahead of time like Hilary did last go round he wouldn’t be able to form a complete sentence for his responses.

Which I don't fully understand how they would sell that. The Debates need the candidates, the facilitator and a few camera guys to run. Spread the candidates out a bit, the facilitator is already far enough away as well as the camera guys.
I'd like to see Trump and Jo Jorgenson debate, but im sure they will do anything possible to keep a libertarian candidate for entering the debates. Biden can't even form a complete sentence, so i doubt he will debate.


won't happen. the CPD will do anything needed to keep a third party off the stage.

new rules:
Under the 2020 criteria, in addition to being Constitutionally eligible, candidates must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning a majority vote in the Electoral College, and have a level of support of at least 15% of the national electorate as determined by five selected national public opinion polling organizations, using the average of those organizations’ most recently publicly-reported results at the time of the determination. The polls to be relied upon will be selected based on the quality of the methodology employed, the reputation of the polling organizations and the frequency of the polling conducted. The CPD will identify the selected polling organizations well in advance of the time the criteria are applied.

15% polls, but only the ones we choose.
i can see them doing a 'live debate' from their residences. of course biden would totally cheat and have aids helping him.

i agree with toreadorranger and just have minimal stuff. a few camera guys, a facilitator, trump and biden.

The NY Times is already laying the groundwork/cover arguments for him to only debate if two conditons are met. One has to do with Trump tax returns from 2016-2018.... jesus..... i cant believe they are still going to beat this tax return drum. Like its going to show he claims on line 53b "Illegal Russian Money to Buy Presidential Campaign". Just more lunacy.

I just heard on the radio the the Supreme Court is going to allow his tax records to be released to the NY prosecutors, but are not to be released to the public.... Or some shit like that.

You know full well that if they find anything at all in those documents it will be leaked in about 2 seconds.

This should be interesting......
If the debates do happen, it will be interesting to watch Trump without an audience. Biden won't know whether there is anyone in the seats or not. But Trump feeds off a response from people good or bad. He'd be reeling in his own head trying to figure out how the public at home is responding to what he says.
Normally I would actually agree.

With Trump though, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. He hates Biden. Biden likely conspired to spy on him and/or at least likely knew about it. Trump is going to want to destroy him

oh hell, i'd tune in if they were going to get a chance to debate about Ukraine and FISA abuse :lmao:
I just heard on the radio the the Supreme Court is going to allow his tax records to be released to the NY prosecutors, but are not to be released to the public.... Or some shit like that.

You know full well that if they find anything at all in those documents it will be leaked in about 2 seconds.

This should be interesting......
't wait
The dems are still going full retard over trump and trying anything to get him out of office. I hope they remember that all this will still be in place when the dems are in office. Can't wait until the day some of this gets used aginst the dems and they start crying how unfair it is. That will be funny
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