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Chinese viwologist escapes from China to tell the WEAL stowy on cowona viwus!



Hours before she boarded an April 28 Cathay Pacific flight to the United States, the respected doctor who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health had plotted her escape, packing her bag and sneaking past the censors and video cameras on campus.

She had her passport and her purse and was about to leave all of her loved ones behind. If she was caught, she knew she could be thrown in jail -- or, worse, rendered one of the "disappeared."

Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives.


She adds that they likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organization reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020.

Yan, now in hiding, claims the government in the country where she was born is trying to shred her reputation and accuses government goons of choreographing a cyber-attack against her in hopes of keeping her quiet.

Yan believes her life is in danger. She fears she can never go back to her home and lives with the hard truth that she’ll likely never see her friends or family there again.


Still, she says, the risk is worth it.

"The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID," she told Fox News from an undisclosed location.

She added that if she tried to tell her story in China, she "will be disappeared and killed."

More in article that was linkslugged...
Of course, the whole thing has been it effort to help communism in the US duh.:homer:
neither are valid.

Every network give you a piece of the truth. It's up to you to find the real truth. Most people are lazy and just take what they like. We have more information at our fingertips now than at any point in human history and more dumb people than ever.

On a side note I would really like this to all be true and for it to show that china is not our friend. Trump was the first administration in the past 15-20 years to actually make a stand. I would like to see that continue no matter who wins.

My personal opinion is that the virus got out in china (either natural or man made) and the party saw that it was really going to hurt china. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage to the US and other countries they banned travel out of WuHan BUT allowed international travel to spread the virus around the globe so it affected all countries the same as it did china. Sounds monstrous to us but a perfectly sane decision by the communist gov.
The network that tells him what he wants to hear. :flipoff2:

BTW, I've become extremely distrustful of all the major networks.

Me too.

You really have to dig to find anything that is just the facts. My wife was upset about the Postal "scandal" until I pointed out several details that were not mentioned in main stream media that allowed them to spin their narrative. So many people are just relying on what their friends are saying on Facebook as actual news. It is startling how much access we give them to our emotions.
fox news isn't a news org. hope this helps you gather your thoughts.

Just go fuck off now. :laughing: There are no "news sources" All of them all of them present an opinion. All of them. Fox is the only one that is not completely left biased. The only major one. They are closer to center than any left media "source". Any of them. The entire media circus is that. A fucking joke. They have the inability to report news. They cant do it. Dodgers win 4th in a row becomes "blown call at home plate gifts game to Los Angeles." Parroting about news bias is simply fucking retarded. Not even annoying, just tiring. Did you graduate from HS ? Or do you remember HS American Government class ? Or English ? do you have the ability to look at anything objectively ? Serious question. Are you here to simply poo fling at other idiots ? If you want to fucking fact check anything, check which network was closest to predicting Trump's 2016 victory. Gather your thoughts.
Chinese viwologist escapes from China to tell the WEAL stowy on cowona viwus!



Hours before she boarded an April 28 Cathay Pacific flight to the United States, the respected doctor who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health had plotted her escape, packing her bag and sneaking past the censors and video cameras on campus.

She had her passport and her purse and was about to leave all of her loved ones behind. If she was caught, she knew she could be thrown in jail -- or, worse, rendered one of the "disappeared."

Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives.


She adds that they likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organization reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020.

Yan, now in hiding, claims the government in the country where she was born is trying to shred her reputation and accuses government goons of choreographing a cyber-attack against her in hopes of keeping her quiet.

Yan believes her life is in danger. She fears she can never go back to her home and lives with the hard truth that she’ll likely never see her friends or family there again.


Still, she says, the risk is worth it.

"The reason I came to the U.S. is because I deliver the message of the truth of COVID," she told Fox News from an undisclosed location.

She added that if she tried to tell her story in China, she "will be disappeared and killed."

More in article that was linkslugged...

You sound like Elmer Fudd not Asian. :flipoff2:
Isn’t that partly owned by Al gore?

Other way around.

Did Al Gore own Al Jazeera?
Prior INdTV founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, with Ronald Burkle, each held a sizable stake in Current TV. ... On January 2, 2013, it was announced that Current TV had been sold by Gore and Hyatt to Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera Media Network.
So basically she just thinks they knew ahead of time and doesn't offer any proof or other information?
So basically she just thinks they knew ahead of time and doesn't offer any proof or other information?


Motorcharge is todays winner of identifying "pointless thread" as "Pointless".

(Legal: Yes all of everboobs, Eviltwits, nothinggetsbydumbasslance post are always equally pointless. They do not qualify as it's cruel and usual punishment to identify these idiots as dumb.)
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