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Backwoods motorcycle camping trip gear suggestions.


That guy
May 25, 2020
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Like a bad penny I just keep showing up
Want to do a couple backwoods motorcycle camping trips on my Ktm 1290 adventure bike. Never done this before so looking for gear suggestions from the motorcycle campers and backpackers of the group. Trips would range from 2 to 3 day weekend trips to 1-2 weeks.
So far I have
Riding gear/ rain gear
Bike with tools and side panniers.
Single person tent
Packable sleeping bag
Msr reactor stove with utensils exc.
usual knife hatchet saw and fire starting equipment
Fishing gear.
Water bladder and a couple canteens
Water filter
Jump start battery

What I know I need
Some way of carrying extra fuel
Suggestions on camp food. Always camped out of a truck and didn’t have to worry about weight and perishable foods. Plan on fishing so fresh fish will be on the menu where available. Maybe depending on location even bringing along my 22/410 takedown and shooting some small game. Some sort of tire patch kit/ air pump. Anything else I’m missing? I don’t require much just don’t want to be hitting town if it can be avoided.
Thoughts: Going tubeless (if possible) would be a benefit. Flats are much more easily fixed when there is no tube. On my road touring bike I have a very large CO2 canister, about half the size of a soda can, along with about 12 different ways to fix a flat. Any bicycle micro pump (schrader compatible) will also work but it will take a near Herculean effort to fill the tire. Rim locks are your friend, too, in case you HAVE to ride on a flat. Park Tools (bicycle again) makes peel and stick-on tube/tire patches that are easy to use, small and easily stored, albeit not for long term use. Why an extra jump start battery? That bike have a generator and not a mag (can't it be roll started without a charged battery)?

Are you camping in only one state? Where are you "planning" on camping because you'll probably need a license to hunt ANY game or to fish. Could be problematic AND expensive if more that one state is being considered. Planning on living off of the land while camping sounds like a recipe for starvation to me, but I'm inexperienced with such things. As for increased fuel capacity I'm almost certain some outfit makes a larger tank ($$$) for that bike or, for an emergency, a water bottle (filled with fuel) and a holder will get you a little further. I never camped while on a motorcycle but I have ridden in the woods for thousands of miles and the best plan is to plan to not run out of fuel. Pushing a 215 lb dirt bike for miles on a trail would be oppressive, a Dakar-type bike, loaded to the gills with gear, would be almost unthinkable. Enough of me being a negative Nancy, search YouToob for Ozzies spending weeks in the outback by motorcycle. They may have the real world experience you seek.
Thoughts: Going tubeless (if possible) would be a benefit. Flats are much more easily fixed when there is no tube. On my road touring bike I have a very large CO2 canister, about half the size of a soda can, along with about 12 different ways to fix a flat. Any bicycle micro pump (schrader compatible) will also work but it will take a near Herculean effort to fill the tire. Rim locks are your friend, too, in case you HAVE to ride on a flat. Park Tools (bicycle again) makes peel and stick-on tube/tire patches that are easy to use, small and easily stored, albeit not for long term use. Why an extra jump start battery? That bike have a generator and not a mag (can't it be roll started without a charged battery)?

Are you camping in only one state? Where are you "planning" on camping because you'll probably need a license to hunt ANY game or to fish. Could be problematic AND expensive if more that one state is being considered. Planning on living off of the land while camping sounds like a recipe for starvation to me, but I'm inexperienced with such things. As for increased fuel capacity I'm almost certain some outfit makes a larger tank ($$$) for that bike or, for an emergency, a water bottle (filled with fuel) and a holder will get you a little further. I never camped while on a motorcycle but I have ridden in the woods for thousands of miles and the best plan is to plan to not run out of fuel. Pushing a 215 lb dirt bike for miles on a trail would be oppressive, a Dakar-type bike, loaded to the gills with gear, would be almost unthinkable. Enough of me being a negative Nancy, search YouToob for Ozzies spending weeks in the outback by motorcycle. They may have the real world experience you seek.
The fishing and hunting would be a when possible. Would not be relying on that for food certainly not when rolling across multiple states (several week trips). That’s why I’m asking what food those who go days to weeks without hitting town pack for backpacking/motorcycle camping. Already have tubeless tires so plus there. Who makes your c02 canister and how many fill ups will it go before needing a new one? Have looked at them but not sure how practical it would be for a larger tire like mine. Jump start battery is because my bike weighs in at 530lbs without gear. Push starting is not an option unless I can run it down hill. I have done several day trips as well as gone cross country on a bike just always stayed in town/hotels and eating at restaurants. Looking for more of a challenge. Can’t find a bigger tank I did find an aux tank made by camel but at $450 I will probably wind up buying it but will have to hymn and haw over that one for a few months. Even with that the more fuel carried means longer time between having to see a town. I will attempt the youtoob rabbit hole. Thanks
Been doing this for several years now.

For food, I bring along some instant rice stuff. Its...ok. HOnestly, I stop at places to eat. After 450 miles of mixed terrain, a gas station cheeseburger is incredible.

I use MSR bottles for spare fuel. They net me about 30 miles.

I use a KLymit DOuble V Sleep pad. I'm tall so I got the longer one.

Hatchet, saw, and whatnot; I'd skip. There should be enough on the ground to use.

For fire starting, hand sanitizer. Cleans your hands, flammable, and great for tire lube.

Canteens are good. Make sure they are able to hold hot water. You get cold at night, heat up water to a decent temp, throw it in the sleeping bag with you.

Headlamp. Batteries.

Spare cables to charge phones and whatnot.

Proper GPS for the bike. I use OSMand. Kurgviger is another awesome mapping setup.

Paracord is useful for hanging clothes that are sweaty or wet.

There's more. But that's where I'd start.
I had skipped the sleeping pad on purpose as the one I have is pretty big and bulky and doesn’t offer much added comfort considering the space it takes up. Fc4x4 how small does yours pack down? I will order some of the legacy foods stuff and maybe a few other freeze dried foods to try out. I’m not opposed to stopping for food but the main reason for this whole adventure is I am sick of dealing with people and just want to spend some time alone so the longer between hitting town the better.
I hadn’t thought of gps as I am more of a seat of the pants navigator (hence focus on extra fuel and food) do those have good mapping of national forest and BLM roads? I know my list skipped a lot of the little stuff as a lot of it is part of my daily load out even if I’m not going far.
The fishing and hunting would be a when possible. Would not be relying on that for food certainly not when rolling across multiple states (several week trips). That’s why I’m asking what food those who go days to weeks without hitting town pack for backpacking/motorcycle camping. Already have tubeless tires so plus there. Who makes your c02 canister and how many fill ups will it go before needing a new one? Have looked at them but not sure how practical it would be for a larger tire like mine. Jump start battery is because my bike weighs in at 530lbs without gear. Push starting is not an option unless I can run it down hill. I have done several day trips as well as gone cross country on a bike just always stayed in town/hotels and eating at restaurants. Looking for more of a challenge. Can’t find a bigger tank I did find an aux tank made by camel but at $450 I will probably wind up buying it but will have to hymn and haw over that one for a few months. Even with that the more fuel carried means longer time between having to see a town. I will attempt the youtoob rabbit hole. Thanks
The tire repair kit is from Genuine Innovations, contains two 45g co2 canisters and the valve interface. I was getting flats once or twice a year so I got the co2 kit. Since I purchased the kit I haven't had a flat (pushing a 800lb HD RoadKing with a flat tire is "unpleasant"). It would take both 45g canisters to inflate the tire one time, I'm sure. It takes one 20g co2 canister to fill up my road bicycle tire (700-23) to 90 psi. Since you're already running tubeless all you would need to do is use a plug to fix most punctures. I've seen appliances where you would remove a/the spark plug, thread the appliance into the cylinder head and use the engine compression to inflate a tire. I haven't been that desperate.... yet....

Good luck.
I hadn’t thought of gps as I am more of a seat of the pants navigator (hence focus on extra fuel and food) do those have good mapping of national forest and BLM roads? I know my list skipped a lot of the little stuff as a lot of it is part of my daily load out even if I’m not going far.
OSMand is awesome. Can't speak for BLM roads, but in New England its labeled every road I've ever been on. You can get a free version. Offers seven maps I think. Two are just standard road maps, then you can download five states. I bought the full version for like $20 and it gives me the option to download every map in the world. And before anyone asks, not it does not require cell service. You connect and download on wi-fi, update everything, then head out. I think you need to reconnect once a month for updates.

What do is go here: Kurviger - Your Motorcycle Route Planner (I have a $10 paid version)

Map out a trip

Download the GPX file

Open GPX file in OSM


It works awesome. Now and then you'll hit a snag, but those are rare. Private roads are a usual culprit. Like logging roads in Maine.

It also lists points of interest like fuel, food, lodging, and about a dozen other things.

I can't go on a trip without it.
Want to do a couple backwoods motorcycle camping trips on my Ktm 1290 adventure bike. Never done this before so looking for gear suggestions from the motorcycle campers and backpackers of the group. Trips would range from 2 to 3 day weekend trips to 1-2 weeks.
So far I have
Riding gear/ rain gear
Bike with tools and side panniers.
Single person tent
Packable sleeping bag
Msr reactor stove with utensils exc.
usual knife hatchet saw and fire starting equipment
Fishing gear.
Water bladder and a couple canteens
Water filter
Jump start battery

What I know I need
Some way of carrying extra fuel
Suggestions on camp food. Always camped out of a truck and didn’t have to worry about weight and perishable foods. Plan on fishing so fresh fish will be on the menu where available. Maybe depending on location even bringing along my 22/410 takedown and shooting some small game. Some sort of tire patch kit/ air pump. Anything else I’m missing? I don’t require much just don’t want to be hitting town if it can be avoided.
For the love of all things Holy; about some of your lovely motorbike???? :confused::smokin::grinpimp::beer:

Buy food and beer when you buy gas. If you arent stopping for fuel at least twice a day you aren't riding enough. :flipoff2: Pack it into a soft sided 6 pack cooler and top it off with ice from the fountain drink machine.

This little grill kicks ass. https://www.amazon.com/UCO-Grilliput-Portable-Camping-Grill/dp/B000980JMW/?tag=ap0db8-20

Slime mini compressor and a plug kit. (bike is tubeless)

msr fuel bottle

1ltr water bottle full of your bourbon of choice.

Garmin montana GPS. Don't forget your programming cord in case you need to drop into a library somewhere and upload new tracks.

Cardo or Sena headset. If you dont have pandora premium, sign up for the month free trial. You need premium because it loads your stations for offline listening when you are out of cell range.

Earplugs. I don't ride anywhere without them. These are great. I carry them as a backup pair to my custom fit plugs. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RM6Q7FC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

PLB in case SHTF. I scored this one cheap used off ADVR. There are used ones available all over. carried on your person not on the bike in case you become detached from the bike.
ResQLink+ 406 Buoyant Personal Locator Beacon | ACR ARTEX

9mm. I carry my pf9 because it doesnt care if its dirty, its small and I can use it as a hammer and not feel terrible about it.

Fire starters so you dont need to use your spare fuel: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074MVQV9X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

coffee and creamer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WP968BC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

collapsible cup: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0792ZZW4X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Insulated sleeping pad: Big Agnes Insulated Air Core Ultra Sleeping Pad - 25x78

Down quilt: https://enlightenedequipment.com/down/

Merino wool base layer, socks, and drawers: https://www.icebreaker.com/en-us/ho...l1AHbQCLt1pEljy6jRhoCKN4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

waterproof camera on a retractable lanyard strapped to your tank bag for quick on the fly pics: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0088MQEUW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Any specialty tools your bike needs
Tire spoons

Credit card.

I think thats pretty much my load out from our trip earlier this month.

Ride report from a few weeks ago.: https://irate4x4.com/threads/useless-things-about-your-day.292/post-522624
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For the love of all things Holy; about some of your lovely motorbike???? :confused::smokin::grinpimp::beer:
2020 ktm 1290 super adventure r bought it new in February. Now has over 10,000 miles on it. Bike is absolutely awesome comfortable and been dead reliable. With the exception of a coolant leak that just popped up.
Buy food and beer when you buy gas. If you arent stopping for fuel at least twice a day you aren't riding enough. :flipoff2: Pack it into a soft sided 6 pack cooler and top it off with ice from the fountain drink machine.

This little grill kicks ass. https://www.amazon.com/UCO-Grilliput-Portable-Camping-Grill/dp/B000980JMW/?tag=ap0db8-20

Slime mini compressor and a plug kit. (bike is tubeless)

msr fuel bottle

1ltr water bottle full of your bourbon of choice.

Garmin montana GPS. Don't forget your programming cord in case you need to drop into a library somewhere and upload new tracks.

Cardo or Sena headset. If you dont have pandora premium, sign up for the month free trial. You need premium because it loads your stations for offline listening when you are out of cell range.

Earplugs. I don't ride anywhere without them. These are great. I carry them as a backup pair to my custom fit plugs. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RM6Q7FC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

PLB in case SHTF. I scored this one cheap used off ADVR. There are used ones available all over. carried on your person not on the bike in case you become detached from the bike.
ResQLink+ 406 Buoyant Personal Locator Beacon | ACR ARTEX

9mm. I carry my pf9 because it doesnt care if its dirty, its small and I can use it as a hammer and not feel terrible about it.

Fire starters so you dont need to use your spare fuel: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074MVQV9X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

coffee and creamer: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WP968BC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

collapsible cup: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0792ZZW4X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Insulated sleeping pad: Big Agnes Insulated Air Core Ultra Sleeping Pad - 25x78

Down quilt: Quilts & Sleeping Bags - Down - Enlightened Equipment

Merino wool base layer, socks, and drawers: icebreaker® Sustainable Merino Wool Outdoor Clothing. Move To Natural.

waterproof camera on a retractable lanyard strapped to your tank bag for quick on the fly pics: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0088MQEUW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Any specialty tools your bike needs
Tire spoons

Credit card.

I think thats pretty much my load out from our trip earlier this month.

Ride report from a few weeks ago.: https://irate4x4.com/threads/useless-things-about-your-day.292/post-522624
Usually I fill up 2 to three times a day when riding street. Hopping with mostly dirt and taking time to fish and explore and extending my range I can fuel up a little less often.

I ordered the camel 1.5 gallon auxiliary tank for my bike and will probably pick up a couple of the fuel bottles in case of emergency.

Bourbon goes without saying.

Have a shoei helmet that blocks noise really well with built in Sena headset so I’m set there.

Need to decide on and pick up a tank bag and will take a look at your other suggestions. Also have my ham radio license and will be bringing my handheld along. Thanks for the pointers. Your trip look pretty much like I am hoping to start venture if into.
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Need to decide on and pick up a tank bag
Buy one that's hydration bladder compatible! love not having that sack of water on my back! Also, look for a bag that has backpack straps so you can carry the sack of water on your back if you want too. :laughing:
I had skipped the sleeping pad on purpose as the one I have is pretty big and bulky and doesn’t offer much added comfort considering the space it takes up. Fc4x4 how small does yours pack down? I will order some of the legacy foods stuff and maybe a few other freeze dried foods to try out. I’m not opposed to stopping for food but the main reason for this whole adventure is I am sick of dealing with people and just want to spend some time alone so the longer between hitting town the better.
I hadn’t thought of gps as I am more of a seat of the pants navigator (hence focus on extra fuel and food) do those have good mapping of national forest and BLM roads? I know my list skipped a lot of the little stuff as a lot of it is part of my daily load out even if I’m not going far.
These pads I picked up are the Thermarest Neoair X-therm. 20x72x2.5" when full. 4.5x4.5x8.25 rolled up and only 15oz. R-value 6.9.
Yea, my Klymit rolls up into a pretty small bag for when it becomes.

Hammock is another option too if you have trees.
Bike prep done for tonight. I'm hoping the front brake switch shows for the S closest in the pics. 2nd pic is my tent, bag, sleep mat and an awning. The awning is 15x15 and is great to set up over a couple bikes and put the tents under it to keep them out of heavy down pours. Don't forget the rok straps.

I am just about home after two weeks and a couple thousand miles. Sceep has about the same list as I.
I use a best rest compressor instead of the CO2, usta use the CO2. Compressor lasts longer.
The big Katoom has about as much storage as I do so an air pump should be easy to hide on board.
Another thing I carry from the boat world is an air horn. Really helps folks to find you if they are looking for you.
A Garmin inreach is almost as good of a locator as a PLB, and it adds communication.
For fuel, I live with what the bike holds. If I want more, the truck stops always have empty gallon oil jugs I can strap on.
Plus one on a rugged phone and OSMand. It just works very well in the wild. The only roads I have found it not to show were trails I would not want to be on, on a big bike.
Here's the best advise I can give you. Buy some gear, probably start with the best you can afford. Then in the weeks before the trip make a list, so you can look at it daily and add or delete items. Then when you pack, go thru the list and check items off. Or.... you can end up like this guy and sleep on the ground when you forget your tent!

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