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Attempting to impugn a Naval Officer, and hopefully ruin his career.


May 21, 2020
Member Number
So I've been mulling something for about a month. And now I'm going to violate a cardinal rule: If you talk about something, you're less likely to do it.

A while back I read a posting on Medium, which is an open blogging platform that leans Corporate Left. On it I found an Annapolis pleb who was black, and he was fully down in the Critical Race Theory religion.

I wrote the Naval Academy about concerns from one of their recruits who quite clearly had political issues. They said to just send it to that PAO email address.

I declined.

Having some familiarity with Militarese, I figured that my concerns would be dropped. I have a bit of experience with this: In 2016-17 I doxxed several violent protesters at the nationwide riots going on and put together a package for tips.fbi.gov, then I called them. I actually made it to their 2nd tier support :laughing:. That is I got to talk to an actual Agent rather than a phone person. AFAIK none of the information I sent made any impact on that instance, and so I elevated it to elected officials. The FBI has problems, as we all know.

So, I'm about to begin my second phase of investigation into this Officer Candidate. I'm going to contact his recommending Representative, and the civilian chain of command in the DoD and DoN. I'm also going to contact several 'keystone' officers throughout the fleet, in hopes of poisoning this kid's career.

I want to state something: This is an Officer, officially sanctioned by Congress, who is going to be in charge of white enlisted sailors (me, which is why it's personal), who believes those white Sailors owe him something.

Here's how I figure it will fall out:

The Naval officer corps are cowards, just the same as the rest of the services. The Marine Commandant recently made the Confederate flag a violation on USG installations. 500 Officers recently signed a pledge to Joe Biden, saying that Donald Trump was unfit to lead the nation's military. So the best that I can hope for is a remark in the guy's service record, and he can then retire to hate white people working for MSNBC or something.

There is another factor at play, and I want to be completely honest: I want to exorcise my demons and hatred of authority, and resentment toward lesser people who were in complete military charge of me while in the Navy. The thought of some Annapolis brat with a lower ASVAB score than I (which is almost a complete certainty, and it is impossible for him to have a higher one), holding a racial grudge against me turns my blood to lava. I have done some work for the DoD, and used SBA rules and guidelines to get that work. If you've ever done SBA stuff or worked military contract, OR been in the military and contracted out, you know about the preferential treatment that women and minorities receive.

I also think his post was dishonorable for an Academy candidate. I think that racial animosity couched in 'acceptable' language to these East Coast elites is a Crime Against Humanity. My reasoning for that is that he is an official representative of the Government, with the most complete authority that anyone can possess in the United States, and he is making Critical Race Theory his personal ethos, then he is an Authority who has the power to enforce that ethos on those who have less power attributed to them by the State.

That is a problem.

So, I wanted to tell IBB about this because I am making sure that my intentions are completely known TO ME. I'm not asking for endorsement or support. I am throwing it out there into the crucible to be bashed.
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Are the officer candidates no longer taught that talking politics is verbotten? It was enough to get a candidate officer washed when I came through the Airforce Academy (not US), and even once graduated, serious political discussion at any office rank was enough to get you written up.

Hey if the left can go all Karen, then you do do noob man
Imagine if you did something that would result in something with all this idle time you seem to have.
You are trying to ruin the life of an immature young adult at the academy not a naval officer.

What was your rate while you were in with your perfect ASVAB score?

I didn't have a perfect score, just good enough to be a MM Nuke from 96-02. Also know a couple people who transferred to the academy after nuke school, so I'm not unfamiliar with how things work.
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There is another factor at play, and I want to be completely honest: I want to exorcise my demons and hatred of authority, and resentment toward lesser people who were in complete military charge of me while in the Navy. The thought of some Annapolis brat with a lower ASVAB score than I (which is almost a complete certainty, and it is impossible for him to have a higher one), holding a racial grudge against me turns my blood to lava. I have done some work for the DoD, and used SBA rules and guidelines to get that work. If you've ever done SBA stuff or worked military contract, OR been in the military and contracted out, you know about the preferential treatment that women and minorities receive.

Not sure how you are correlating the Small Business Administrations certifications of women and minorities to your hatred of authority, it doesn't seem to jive. I work for a federal contractor and we are registered in SAMS and the SBA. We regularly bid/propose/contract with various arms of the federal govt. Particularly the USACE, FHWA(US DOT), and Dept. of VA both NCA and VHA. In general, most of these branches have mandatory set asides for who can bid them. Most VA contracts have to be set aside for SDVOSB contractors and USACE typically contracts to TSB's, HUBZone, WOSB and 8A contractors.

Typically, the contracting officers for each branch will solicit what's called a Sources Sought Document on BETA.SAM website. This document invites contractors to submit a corporate resume. This allows the govt. to see what all is available in the construction site vicinity and count certain SBA qualifications for the rules that the CO's branch has to follow. For instance, the VA has the rule of 2. When a sources sought is solicited and 2 or more SDVOSB contractors that meet qualifications, by law that contract has to be solicited to SDVOSB contractors only.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although there is the "personal" decisions being made in selection, in general most selections are made by what that particular branch needs in order meet is set aside quota. If they don't meet their quota's, they lose funding. They are not going to jeopardize their monies. So your rant on preferential treatment from an SBA and minorities stand point has no bearing and you should rethink this point that you tried to make.
You are trying to ruin the life of an immature young adult at the academy not a naval officer.

What was your rate while you were in with your perfect ASVAB score?

I didn't have a perfect score, just good enough to be a MM Nuke from 96-02. Also know a couple people who transferred to the academy after nuke school, so I'm not unfamiliar with how things work.


Was recruited a nuke ET, got a call from my recruiter to go to boot camp as a conventional ET and I took it. Also I learned more about the nuke program and didn't really dig it. I wanted to be on a big Cruiser, not a sub or carrier, and the Cruisers were going away. I was essentially homeless at the time, couch surfing at least, and told my recruiter I wanted to go asap.

99 is not perfect, it's just the 1 percentile for that test battery.

You made E-4 faster than me, faster than anyone in the Navy afaik. Also probably E-5 by 2 years in. Also if you were an ELT you made a yuuuuuuuuge bonus when I was in. You also have Nuke school bragging rights and deserve them. Also got to work on one of the finest if not the finest thing humans have ever created, and finally you got to dangle your balls on a reactor vessel, which alone is worth a 2 year extension.
Not sure how you are correlating the Small Business Administrations certifications of women and minorities to your hatred of authority, it doesn't seem to jive. I work for a federal contractor and we are registered in SAMS and the SBA. We regularly bid/propose/contract with various arms of the federal govt. Particularly the USACE, FHWA(US DOT), and Dept. of VA both NCA and VHA. In general, most of these branches have mandatory set asides for who can bid them. Most VA contracts have to be set aside for SDVOSB contractors and USACE typically contracts to TSB's, HUBZone, WOSB and 8A contractors.

Typically, the contracting officers for each branch will solicit what's called a Sources Sought Document on BETA.SAM website. This document invites contractors to submit a corporate resume. This allows the govt. to see what all is available in the construction site vicinity and count certain SBA qualifications for the rules that the CO's branch has to follow. For instance, the VA has the rule of 2. When a sources sought is solicited and 2 or more SDVOSB contractors that meet qualifications, by law that contract has to be solicited to SDVOSB contractors only.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although there is the "personal" decisions being made in selection, in general most selections are made by what that particular branch needs in order meet is set aside quota. If they don't meet their quota's, they lose funding. They are not going to jeopardize their monies. So your rant on preferential treatment from an SBA and minorities stand point has no bearing and you should rethink this point that you tried to make.

Imagine if you did something that would result in something with all this idle time you seem to have.

Do you oppose, support, or are you ambivalent about my post?

Where are you at politically?

You obviously take exception to what I wrote, what is that exception?
So I've been mulling something for about a month. And now I'm going to violate a cardinal rule: If you talk about something, you're less likely to do it.

A while back I read a posting on Medium, which is an open blogging platform that leans Corporate Left. On it I found an Annapolis pleb who was black, and he was fully down in the Critical Race Theory religion.

I wrote the Naval Academy about concerns from one of their recruits who quite clearly had political issues. They said to just send it to that PAO email address.

I declined.

Having some familiarity with Militarese, I figured that my concerns would be dropped. I have a bit of experience with this: In 2016-17 I doxxed several violent protesters at the nationwide riots going on and put together a package for tips.fbi.gov, then I called them. I actually made it to their 2nd tier support :laughing:. That is I got to talk to an actual Agent rather than a phone person. AFAIK none of the information I sent made any impact on that instance, and so I elevated it to elected officials. The FBI has problems, as we all know.

So, I'm about to begin my second phase of investigation into this Officer Candidate. I'm going to contact his recommending Representative, and the civilian chain of command in the DoD and DoN. I'm also going to contact several 'keystone' officers throughout the fleet, in hopes of poisoning this kid's career.

I want to state something: This is an Officer, officially sanctioned by Congress, who is going to be in charge of white enlisted sailors (me, which is why it's personal), who believes those white Sailors owe him something.

Here's how I figure it will fall out:

The Naval officer corps are cowards, just the same as the rest of the services. The Marine Commandant recently made the Confederate flag a violation on USG installations. 500 Officers recently signed a pledge to Joe Biden, saying that Donald Trump was unfit to lead the nation's military. So the best that I can hope for is a remark in the guy's service record, and he can then retire to hate white people working for MSNBC or something.

There is another factor at play, and I want to be completely honest: I want to exorcise my demons and hatred of authority, and resentment toward lesser people who were in complete military charge of me while in the Navy. The thought of some Annapolis brat with a lower ASVAB score than I (which is almost a complete certainty, and it is impossible for him to have a higher one), holding a racial grudge against me turns my blood to lava. I have done some work for the DoD, and used SBA rules and guidelines to get that work. If you've ever done SBA stuff or worked military contract, OR been in the military and contracted out, you know about the preferential treatment that women and minorities receive.

I also think his post was dishonorable for an Academy candidate. I think that racial animosity couched in 'acceptable' language to these East Coast elites is a Crime Against Humanity. My reasoning for that is that he is an official representative of the Government, with the most complete authority that anyone can possess in the United States, and he is making Critical Race Theory his personal ethos, then he is an Authority who has the power to enforce that ethos on those who have less power attributed to them by the State.

That is a problem.

So, I wanted to tell IBB about this because I am making sure that my intentions are completely known TO ME. I'm not asking for endorsement or support. I am throwing it out there into the crucible to be bashed.

ASSHOLE. :flipoff:
You are trying to ruin the life of an immature young adult at the academy not a naval officer.

I disagree with that. My opinion is this: There is a deliberate effort to undermine National Security and infuse the nation's military with radical progressive politics.

I bitch about it all the time. There are news stories about this. People investigate it.

As pointed out above, the military officer corps are supposed to be apolitical.

I made the personal argument above. I didn't make the high-minded 'everything should be colorblind, only national security matters, achievement doesn't see color, etc etc etc' arguments. I made the dirty arguments.

The high-minded arguments got us into the position we're in.

US Naval Academy Minority Association https://www.usnama.com/

Even though the Admirals that run the Academy say that there should be no racism at the school:


That means what it always means: Whites will be discriminated against, and acted against for being racist, while minority students are promoted. And they are promoted, with quotas at West Point:


But always working-class whites, i.e., Me. Then I began to notice a pattern.

I didn't figure out until my 30s that life is a de-selection process. I thought that you could work your way out of trouble or your past. You can't. It's not even supposed to be true. Brains and hard work are a dime a dozen, so everything about achievement is a deselection process, and I de-selected myself long ago. And I am NOT solely responsible for that.

Why did I come to that terrible, irresponsible conclusion which appears to be blaming others for my problems? Because somewhere in my High School years, Brett Kavanuagh's parents showed up with their lawyers and protected me from my drunken antics, like they did for Brett Kavanaugh.

Oh no they didn't. My parents called the cops on me, and instilled a value of "you're responsible for all your bad, pay up and fess up" which absolutely nobody with any wealth and power in the US does. Like the Officers that served over me in the Navy. And I was not even close to being a bad kid.

What does this have to do with it? I'll refer back to my Deaths of Despair post and all of the ethos I identified as toxic in it.

I'm wasting my time? The Left spent time doing this exact type of shit, and they got their way:
  • College is a Cultural Marxist indoctrination center
  • Public Secondary Schools are the same thing
  • Affirmative Action codified into law
  • More whites are killed by cops than blacks, but every corporate entity and even Sean Hannity is bemoaning police violence against minorities
  • Sean Hannity/Tucker Carlson, and other conservative leaders bemoaning poor Floyd George, because they have to virtue signal
  • White suicides at record highs: minorities don't kill themselves at near the same rate.
  • Meth and Opioids raging through the heartland, and the $750 million dollar lawsuit against the Pharmas doesn't see a dime given to the victims
It didn't dawn on me until my 30s that life is not all about personal responsibility. It's not. I was 100% "you made your bed you lie in it".

That's not true. Brett Kavanaugh didn't lie in his drunken bed. Donald Trump didn't. George W. Bush DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP FOR HIS FUCKING MUSTERS IN THE AIR GODDAMN NATIONAL FUCKING GUARD.

He didn't lie in his fucking bed.

I noticed a pattern here. THIS SHIT COUNTS. If conservatives are going to sit down and take it while repeating the toxic poison to themselves "*shrug* well it's about personal responsibility, you have to lie in your bed, you make your own fate etc etc", I'm not joining them anymore. Because it's bullshit.

So this kid writes a screed about racism and how it's negatively affected him, while he matriculates at the Naval Academy after hob-nobbing with rich people all his life, meanwhile Jake from Rapid City is out killing himself with a fucking needle.

That shit happens because this shit counts. It's not fair, and it's uglier than I'm even stating here.
Worthless Internet troll is a worthless troll in real life.

Not even slightly surprised. I hope your death is very, very painful.
Not sure how you are correlating the Small Business Administrations certifications of women and minorities to your hatred of authority, it doesn't seem to jive. I work for a federal contractor and we are registered in SAMS and the SBA. We regularly bid/propose/contract with various arms of the federal govt. Particularly the USACE, FHWA(US DOT), and Dept. of VA both NCA and VHA. In general, most of these branches have mandatory set asides for who can bid them. Most VA contracts have to be set aside for SDVOSB contractors and USACE typically contracts to TSB's, HUBZone, WOSB and 8A contractors.

Typically, the contracting officers for each branch will solicit what's called a Sources Sought Document on BETA.SAM website. This document invites contractors to submit a corporate resume. This allows the govt. to see what all is available in the construction site vicinity and count certain SBA qualifications for the rules that the CO's branch has to follow. For instance, the VA has the rule of 2. When a sources sought is solicited and 2 or more SDVOSB contractors that meet qualifications, by law that contract has to be solicited to SDVOSB contractors only.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although there is the "personal" decisions being made in selection, in general most selections are made by what that particular branch needs in order meet is set aside quota. If they don't meet their quota's, they lose funding. They are not going to jeopardize their monies. So your rant on preferential treatment from an SBA and minorities stand point has no bearing and you should rethink this point that you tried to make.

Right. The DoD has set asides for minorities:


In your opinion, magically somehow a government set-aside just exists in a vacuum?

If the 8(a) program had no bearing, it wouldn't exist.

If Affirmative Action in the service academies had no bearing, it wouldn't exist.

If the prospective Officer's rant about how he's oppressed had no bearing, he wouldn't have written it.

Nice try though. I reject your 'argument', which isn't even an argument. You gave a description of a process and didn't say how racial set-asides are irrelevant. You simply criticized me.
Worthless Internet troll is a worthless troll in real life.

Not even slightly surprised. I hope your death is very, very painful.

So you don't like it, but didn't make an argument. Huh.

It's like there's a pattern developing here.
“Endorsement or Support”?

That’s funny.

This Phase 1 of “I’m learning how to sue people for profit?”


Do you have a comment on this? Apparently you don't like it.

I'm not suing anybody. Why did that get brought up? :confused:

This is how the world works. Hate the game not the playa.

I'm curious if you can articulate why you had this reaction, or dare to articulate it if you can.
I have no dog in the fight, never served but I would be willing to either tell you 1. you are an asshole for doing this or 2. you are not an asshole for doing this. BUT I would also like to know WTF this guy posted, quote what he said, without that nobodys opinion is gonna matter much.
probably already been said, but as a candidate, the DoD isn't going to do fuckall with him. By all means, report and file away and send it to the PAO or whoever, he won't get a direct talk and it will just get lumped into the generic "don't post political shit while in uniform UCMJ etc etc." whatever the weekend safety brief equivalent is in the navy

BUUUUUT!!!!! The DoD is doing a very serious review panel and board about Critical Race Theory nonsense and i HIGHLY support any and ALL opinions/letters/complaints against anything remotely DoD that is negative about CRT. Please Send it in.

no there is zero chance it will "ruin" this guys career, it is incredibly unlikely that he will even get a direct talking to, but it will be 1 more packet of information for the DoD to use as they conduct their reviews.

I've been highlighting how toxic CRT is and expressing my view as much as reasonable, which is probably too much for most people, so i fear the vast majority of people will capitulate or not even speak up. We will all be worse for it.
prospective Officer's rant about how he's oppressed had no bearing, he wouldn't have written it.

this is why i believe it won't go anywhere for him specifically. Unless it said "as an officer of the USN...." or "The USN says..." it doesn't really matter. as a young officer, everybody expects him to be full of shit and steam, as an old officer, everybody expects him to be full of piss and vinegar. The vengeance angle is not likely to bear fruit, but there still exists a very real option to have an impact on CRT simply by complaining.

if you could, somehow, make a point in at least 1 line to specifically call out CRT as being the "bad influence on this bright young man" or some shit, i'll buy you a coke next time i'm in WI or MI or ND or whatever frozen tundra state you live in :flipoff2:
probably already been said, but as a candidate, the DoD isn't going to do fuckall with him. By all means, report and file away and send it to the PAO or whoever, he won't get a direct talk and it will just get lumped into the generic "don't post political shit while in uniform UCMJ etc etc." whatever the weekend safety brief equivalent is in the navy

BUUUUUT!!!!! The DoD is doing a very serious review panel and board about Critical Race Theory nonsense and i HIGHLY support any and ALL opinions/letters/complaints against anything remotely DoD that is negative about CRT. Please Send it in.

no there is zero chance it will "ruin" this guys career, it is incredibly unlikely that he will even get a direct talking to, but it will be 1 more packet of information for the DoD to use as they conduct their reviews.

I've been highlighting how toxic CRT is and expressing my view as much as reasonable, which is probably too much for most people, so i fear the vast majority of people will capitulate or not even speak up. We will all be worse for it.

this is why i believe it won't go anywhere for him specifically. Unless it said "as an officer of the USN...." or "The USN says..." it doesn't really matter. as a young officer, everybody expects him to be full of shit and steam, as an old officer, everybody expects him to be full of piss and vinegar. The vengeance angle is not likely to bear fruit, but there still exists a very real option to have an impact on CRT simply by complaining.

if you could, somehow, make a point in at least 1 line to specifically call out CRT as being the "bad influence on this bright young man" or some shit, i'll buy you a coke next time i'm in WI or MI or ND or whatever frozen tundra state you live in :flipoff2:

Your post seems to indicate that as a Midshipman, regulations count less for him. The opposite is the case. He is on Active Duty while at Annapolis, and their codes of conduct are stricter than the UCMJ, which applies to him.

I already contacted the PAO.

As far as 'won't do anything', don't know if you saw this:


I don't expect Annapolis to boot him over the article I read, and afaik he hasn't engaged in any of the more disruptive behavior that Rapone engaged in.

Finally, I'm not going to some committee, although I will forward to that instrument. This is what the Left does, you stated it in the Portland Head Kick thread: you are not allowed to demonstrate, and anybody conservative is insta-fired for politics, meanwhile we have an *active duty* Annapolis Midshipman engaging in Critical Race Theory nonsense. There are a couple of political bodies which have oversight on military personnel, and the civilian CoC in the DoD, and those will be my targets. His recommending Senators and Representatives are both Democrats. (I don't know who wrote him a letter, any of those can, most likely his US Rep., but they're all Demos.)

After 6 years in the military and an Honorable discharge, I'm not wasting my time playing patty-cake with some adjunct Lieutenant on shore duty. I have axes to grind on several levels, which I'm being completely candid about here so that those axes can be bashed and abused.
Your post seems to indicate that as a Midshipman, regulations count less for him. The opposite is the case. He is on Active Duty while at Annapolis, and their codes of conduct are stricter than the UCMJ, which applies to him.

I already contacted the PAO.

As far as 'won't do anything', don't know if you saw this:


I don't expect Annapolis to boot him over the article I read, and afaik he hasn't engaged in any of the more disruptive behavior that Rapone engaged in.

Finally, I'm not going to some committee, although I will forward to that instrument. This is what the Left does, you stated it in the Portland Head Kick thread: you are not allowed to demonstrate, and anybody conservative is insta-fired for politics, meanwhile we have an *active duty* Annapolis Midshipman engaging in Critical Race Theory nonsense. There are a couple of political bodies which have oversight on military personnel, and the civilian CoC in the DoD, and those will be my targets. His recommending Senators and Representatives are both Democrats. (I don't know who wrote him a letter, any of those can, most likely his US Rep., but they're all Demos.)

After 6 years in the military and an Honorable discharge, I'm not wasting my time playing patty-cake with some adjunct Lieutenant on shore duty. I have axes to grind on several levels, which I'm being completely candid about here so that those axes can be bashed and abused.

grind away! I don't think CRT with Navy will have the same level of impact as Communist Revolt in the army, chiefly because the army dude is "in uniform and extreme" so without more information on what, specifically, this candidate did it is tough to say that it would reach him. So I guess i can rephrase and say "I strongly doubt it will impact him" but the simple existence of it, at a time when the DoD (at least the Army has announced review board to study, i'd imagine DoD wide) is actively soliciting feedback on CRT (without using the phrase), is enough that it SHOULD get processed higher through the system as that sort of information gets solicitied and recorded

I'll be 100% honest as an optimist, I greatly hope that this does not create an embittered Officer or radicalized citizen, if it does result in a "conversation" with the guy, there is always a chance that it will bring him back from the bring and be a shift to sanity, certainly a great many men have returned from radicalization.

I do not believe that this concern can be pushed too hard. i dunno my navy terms and i refuse to learn them :flipoff2: but if the rules are more harsh for him as a candidate, then that is fine as well.

the Office of Management and Budget M-20-34 really might prove to be a great benefit


for everybody else, this is not a push against a midshipman, this is a push against the Theory and it's toxicity. If reducing/preventing/removing toxicity satiates anybody's private ax to grind regarding the federal government at any level, have at it! That is Never a bad thing
So can you divulge his post?
Is he actually saying anything about changing the minds and views of those who serve under him, or making "whites" pay for what happened to him?
Is he making any remarks about where/ who he felt a racist attack from?
What about his followers on the fb, are they radical?
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