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Anybody else notice?


May 19, 2020
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I Don't Know
Yahoo has turned off comments on all articles,in an attempt to "enhance " the reading experience.Notably,a majority of Yahoo articles are left slanted,and a large percentage of them get negative comments.Seems somewhat suspicious that they would attempt to keep individuals from sharing their views on a subject,and in particular when someone adds a link to an expanded story that contains details that are left out of the original story that point out the glaring errors in the Yahoo version.Media manipulation,anybody?
CNN did the same thing years ago. No negative feedback is allowed when you are in the liberal echo chamber.
Blatant censorship is the tidal wave we have to surf now. Obfuscating reality is popular, pandering to the laziness of the average schmuck is keen for consumerism, and social media is to blame for all of it... :stirthepot:
I noticed this years ago. Studies showed that the conversations that took place after an article were more influential to the reader than the articles themselves. All the conversations have been funneled to social media platforms where they can be censored.
Yep. I use to read through Yahoo almost everyday. Most of the time I would skim the article and read the comments as that is where most of the real story came.

95% of the time you have an extremely biased and poorly written article with the comments providing the context or facts.

I would never go back to the site without the comments. Left wing propaganda sites are everywhere. Yahoo isn't anything that I would visit for news unless I wanted to know what the kardashian people are wearing, think, or are sleeping with.
I picked up the wall street journal newspaper yesterday and was pissed there was no comment section, I had to write mine in the margins.

Lets be honest, most of the comment sections were drivel anyway It was usually someone making close to a decent point but then calling someone a "dummyrat" or a "literal facist nazi" while misspelling half of what they wrote.

We need to get back to arguing about news articles on person!
Yep. Noticed that myself a few days ago. They now have a survey link at the bottom where the comment section was asking for opinions on the comments. Why you read them, would you keep using yahoo without them, etc.

i also noticed sometime last week they added a rediculously strict sensor filter to the comments section before they shut them off entirely. It was so strong it censored the ass in classroom. So it read like cl&$#room instead. Made it kind of annoying to try and decipher.

i think they shut them down because a lot of their “journalists” were getting pissed off from everyone calling them out for their bias and stupidity in the comments and because the comments usually run counter to the narrative they are pushing.
Yep, I use to just read the comments. First they started not letting you pick just the comments. (You had to pick the artical and scrol down.) Now they don't want you even seeing the truth. One thing I noticed while reading the comments was most comments were pro conservative. It sure makes you wonder about all these poles that say everyone hates em.
The comment section was the only reason for me to go to yahoo. Half the time the comments had more info to them than the story did.
Blatant censorship is the tidal wave we have to surf now. Obfuscating reality is popular, pandering to the laziness of the average schmuck is keen for consumerism, and social media is to blame for all of it... :stirthepot:


I noticed this trend several years back on MOST media sources websites.

I know your tramp-trollin and all, but at least your dropping nuggets of truth and wisdom in the pot. :flipoff2:
I picked up the wall street journal newspaper yesterday and was pissed there was no comment section, I had to write mine in the margins.

Lets be honest, most of the comment sections were drivel anyway It was usually someone making close to a decent point but then calling someone a "dummyrat" or a "literal facist nazi" while misspelling half of what they wrote.

We need to get back to arguing about news articles on person!

or figuring out how to get "letters to the editor" published. that was how it used to work. news comes out on the first half, letters and response to last weeks news on the backside
Yahoo has turned off comments on all articles,in an attempt to "enhance " the reading experience.Notably,a majority of Yahoo articles are left slanted,and a large percentage of them get negative comments.Seems somewhat suspicious that they would attempt to keep individuals from sharing their views on a subject,and in particular when someone adds a link to an expanded story that contains details that are left out of the original story that point out the glaring errors in the Yahoo version.Media manipulation,anybody?

Dropped Yahoo about 12 years ago because of their leftist slanted propaganda.
Found the most innocuous article on there,filled out just the comment section with a simple "fuck your censorship" and sent it.

It's not much,but I hope a few more will do the same.
Yahoo has turned off comments on all articles,in an attempt to "enhance " the reading experience.Notably,a majority of Yahoo articles are left slanted,and a large percentage of them get negative comments.Seems somewhat suspicious that they would attempt to keep individuals from sharing their views on a subject,and in particular when someone adds a link to an expanded story that contains details that are left out of the original story that point out the glaring errors in the Yahoo version.Media manipulation,anybody?

maybe Yahoo news is your problem :flipoff2:
They got tired of having their asses handed to them by even the dumb dumbs. Funny antifascists are being pro fascist about their narrative. :lmao:
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