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Anyone here claustrophobic?


Dumber than I look
May 19, 2020
Member Number
The Northern Tundra
It's the most fucked up thing.

I've always been fearless. I use to crawl through three foot deep crawlspaces in large buildings navigating above or below pipes and ducts. Same with attic spaces. I'd sometimes work in those environments half a day at a time and It never bothered me.

Suddenly out of nowhere I'm claustrophobic. I went to get an MRI for my shoulder tonight and I couldn't do it. Had to ask the tech to slide me out of the chamber. I felt like an idiot.

It started last year on a flight home from Costa Rica. The first leg was a 7-ish hour flight, followed by another 3 hour flight. I sat at the very back for both flights and I felt fine. When the second flight landed we sat on the tarmac for about 10 minutes before moving to the gate. When we got to the gate everyone on the plane filled the aisle to start de-boarding but it took another 5 minutes for the them to open the door. So I'm sitting in the back of the plane with 180 people in front of me and nothing's moving. That was the first time I have ever had a panic attack. I'm 51. Never had a problem before. I always just roll with the punches in scenarios like that. But I completely freaked out this time.

I didn't worry too much after it was all over and we were in the airport. I figured it was just a once in a lifetime occurrence.

But two days later I went to get my car washed. I decided to use an automated drive-thru near me where you sit in the car and the machines work around you. Three minutes in and my mind starts racing. Heart starts pounding rapidly and I'm sweating. Now I'm getting another panic attack. "I need to get out!!". But I fought through it until it was done. It was only 10 minutes max but it was hell.

I went to see my doctor after that and he prescribed some pills for anxiety. I'm not a pill taker unless I absolutely need it but I decided take these every day. I'm not sure they're helping.

So now I'm afraid of elevators, car washes, any kind of confined space really. My heart starts racing if I fumble de-clasping my snowmobile helmet.

Does anyone else here suffer with this? What have you done to try to deal with it?
My only experience with real claustrophobia was back in my rock climbing days. One of my friends wanted to try spelunking (cave exploring), so we went to try it out. Nope, not for me. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough :eek:
My only experience with real claustrophobia was back in my rock climbing days. One of my friends wanted to try spelunking (cave exploring), so we went to try it out. Nope, not for me. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough :eek:

A year ago I'd have had no trouble doing that. Today I wouldn't even try.

The thing that frustrates me about it all is that it's a sudden affliction out of nowhere and I can't seem to do anything about it. What happened to me? I tell my myself that everything's ok and there's nothing to be afraid of. I know the elevator doors are going open. I know the car wash will run it's cycle and the overhead door will open allowing me to drive out. But my mind isn't believing what I'm telling it.
Only really tight places. I first noticed it when I was 18 I was running romex under a house that had tunnels for a crawl space... and I got stuck in one I completely freaked out made the tunnel wider with whatever I had and hated it the whole time. The other place that I noticed gives me that feeling is attic eves.
Damn.... I thought I did till you started explaining your symptoms..... mine are..... basically anywhere that I can’t rollover to turn myself around.... crawl space, under a car or for whatever Fkn reason I would be in a cave or culvert pipe or something of that sort!!!!
I am. If I can't move my arms or legs I will freak THE fuck out.

I remember as a kid, my parents had a big roll of old house carpeting. My older brother thought it would be funny to roll me up in it. I about lost my fucking mind once I was inside
That's pretty random and a bit shit for you :frown:

Maybe there's a mental therapy option like the Virtual Reality thing they use for heights? Pills can help with anxiety but it can take time to get the right pill, the right dosage and even then acute attacks can still happen.
I am. If I can't move my arms or legs I will freak THE fuck out.

I remember as a kid, my parents had a big roll of old house carpeting. My older brother thought it would be funny to roll me up in it. I about lost my fucking mind once I was inside

And that's carried on through adulthood?
What did the doctor prescribe to you?

20mg citalopram once/day

And 0.5mg lorazepam if I ever need it. Supposed to take it before I fly for example. I took my first one ever before my MRI tonight and it really calmed me down, but not enough to overcome my disagreement with the chamber, of which the chamber won ;)

edit: I hate taking meds of any kind. I used to pride myself that I never needed to take anything.
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20mg citalopram once/day

And 0.5mg lorazepam if I ever need it. Supposed to take it before I fly for example. I took my first one ever before my MRI tonight and it really calmed me down, but not enough to overcome my disagreement with the chamber, of which the chamber won ;)

edit: I hate taking meds of any kind. I used to pride myself that I never needed to take anything.

Be VERY careful with the lorazepam. I was on Ativan (same thing) in the summer of 2019. That shit started a downward spiral of my life. It is highly addicting, and do not mix with alcohol.

Granted, your results may vary.....but my new doctor told me, and this is a quote "you're better off getting a cocaine addiction than an Ativan addiction".
And that's carried on through adulthood?

To be honest, I would say yes slightly. Bit I can't remember a time in recent adulthood that I have been on a scenario like that again. Probably because I know I freak out so I avoid it.

The last time I had it, (sad but true) was in jail. In that 10x10 cell by myself for 24 hrs. I was starting to panic up pretty bad. Had to talk myself out of it.
When I did an MRI I closed my eyes and never looked at the machine, even when I left I have no idea what it looked like.
I get most uptight when people are around, as long as I'm in control of the space I'm good, sandwich me in a crowd I don't like, tight clothing sucks.
Be VERY careful with the lorazepam. I was on Ativan (same thing) in the summer of 2019. That shit started a downward spiral of my life. It is highly addicting, and do not mix with alcohol.

Granted, your results may vary.....but my new doctor told me, and this is a quote "you're better off getting a cocaine addiction than an Ativan addiction".

Quoted for truth. Lorazepam is one of the drugs my wife has prescribed to her. Be VERY careful with it and DO NOT mix with alcohol.
I am. If I can't move my arms or legs I will freak THE fuck out.

I remember as a kid, my parents had a big roll of old house carpeting. My older brother thought it would be funny to roll me up in it. I about lost my fucking mind once I was inside

Ran into that a couple years back when I had to go in for an MRI.
Found found that if they strapped me in so that I wasn't jammed against the side (like they tried the first time), but had a little bit of space so that my shoulders weren't touching it was possible to overcome it.
Hadn't noticed it before, but I notice it now and avoid confined spaces where I can't turn around.

Aaron Z
I am, but only in tight spaces where i don't have a full range of motion, or might get stuck. I'm fine in elevators, cars, planes, etc.

Same here. Once I start to lose my range of motion I start to get uncomfortable. If I can’t move my arms or legs and/or feel like I’m stuck I start to panic. I’ve worked in confined spaces for work and have been in caves small enough to have to crawl through them and was fine as long as my mind knew I could still move.

I think I gave myself self induced claustrophobia when I was a kid I used to crawl into culverts under the road and just sit there and freak myself out.

This video was hard to watch and gave me real anxiety.
It’s been a while but even seat belts at the time and thermal shirts with a tall neck would make me choke and puke. I stopped wearing a belt at the time but the feeling has since subsided? Not really sure what changed but I‘ve never have had an issue on a plane or elevator yet. Generally don’t find myself in tight spaces so maybe I’ll try 😆
Yes....and don't like heights much either. Been to Grand Canyon, if you look out it's fine, looking down is another story.
I have gone through the same thing. As I get older I realize I am much more fearful of everything. I used to do line work and climb electrical poles to 110ft. Now, forget it, even looking off a building freaks me out.

MRI I have had a few. This last one a year or so ago. I was freaked out. Closed my eyes before they slid me in. Never opened them inside, focused on happy thoughts and wide open spaces. Convinced myself I was not stuck in a little hole.

On the same note I have been in much bigger machines than this last one.

Old age sucks, or at least I think it will
Be VERY careful with the lorazepam. I was on Ativan (same thing) in the summer of 2019. That shit started a downward spiral of my life. It is highly addicting, and do not mix with alcohol.

Granted, your results may vary.....but my new doctor told me, and this is a quote "you're better off getting a cocaine addiction than an Ativan addiction".

Thanks. That's good information.

Doc only prescribed 15 pills. I was supposed to use them before flying last March but the trip got cancelled because of Covid. The bottle has sat full until last night.
When I did an MRI I closed my eyes and never looked at the machine, even when I left I have no idea what it looked like.
I get most uptight when people are around, as long as I'm in control of the space I'm good, sandwich me in a crowd I don't like, tight clothing sucks.

I had an MRI around 18 months ago for my other shoulder, and I've been in the chamber a couple times years ago. I had no issue then :confused:
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What about Voodoo? Stiff as a board but alive, declared dead, put in a coffin, lowered into a hole in the ground & hear the dirt piling up....

or Hoo Doo? Being trapped in someone else's body :flipoff2:
Yes....and don't like heights much either. Been to Grand Canyon, if you look out it's fine, looking down is another story.

I think that's normal for most people who don't have experience with heights. I never had issues with heights when I was younger and doing on-site work (I'm a paper pusher now). I used to be able to walk to the edge of the roof of a 30-story building and look down at the sidewalk below. It's daunting at first but it's easily overcome. Now that I'm older there's a bit of fear, maybe because of lack of strength and balance compared to my younger years. But once I'm in the situation for about 10 minutes my comfort seems to return.

But I'll admit there's some people who just can't do heights. Buddy of mine is a tough fearless mofo but he can't get four feet up a ladder.

Similarly, another friend who's pretty fearless (hockey goalies are tough) cries like a baby if he sees a spider.
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I am, but only in tight spaces where i don't have a full range of motion, or might get stuck. I'm fine in elevators, cars, planes, etc.

This is me. As long as I can move...I'm good.

Heights on the other hand...lol. I'm fine up to about 40 or so feet on a ladder. I've fought through it before to get the job done. 120' man lift extended all the way out. The slightest movement about made me piss myself.

Hell I can look at some of the pics that get posted and get weak in the knees 😆
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