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@Austin--------what are you doing man?

I'm going back to the selling panties thread.
I wonder if you could sell that dress?:rolleyes::flipoff2:

Naw, I was wearing shorts underneath. I'm sure if I was freeballing and was able to get some ball sweat soaked into the fabric and fibers to really seal in the flavor I'd have something.
Would someone be kind enough to link to the picture posted, because without context y'all sound like retards.

Black and white holocaust pics of mummified looking bodies stacked in mass graves. If you looked closely you could see some dried out wieners. Google "holocaust bodies" and you'll get the gist of it.

I'm confused (as usual:homer:). I can't fathom the reason to moderate or delete those images. Seems akin to destroying statues or breaking the penises off works of art or having a problem with National Geographic indigenous titties. I can understand not wanting porn or nudity or certain bad words here as that would come up in google searches. Also seems ironic to remove holocaust images in a holocaust denial thread.

Just letting my opinion be known, take it or leave it or ignore it. I'm not often right, and don't consider myself exceptionally bright.

While this shitshow is rolling, where exactly are the board rules posted? I've had a look around and haven't been able to find them, certainly not posted where someone new would find them.
are you sure you want to edit and moderate everything?

Historical photos are not what "35%" means.

Is this not a place where we can post freely?

You're no newb, you knew the rules there and the rules here. 35% is literally how much skin shows. Historical photos with tits n dicks are no exception. So yes I removed those pics and let the discussion continue.

I've been to Auschwitz, several memorials and museums while in Germany and even in most of those places graphic pics were tastefully given a heads up before you just walked in a room.

This isn't about me editing your voice to say whether or not your right or wrong ... this isn't saying that this site's policy will be for or against your argument. It was simply to keep genitals off unexpecting members screens. There are literally a fuckton of pics of the atrocities taken by all of the allied countries ... why do you have to post the ones with nudity? Post some of the millions of others.
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