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Anybody around odessa?


Semi-Controlled rage
May 22, 2020
Member Number
Tahlequah, OK
Picking up a truck the company bought there Tuesday. Normally I'd drive my truck and be taking someone. But I'm forced to fly and drive.
I'll be passing through there on my way to El Paso on December 27th. Currently stuck in Neosho MO waiting for parts to show up tomorrow so I can get the fuck out of this one horse town.
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I'd rather go to Midland then Odessa

for those who don't know, they are next to each other :)

been there a few times.. not lately..

I think there is a very slim chance of someone on here actually being from there..
Have been to Odessa Washington before. Does that count?

Me too. I could probably get you to Odessa WA as I sometimes I have jobs there or go through there on the way to jobs.
Looking at your location though you probably mean Odessa TX. I worked oilfields before, mainly ND but I spent a month and a half in Hobbs NM which is as close as I ever want to be to Odessa or Midland TX.:flipoff2:
Left in 1987 after 7 years, have been back twice stayed a day or two both times left and never looked back. I have family all over the area, but have no desire to go visit
If oil prices stay low you won't have to all the transplants will leave turning them to a ghost town again

Its already started. I bet at least 1/2 the population of those 2 city's has already left. 9 months ago both places were booming with people and work. Drove through there 2 weeks ago and its a ghost town again. All the oil rigs are back at the yards and not much, if any drilling is going on. Lots of oil field businesses out that way are completely shut down....... Not good.
If you stuck an enema in there, do you think it would flush out all of the Californian transplants?

Nobody from Cali moves to that area unless its temporary so they can work in the oil fields. Both city's reek of gear oil and natural gas type smells 24/7. In the summer the stench is 10X worse, and its bad now. :barf:

Its pretty much the only place, besides Austin in all of Texas that I absolutely loath going to for work.
Nobody from Cali moves to that area unless its temporary so they can work in the oil fields. Both city's reek of gear oil and natural gas type smells 24/7. In the summer the stench is 10X worse, and its bad now. :barf:

Its pretty much the only place, besides Austin in all of Texas that I absolutely loath going to for work.

You been to Kermit, Monahans, or Orla? :laughing:
What state? There is one near me
Worked in all 3 several times, not much to see there. Its all just a vast wast land between Abilene and El Paso as far as I'm concerned. :laughing:

When I first went to work there in 1980 everybody used a bank of payphones to call home on, one day it heard s guy from New York tell his folks it was like thousands of miles of beach but no water!
When I first went to work there in 1980 everybody used a bank of payphones to call home on, one day it heard s guy from New York tell his folks it was like thousands of miles of beach but no water!

That’s a accurate description.
Im sitting in Sweetwater right now, turned down an Odessa load otherwise I would have been there in the AM. I'm headed towrds Ft Worth in the AM instead.
Okay talk about weird, yesterday I had a phone call from a Tx number, since I didn't recognize it I didn't answer. This morning I get the same call thinking it might be the internet tech calling about the antenna needing reoriented, I answered, guy called me by name and said hold on I be right back, I waited and the phone hung up. Pretty soon I get the call again and the guy starts in talking calling me by name, wanting to know how I have been... Finally I asked who are you, turned out to be the night dispatcher, and my friend known as Big O, he was 5-8 and his belt was 5-6 long. He claimed I had called him, I told him what had happened on my end and I didn't have his number on my phone so how did I call him.
Hadn't talked to him since 2009 when I was down there for my nephew's wedding, it was good to hear from him
Its already started. I bet at least 1/2 the population of those 2 city's has already left. 9 months ago both places were booming with people and work. Drove through there 2 weeks ago and its a ghost town again. All the oil rigs are back at the yards and not much, if any drilling is going on. Lots of oil field businesses out that way are completely shut down....... Not good.

We bought a BJ services truck. 2012 peterbilt 367 had 84k miles and tidge over 9k hours. Flew in and drove it back to oklahoma.

When I first went to work there in 1980 everybody used a bank of payphones to call home on, one day it heard s guy from New York tell his folks it was like thousands of miles of beach but no water!

Thats what i kinda thought. it looked like the land leading up to a beach but no water. flat nothing ness.

That place fucking sucked. i was excited it was going to be in the 50s because it was in the 20s and snowing when i left oklahoma but it was a 50 mph wind and a dust storm when i got there. gps took me down some frontage road which im glad it did because it was adjacent to i-20 eat of midland and there was a 15 mile long traffic jam. I lost the shift selector valve somewhere after that. in like snyder? texas.

I could take off in high so fuck it.

Drove through some real desolate towns the only notable one was roby texas.

I found the heater valve in haskell texas. Thank fuck cause id been sitting on my hands to keep feeling. I went a few hours with only one radio station and no service on either my phone or my company phone (ATT and verizon) 97.1 i believe it was, big country texas. I would hit seek on the radio and it would roll right back around to that station. All they played of christmas music and hall mark type of country music.

drove though a good snow storm between wichita and okc.



I spent summer 1975 there, the place to eat then was the Dairy Queen. I worked at the sporting goods store repairing fiberglass boats after the drunks knocked holes in them
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