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Biden bombs Syria..

No way

Viking Mothfukle
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Under the bus
"We launched one of those, you know, things.. at those, you know, places.. because, you know. C'mon man, they're like. And, and, and, and, and. Yeah."


The US military has carried out an air strike targeting Iran-backed militias in Syria, the Pentagon says.

The attack destroyed "multiple facilities located at a border control point used by a number of Iranian-backed militant groups", it said.

It was the first military action ordered by the Biden administration and came in response to attacks against US and coalition personnel in Iraq.

A civilian contractor was killed in a rocket attack on US targets this month.

A US service member and five other contractors were also injured when the rockets hit sites in Irbil, including a base used by the US-led coalition, on 15 February.

Rockets have also struck US bases in Baghdad, including the Green Zone, which houses the US embassy and other diplomatic missions.
The Pentagon named Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada as two of the Iran-backed militias it targeted in Thursday's strike near the Iraqi border in eastern Syria.

It called the action a "proportionate military response" that was taken "together with diplomatic measures", including consulting coalition partners.

The operation "sends an unambiguous message", the Pentagon statement said.

"President Biden will act to protect American and Coalition personnel. At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both eastern Syria and Iraq."
'We know what we hit'

The US did not confirm any casualties, but UK-based monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the US attack had killed at least 17 pro-Iranian fighters.

"The strikes destroyed three lorries carrying munitions," the observatory's Rami Abdul Rahman told AFP. "There were many casualties."

Kataib Hezbollah has denied any role in the recent rocket attacks, but US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters he was "confident in the target that we went after".

"We know what we hit," he said. "We're confident that that target was being used by the same Shia militants that conducted the strikes" on 15 February.

An unnamed US official told Reuters news agency that the attack was meant to send a signal that while the US wanted to punish the militias, it did not want it to escalate into a bigger conflict.
Ehh...we'll wait and see. If they were launching shit at our boys to test out the stones on our new administration, fuck it...send some. Trump had to do the same thing in his early days. I'm pretty sure neither Biden nor Trump had a heck of a lot to do with planning anything like this.

Edit to add: I can't stand Biden. I think he's a slimy worthless puppet. Just trying to keep things in perspective. Too much of "our side good, their side bad" going on these days.
Ehh...we'll wait and see. If they were launching shit at our boys to test out the stones on our new administration, fuck it...send some. Trump had to do the same thing in his early days. I'm pretty sure neither Biden nor Trump had a heck of a lot to do with planning anything like this.

Edit to add: I can't stand Biden. I think he's a slimy worthless puppet. Just trying to keep things in perspective. Too much of "our side good, their side bad" going on these days.

Same, keep droppin em
Shut down the pipe line, make fracking harder, then restart wars in the middle east how soon will the price of gas be over $3.00 a gallon according to Gasbuddy price is up by .10 cents since January. But that is purely a coincidence
Not a Biden fan....

Didn't we do a precision air strike on some syrian general's motorcade last year....? It's syria... They throw pebbles over the fence so we throw pebbles back....

I feel Trump him self with no help of anyone kept us from going to war with N. Korea and possibly Russia, I hope that the current administration can keep that same route.
Ehh...we'll wait and see. If they were launching shit at our boys to test out the stones on our new administration, fuck it...send some. Trump had to do the same thing in his early days. I'm pretty sure neither Biden nor Trump had a heck of a lot to do with planning anything like this.

Edit to add: I can't stand Biden. I think he's a slimy worthless puppet. Just trying to keep things in perspective. Too much of "our side good, their side bad" going on these days.

This is my thought. If Iran is just fucking around, then yeah lob some Tomahawks at em and let em find out.

Read something in the news about how a Biden envoy secretly met with Iran before the election, if true, then they are probably just doing a dog and pony show to justify Iran firing up the nuke reactor again or whatever bullshit they got going on right now. Probably just some tinfoil hat shit but democrat politician privilege so ok to do/don't think for yourself.

So now Iran can go back to being a rogue state, but its "Americas fault" so ok to send them money.
Not a Biden fan....

Didn't we do a precision air strike on some syrian general's motorcade last year....? It's syria... They throw pebbles over the fence so we throw pebbles back....

I feel Trump him self with no help of anyone kept us from going to war with N. Korea and possibly Russia, I hope that the current administration can keep that same route.

Did we target some motorcade or are we just bombing the local children's hospital? I haven't heard a target in anything I've read.
Not a Biden fan....

Didn't we do a precision air strike on some syrian general's motorcade last year....? It's syria... They throw pebbles over the fence so we throw pebbles back....

I feel Trump him self with no help of anyone kept us from going to war with N. Korea and possibly Russia, I hope that the current administration can keep that same route.

Tinfoil: They are willing to plung tge world in to ww3 in order to keep Trump from getting credit for peace in tge Middle East. As a nice side effect this will help China Joe make is handlers hapoy by clearing tge a for the mining rights in the worlds armpit.
I don't pay much attention to the mainstream news but it seems like this is largely being ignored by them. I mean, it's not surprising in the least. Biden was always a war hawk. Ironically, Trump who was supposed to be the most dangerous POTUS ever who was sure to spark off WWIII did the least warring of any POTUS of my lifetime. There would be never ending newsbreaks about how dangerous this is and how Middle East tensions are riding to unprecedented levels as we near open war with Iran if Trump had made this call.

And I say this as a guy who can't fucking stand Donald J. Trump.
Ehh...we'll wait and see. If they were launching shit at our boys to test out the stones on our new administration, fuck it...send some. Trump had to do the same thing in his early days. I'm pretty sure neither Biden nor Trump had a heck of a lot to do with planning anything like this.

Edit to add: I can't stand Biden. I think he's a slimy worthless puppet. Just trying to keep things in perspective. Too much of "our side good, their side bad" going on these days.

Yup, Trump ordered strikes on Syria in 2018.
Did we target some motorcade or are we just bombing the local children's hospital? I haven't heard a target in anything I've read.

I believe they bombed a target that held Iranian militias supplies. I think a few people died. I support the bombing in retaliation for the bombing some days ago.
So, we fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here? But we don’t want a secure border here? It all seems very confusing.
Shut down the pipe line, make fracking harder, then restart wars in the middle east how soon will the price of gas be over $3.00 a gallon according to Gasbuddy price is up by .10 cents since January. But that is purely a coincidence

California shits all over your over three dollars per gallon concerns.

We’ll be at $5 before you know it.
Shut down the pipe line, make fracking harder, then restart wars in the middle east how soon will the price of gas be over $3.00 a gallon according to Gasbuddy price is up by .10 cents since January. But that is purely a coincidence

We are at 4 already here. Depending on the station.
We are at 4 already here. Depending on the station.

Chicago went over $4 a couple weeks ago from a pic I got from a friend there.

ETA trump didn't have to fuck with Iran too much because he gave out troops a level of autonomy. Remember during Obama years Iran captured some of our sailors and made them apologize on video? Trump told our boys to sink any Iranian ship that fucked with them. Problem solved.
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Shut down the pipe line, make fracking harder, then restart wars in the middle east how soon will the price of gas be over $3.00 a gallon according to Gasbuddy price is up by .10 cents since January. But that is purely a coincidence

We’re flirting at $4.00 in CA
Apparently “we” voted for it too! Highest registration and fuel in the country

Well, it's not like Handjobs for the Homeless* is going to fund itself :homer:

* or whatever equity-themed social program boondoggles our taxes fund
Shut down the pipe line, make fracking harder, then restart wars in the middle east how soon will the price of gas be over $3.00 a gallon according to Gasbuddy price is up by .10 cents since January. But that is purely a coincidence

Premium is already 3.15-3.25 here. Up about .50 from last week.
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