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Anybody else been having UPS claim they delivered packages but haven’t?


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Shit has been happening a lot lately. I get that stuff may be slower than normal with this damn virus, but I keep getting packages marked as “delivered” that then show up 1-3 days later. Don’t think it’s an issue of the wrong address as the street my shop is on has a unique name. Thinking more along the lines of lazy drivers not wanting to finish their routes late and marking stuff delivered to keep things from throwing up a flag. Tried calling them and they tell you to use the website form, which is a bot.

And another. These are all UPS start to finish, not the mail innovations crap where they drop it off at the post office for USPS to drop off and mark it done there.

Yep. Happened to me with an order from Quadratec and oddly enough my wife’s order from Target. Both said delivered at the same time on the same day. 2 days went by and we still didn’t have out stuff. I called Quadratec and they shipped me a new part, wife called Targetand got a refund. My new part got delivered and the next day the original part and the wife’s Target order showed up.
Maybe a new driver CHA

It's been happening with our packages but it's a fill in driver.

And on top of that when the packages did show up the bone head left em just inside the driveway.

I picked em up because I though it was trash.
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Opposite happened to me yesterday. I was tracking my new telescope, estimated arrival 1 June, still showed in transit. It was delivered yesterday and updated last night from in transit to delivered.
Never had them claim something was delivered that wasn't but I do get the handed directly to customer a lot, even though they weren't nor did they even knock or ring the door bell.
Yeah once I don't remember who the the delivery service was but they took a picture of the package left at the door. Only problem is it wasn't my door. I was able to look at the picture and drive around the neighborhood until I matched up the front door. The lady was nice enough to give me my package. It was only a few houses down. I guess the driver looked at the mailbox wrong or something because the address on the box was correct.
Yeah once I don't remember who the the delivery service was but they took a picture of the package left at the door. Only problem is it wasn't my door. I was able to look at the picture and drive around the neighborhood until I matched up the front door. The lady was nice enough to give me my package. It was only a few houses down. I guess the driver looked at the mailbox wrong or something because the address on the box was correct.

I believe that's Amazon... and BKG once had a package delivered last year, the pic was on his gravel driveway. The problem is, they live on a 1/2 mile long shared gravel driveway with several other homes, one of them is another PBBer's place.

I'm not sure if they ever located the package.
I believe that's Amazon... and BKG once had a package delivered last year, the pic was on his gravel driveway. The problem is, they live on a 1/2 mile long shared gravel driveway with several other homes, one of them is another PBBer's place.

I'm not sure if they ever located the package.

Had this happen once too. Was out front of our house and saw Amazon stop at my neighbor's. I was expecting a package (stainless pans for my smoker). Figured they'd be stopping at my driveway next.

Amazon gets back in their van from neighbors, my app dings that my package was delivered, they drive right by my house, fuckers.

I decided to test my neighbor to see if they would let me know. NOPE, 3 days later I finally went over to collect my shit. Motherfuckers opened it and all but never bothered to find out whose it might be. Bitches.

I go out of my way to get wrongly delivered packages off my porch and to the rightful owner. Some people are just scum about it like they won the free lottery or some shit.
UPS "lost" one of my 40" tires a couple of weeks ago.
A few months back they managed to deliver my package to an address a few miles away. The only thing correct was the house number. Different town, different street. Fuckers.
Ordered a gollon of Lysol for my aunt and another for us, my aunt got hers, ours made it to Alb on Feb. 29th then disapeared! The reason Ihad bought them was the price of $8. apiece, of course when I tried to replace, the price had jumped to $64 a gallon! :eek:
The only problem we have now is when our regular driver has a day off the replacement driver is always late and drops at the gate rather than drive down the driveway.
Had this happen once too. Was out front of our house and saw Amazon stop at my neighbor's. I was expecting a package (stainless pans for my smoker). Figured they'd be stopping at my driveway next.

Amazon gets back in their van from neighbors, my app dings that my package was delivered, they drive right by my house, fuckers.

I decided to test my neighbor to see if they would let me know. NOPE, 3 days later I finally went over to collect my shit. Motherfuckers opened it and all but never bothered to find out whose it might be. Bitches.

I go out of my way to get wrongly delivered packages off my porch and to the rightful owner. Some people are just scum about it like they won the free lottery or some shit.

Last summer, about a month after moving in, we got our Sam's order delivered from FedEx. I drug all the boxes inside, and began opening everything and putting the stuff away (huge order; stocking cabinets after moving across the country). I opened one of the boxes, though, and took pause... it had 6 of the large bags of Dunkin' Donuts original coffee inside. I knew we didn't order that, so I looked at the label.


That one box was for a church across town, and it was a Saturday afternoon. I knew they needed that for services the very next morning, as most places, in my experience, have "fellowship" after the services with coffee (and sometimes donated day-old donuts, too).

I first called FedEx, they said to take it up with Sam's (talk about not taking responsibility for you screw-up). I called Sam's but the wait time on hold was over an hour.

I then just took the box across town and hoped someone would be there. Luckily, the pastor was inside the office area after-hours waiting for FedEx, and I explained to him why we opened their package, but it was all there and ready for tomorrow morning.

Monday, the FedEx guy came by looking for the package that he left there by mistake. I told him its already been delivered.
We are lucky our main UPS driver is rad and has serious wheelman skills. Never had that with him. When he goes on vacation the new people get lost and we get undelivered address... Rich just shakes his head and apologizes, Hell, am fairly certain he has combos to a lot of gates and houses that nobody else will go down the driveway. :lmao:

But then again most normal city people wouldn’t drive down a lot of these driveways anyways. Something about a No Trespassing sign riddled with bullet holes and a some empty brass laying around seems to scare most flatlanders.
Had this happen once too. Was out front of our house and saw Amazon stop at my neighbor's. I was expecting a package (stainless pans for my smoker). Figured they'd be stopping at my driveway next.

Amazon gets back in their van from neighbors, my app dings that my package was delivered, they drive right by my house, fuckers.

I decided to test my neighbor to see if they would let me know. NOPE, 3 days later I finally went over to collect my shit. Motherfuckers opened it and all but never bothered to find out whose it might be. Bitches.

I go out of my way to get wrongly delivered packages off my porch and to the rightful owner. Some people are just scum about it like they won the free lottery or some shit.

FedEx was struggling with this here. It took a while but we got her straightened out and we finally have a decent FedEx driver again. They will probably transfer her to another route again. She seems to like our town and is happy. We knew when this SIP shit started all the delivery games were getting crushed. Like 1/2 the town started baking cookies and shit for the drivers. That goes a long ways for drivers for sure. We all have each other cell numbers so if the roads are snowy or shit they call and see if we can meet them off the highway. Apparently if UPS gets stuck it can count as an accident so I pulled his ass out like 3 times last year. He has no fear driving to my shack in the snow. He knows I will make sure he gets back to the road.

I've only had a few issues that I can ever remember. Generally, I'm pretty surprised how quickly things arrive.

My Mother in Louisiana did have a package that she was watching the tracking on, it went from somewhere on the east coast, to Los Angeles, then to Texas, then to Los Angeles again, and then finally to Louisiana. We guessed someone saw LA (Louisiana) and assumed it was Los Angeles
It happened to me but it was delivered to the wrong house. It was brought to us by the homeowners that received it. I've also had stuff delivered to my house by mistake and I too have taken it to the proper house.

I'm assuming with so many folks ordering shit right now that they've got drivers running routes they aren't familiar with and a boatload of new drivers.

This hasn't been limited to just UPS either.
I’ve had more trouble lately than ever before with packages saying delivered, and not be. Or delivered to the wrong address. Or just flat out “lost”. Maybe they’re training a whole new crop of drivers or something. Who knows.
It happened to me but it was delivered to the wrong house. It was brought to us by the homeowners that received it. I've also had stuff delivered to my house by mistake and I too have taken it to the proper house.

I'm assuming with so many folks ordering shit right now that they've got drivers running routes they aren't familiar with and a boatload of new drivers.

This hasn't been limited to just UPS either.

I did that last christmas, I felt like the delivery man, every few days there would be a package on my porch for a house down the street. Once it was for a house across the town. On my drive to work I'd just swing by those houses and drop off the package. I'm sure it was from all the seasonal hired help, not the regular guys. they are usually on top of their game.
Had this happen once too. Was out front of our house and saw Amazon stop at my neighbor's. I was expecting a package (stainless pans for my smoker). Figured they'd be stopping at my driveway next.

Amazon gets back in their van from neighbors, my app dings that my package was delivered, they drive right by my house, fuckers.

I decided to test my neighbor to see if they would let me know. NOPE, 3 days later I finally went over to collect my shit. Motherfuckers opened it and all but never bothered to find out whose it might be. Bitches.

I go out of my way to get wrongly delivered packages off my porch and to the rightful owner. Some people are just scum about it like they won the free lottery or some shit.

Had something similar happen, but with On-Trac. They suck. Received a package that belonged to someone with a address about a mile away. Figured they got the package we were supposed to get. Drove over to the address, no one home, no package at the door. I left a note on their door. I get a text a few hours later stating they did get our package, but thought it was for the neighbor and left it on their porch. I replied go get it back, then we can meet up and exchange packages. Next text is this bitch saying she needs her "shoes", I "can't hold them hostage" and demanding to get her package without me getting mine. I texted back that she can fuck off and I am sending her shit back to the seller, then blocked her number. I drove over to her house and looked on the porch of the next door neighbor and there was my package. I picked it up and sent her shit back. Fucking bitch was too lazy to walk next door, pick up my package and make a trade so she gets to wait. Funniest part was when I notified On-Trac, it took them two weeks to get around to responding, then they asked me to leave it on my porch. It sat there for three days before they actually picked it up.

With UPS, I get some packages in a few days, others in a few weeks, and a few in a month or longer. I don't think its them, I think its the vendors. I have had one that said it was delivered to my door, but I actually got it several hours later the same day.
I had fedex say they tried to deliver axleshafts, gears, and an arb locker to my house and they marked it as I had rejected it.

Got a call from east coast gear, conference called fedex. They admitted to fucking up, but nothing they could do once it was rejected and it was on it's way bay to ecgs.

So I asked ecgs to ship everything again, this time with dhl, with fedex still on the phone.

Fuck fedex and ups.
They have all been shitty in just the opposite way the past couple weeks for me.

UPS and FedEx have both posted "Out for Delivery", then towards the end of the day changes to "Due to Events Outside Our Control, Package Delayed". Then might get sent back out for delivery the next day or maybe even a few days later to finally show up.

Was mostly UPS, so I picked FedEx for some parts from Motobilt. That one went to "Damaged" on the day it was "Out For Delivery". Then auto-return to shipper. Took almost 2 weeks to finally get back to AL yesterday.

Happens to me all the time and I get my stuff the next day. I believe my driver marks them delivered when he is tired at the end of a day and just gets to it later. Its normal for me.
They have all been shitty in just the opposite way the past couple weeks for me.

UPS and FedEx have both posted "Out for Delivery", then towards the end of the day changes to "Due to Events Outside Our Control, Package Delayed". Then might get sent back out for delivery the next day or maybe even a few days later to finally show up.

Was mostly UPS, so I picked FedEx for some parts from Motobilt. That one went to "Damaged" on the day it was "Out For Delivery". Then auto-return to shipper. Took almost 2 weeks to finally get back to AL yesterday.


Oh yeah that happened to me a couple of weeks ago too on my new Griffin radiator and fan combo for the Jeep. Was marked out for delivery three days in a row. 2 days in a row I got that same notice of circumstances beyond their control they could deliver it despite the fact that I saw the UPS truck drive right past my house on both of those days. Finally got it the third day.
Well believe it or not, the first package still hasn’t been delivered, even though it shows it was twice. I was out at lunch when they said they dropped it off yesterday so I figured it was chucked into the bushes by the mailbox and I missed it.

It’s not a huge deal of their routes are longer than normal and I have to wait for it the next day, but don’t fucking lie to me and say it’s delivered. It’s also not a case of it going to a neighbor’s and them dropping it off to me, or it wouldn’t show up on UPS tracking.

UPS is still the best delivery option out of the 3, Fedex regularly is late on stuff that’s “guaranteed”, but at least they just act like they don’t give a shit.
They did that to me when I ordered 3 pair of work shorts from Duluth Trading. Showed as delivered, but we live on a very quiet almost private street with 8 other houses. I call Duluth and they are like wait a day and see if they show. Nada. Called em 3 more times and on the 4th call the lady was like OK, we will send out a replacement. Both came the same day maybe 3 days later.
Never had them claim something was delivered that wasn't but I do get the handed directly to customer a lot, even though they weren't nor did they even knock or ring the door bell.

That irritates the hell outta me. Hit the damn doorbell so my stuff doesn't sit on the porch all day.

Yeah once I don't remember who the the delivery service was but they took a picture of the package left at the door. Only problem is it wasn't my door. I was able to look at the picture and drive around the neighborhood until I matched up the front door. The lady was nice enough to give me my package. It was only a few houses down. I guess the driver looked at the mailbox wrong or something because the address on the box was correct.

Had an amazon package with the same story, the shipping label had mixed up 2 of the numbers for my house number, there is no house with that number on my street, so they must've flipped a coin and dropped it at the neighbors... Had to play find that front door game :laughing:

The Fedex guy is a complete dipshit. Dude comes rolling around the corned with that poor 6.0 on the wood and slams on the brakes, there is tires marks everywhere because of him, and hes almost hit the neighbors kids a few times. All my fedex stuff comes destroyed.
I've noticed that since I have a Simply Safe doorbell camera, delivery drivers have not been ringing the doorbell. Some will toss the packages onto the porch trying to stay out of the camera's view. Camera goes all the way out to the street, so only makes them look stupid. When I physically speak with the drivers I have seen on camera tossing packages, I ask them to please leave packages behind the large potted plant and ring the bell on their way out instead of throwing them on the porch. Seems to work on the regular drivers because they don't want any problems. Amazon, not so much because its rarely the same delivery drivers.

Edit: The FedEx regular driver is a off-road guy and he rings the bell, always giving a backwards peace sign into the camera. UPS used to have the same driver for many years that was a retired Navy SEAL. Very cool guy who could shake the box and ask me what AR parts kit I got.
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I haven't had much trouble with anyone but FedEx till the plandemic started. Anything scheduled for Saturday, and sometimes Friday would go from "Out for delivery" to "Business closed" even if I'm shipping to my house. Once I was "unavailable" while I was working in my driveway, truck never went by let alone stopped.

Now USPS takes 2-3 days to even accept packages. I've got one that says it was accepted on the 26th but apparently hasn't left the post office since then.

UPS has one of mine that was supposed to be here yesterday, then it was a day early then delayed all within a couple hours, now the tracking info says that the label has been created and that's it.
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