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Biden reportedly hauls in record-shattering $300M in August


Ol' School member
May 20, 2020
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Biden reportedly hauls in record-shattering $300M in August

Both Biden and Trump raked in big bucks during their respective party conventions

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden didn’t appear to get any kind of post-convention bounce in the polls – but he’s definitely getting a huge boost in fundraising.

The former vice president’s campaign is expected to announce this week a record-breaking August haul of more than $300 million, according to a report from the New York Times.


The fundraising – split between the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and their shared committees – would appear to shatter the previous monthly record by a presidential campaign, which was set by then-Democratic nominee Barack Obama in September of 2008.
How, why? That many people with that much money to just give away? And to Biden, gotta be close to the worst candidate any party has run.
No amount of money will win him the presidency.
How, why? That many people with that much money to just give away? And to Biden, gotta be close to the worst candidate any party has run.

Pretty much all of the donations to BLM are being funneled directly to Biden's campaign. Soros is putting in tens of millions (if not more). Plus who knows how much money being laundered in from off-shore (China). The corrupt are doing everything they can to get ANYONE but Trump in the Whitehouse.
I dunno . . . that kinda' money can arrange a lot of voter fraud :frown:

He leaned so far left that if he tries to come back to the right even just a little the progressives will burn him at the stake.
Good for him, now he can afford a brain transplant.
BLM contributions dump directly to the biden campaign. nothing more, nothing less.

I know I've posted it and I'm sure someone else has also. But there is a YouTube video proving your post word for word.
That ActBlue bullshit.
BLM contributions dump directly to the biden campaign. nothing more, nothing less.

I know I've posted it and I'm sure someone else has also. But there is a YouTube video proving your post word for word.

The only other place where the money goes is 'admin cost', and that's a YUGE chunk!

I think something like 30% goes to admin; meaning the BLM leadership pays themselves very well.
Hillary had a huge financial advantage and see how well that turned out. How the press has stayed silent on biden not answering any questions this far into the campaign tells you all you need to know about who's side they are on.
What I've heard, hashing it out with some co-workers and seeing the polls for myself. They feel that Biden already knows he won't win, that's why he hasn't really gone to fight in the battleground states. Their greater goal is the Senate and holding the House, this is where the republican senate candidates are getting hammered and the polls show of the 23 GOP senate seats up for re-election they predict 7 of those easily turning Democrat. From this the Democrat Party will finally have the number for a successful second impeachment, which is their end goal.
What I've heard, hashing it out with some co-workers and seeing the polls for myself. They feel that Biden already knows he won't win, that's why he hasn't really gone to fight in the battleground states. Their greater goal is the Senate and holding the House, this is where the republican senate candidates are getting hammered and the polls show of the 23 GOP senate seats up for re-election they predict 7 of those easily turning Democrat. From this the Democrat Party will finally have the number for a successful second impeachment, which is their end goal.

I like this plan!
I like this plan!

whats your plan when the second impeachment fails and you have to concoct another COVID-like crisis to try and crash the economy again, all in hopes of beating either Vice President Pence or Niki Haley in 2024? :usa:
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