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Biden going full in on trump loser statement. OH BOY


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Brought up his dead son saying he is not a loser. saying he called john mccain a loser (it was a political disagreement). He is really going in on this statement hard core. But even he said IS THIS STATEMENT TRUE? If it is. He is saying that he was warned not to lose his temper but this is really close.

The Atlantic better come up with some real proof because biden just upped the ante.

Now his is saying that the good jobs number is bad and the country needs to be careful.

God help this country if he wins.
Brought up his dead son saying he is not a loser. saying he called john mccain a loser (it was a political disagreement). He is really going in on this statement hard core. But even he said IS THIS STATEMENT TRUE? If it is. He is saying that he was warned not to lose his temper but this is really close.

The Atlantic better come up with some real proof because biden just upped the ante.

Now his is saying that the good jobs number is bad and the country needs to be careful.

God help this country if he wins.

If Biden hadn't jumped on it that would have surprised me. As it is, not surprised. Since when has something needed to be true in politics ?
And now it's time for the scripted questions... And of course the first question is about the atlantic article giving biden another platform to spout. He's been in politics for 50 years and NOW he has all the answers.

This atlantic thing is not over by a long shot
Prisoners of War are_______.

Fill in the blank.

losers. Yes trump said that about mcain when they were feuding. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now.

Kind of like biden saying he did not like busing because he didn't want "his children going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle" but he is the hero of minorities today.
losers. Yes trump said that about mcain when they were feuding. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now.

Kind of like biden saying he did not like busing because he didn't want "his children going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle" but he is the hero of minorities today.

Yeah give me the year he said that... Report back.
Ten people on the trip cited by the Atlantics anonymous source have gone on “record” saying the story is a fabricated lie. But that didn’t stop slow Joe from repeating it, like Russia collusion.

Democrats are idiots, try and prove me wrong .
Yeah give me the year he said that... Report back.

See kid, this is once again why the left needs to just shut the fuck up. They brought up something stupid Trump said, but it just brings to light all the dumb shit your party has said and backfires.

One of my favorites is Harris and many other lefties saying that they believe Biden sexually assaulted his accusers and they deserve justice.

You Trump cheerleaders than come along and somehow try and excuse it, (see your post above) and help get more people on the Trump train.

Thank you good sir for your continued support :smokin:
See kid, this is once again why the left needs to just shut the fuck up. They brought up something stupid Trump said, but it just brings to light all the dumb shit your party has said and backfires.

One of my favorites is Harris and many other lefties saying that they believe Biden sexually assaulted his accusers and they deserve justice.

You Trump cheerleaders than come along and somehow try and excuse it, (see your post above) and help get more people on the Trump train.

Thank you good sir for your continued support :smokin:

You are quite welcome good sir.
John Bolton was there and talked about it in his book. If Trump had said this it would been in his book. He came out today and said Trump never said anything like this. This supposedly happened 2 years ago, does anyone honestly think that anyone could of kept negative information about Trump a secret that long.
Yeah, calculate how many years ago that was. My lib tard brain can't compute.

ok something more recent

May 2020: “You ain’t black.”

In an interview with “The Breakfast Club,” the presumptive Democratic nominee told host Charlamagne tha God, “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” before defending his record with the black community.

August 2012: “Put y’all back in chains”

Then-Vice President Biden told a Virginia audience that then-Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s financial regulation lifts would "put y'all back in chains."

"He said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules," Biden said. "Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains."

February 2007: Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean”

Biden, while running for the 2008 presidency, issued what he thought was praise of then-Senator Barack Obama, saying he was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."
God help this country if he wins.
I personally think it'd be hilarious. It actually reminds me of a special needs kid we had at the youth center. Let's call him Michael Gonzalez. Michael had very severe Downs and was always trying to act out like he was running the show. In order to keep Michael Gonzalez calm, we handed him one of our radios with no batteries in it. Michael would try call us on the radios, of course we could never hear him, but it made him feel important and never lashed out again.

It'd be awesome if Biden was given the reigns and we just sort acted like he was important, but we just went on with our lives wile the idiot thought he was in charge. :laughing:
I personally think it'd be hilarious. It actually reminds me of a special needs kid we had at the youth center. Let's call him Michael Gonzalez. Michael had very severe Downs and was always trying to act out like he was running the show. In order to keep Michael Gonzalez calm, we handed him one of our radios with no batteries in it. Michael would try call us on the radios, of course we could never hear him, but it made him feel important and never lashed out again.

It'd be awesome if Biden was given the reigns and we just sort acted like he was important, but we just went on with our lives wile the idiot thought he was in charge. :laughing:

DUH. That is Soros's plan. QUE MALA will run the show. Hardy har har

More adrenochrome for me!
I personally think it'd be hilarious. It actually reminds me of a special needs kid we had at the youth center. Let's call him Michael Gonzalez. Michael had very severe Downs and was always trying to act out like he was running the show. In order to keep Michael Gonzalez calm, we handed him one of our radios with no batteries in it. Michael would try call us on the radios, of course we could never hear him, but it made him feel important and never lashed out again.

It'd be awesome if Biden was given the reigns and we just sort acted like he was important, but we just went on with our lives wile the idiot thought he was in charge. :laughing:

Was it really necessary to call a special needs kid Michael Gonzalez?

I didn't think you were that mean.
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