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Any big hunts planned for this year?


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Let’s hear if y’all are doing anything besides normal in state or family hunts. We went to CO for elk 2 years ago, DIY public land. Buddy killed a bull, I missed a cow. Last year we both had newborns so we stayed home but drew a quota hunt on an island nearby. Headed back to CO to chase elk again this September, been starting to get my ass in shape.
Nothing big for this year, just the normal bull and cow tags around the Flaming Gorge area, and some Pronhorn tags over in Wyoming. Trying to get a deer hunt going in northern Idaho for next year.
I don't have to leave the province to hunt. Gonna have my limited entry meeting this weekend, put in for Rosie's around here, moose, sheep and goat up north. Wife and kid are going back east for most of November so I'll be chasing blacktails hard then. Already have a bear this spring, and some cougar left from last season.
Nothing "big" , but my dad and I both drew for elk this year in the same area for the same hunt. So that will be cool going hunting with him and both of us having tags.
like to do a pig hunt.
always wanted too.
now that i am healthy again. it is on my list.
I was making plans at the beginning of the year, but things fell through. Will put in for the TX draw hunts when they open. I also put in for Arkansas elk tags, and whitetail draw hunts.
The annual muzzle loader season elk, deer, or hopefully both in September. Drew for a moose for the 5th year so maybe that too, we’ll see when the results come in.
That'll be badass! I've never run hounds before, but it's on my list of hunts I'd like to do!

It's pretty awesome. It's tough to get a tag because they limit non-residents to 3 or 5% of the draw, but since it's kind of a group activity anyway, you get the full experience, short of pulling the trigger regardless. That part is pretty anti-climactic anyway. Most of the excitement is in listening to the dogs work, trying to find the best logging road to minimize the miles you walk through the swamp, seeing animals we don't have in Ohio, etc.

This is exactly what it's like: https://youtu.be/42fBgxHt7Zc
If all goes as planned it should be a great fall. We elk hunt in CO every year but normally get OTC tags and save our preference points. This year we decided to apply for a unit that has taken us 9 years to save for, hoping a couple of us can get into the bulls. Mulie hunt my dad and I applied for a unit that takes 11-12 years to draw, we haven't hunted Mulies in CO in 13 years due to a variety of reasons. My dad should also have an antelope buck tag that I will help him fill. I am really hoping and will do everything in my power to help my dad fill all 3 of those tags. He'll be 74 this fall and has already hinted he's about ready to be the camp bitch!
If all goes as planned it should be a great fall. We elk hunt in CO every year but normally get OTC tags and save our preference points. This year we decided to apply for a unit that has taken us 9 years to save for, hoping a couple of us can get into the bulls. Mulie hunt my dad and I applied for a unit that takes 11-12 years to draw, we haven't hunted Mulies in CO in 13 years due to a variety of reasons. My dad should also have an antelope buck tag that I will help him fill. I am really hoping and will do everything in my power to help my dad fill all 3 of those tags. He'll be 74 this fall and has already hinted he's about ready to be the camp bitch!

Sounds awesome. Waiting to see if we drew CO muzzleloader tags or are going OTC archery. Have 2 elk points and 3 muley points, just started the western thing two years ago. Have been backpack hunting so far but the whole “elk camp” deal looks like a blast. Planning to get a Seek Outside tipi and wood stove at some point when the boys start being old enough to tag along.
I was too busy last year to make a Wisconsin grouse/woodcock trip And we did not renew the quail lease in Oklahoma. I am going to Wisconsin in October. My two favorite dogs will be eight next week, my oldest will be 10, 2 dogs are 6.5 and the youngest 3 are 4.5years. I will never have as many dogs in their prime as I have this year.
We are looking at some western states hunts. I would really like to get a wild chuckar hunt, mearns and valley quail.

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didnt get drawn fer elk. me and my bro-in-law put in fer deer and turkey today. well see if we get drawn. if we dont well go otc.

Doing a hog hunt with my sons and some friends in Southern Georgia this fall. So far that's the only trip we have planned.
SE Montana public land mule deer hunt the last week of October / first week of November. First time hunting Montana.
Drew our deer tags, so dad and I will be chasing monster mulies this fall. Burned 13 years of preference points to get them... Opening day of 3rd season is 11/7, just happens to be my birthday!

Still waiting on elk and lope draw results.
We booked a hunting trip to South Africa over a year ago. Booked our flights about 8 months ago and put a big chunk of money down in March... right when COVID was starting to be a thing. Just got an e-mail yesterday that our hunt has been put off until 2021. Turns out trip insurance does not cover global pandemics so, we'll see.... life can change a lot in another year +. Really bummed out as we were also supposed to be in Mexico last week tuna fishing, but that got cancelled as well.
Put in for the AR deer tag draw the other day. Last year was the first time I didn’t draw a tag in several years.
We booked a hunting trip to South Africa over a year ago. Booked our flights about 8 months ago and put a big chunk of money down in March... right when COVID was starting to be a thing. Just got an e-mail yesterday that our hunt has been put off until 2021. Turns out trip insurance does not cover global pandemics so, we'll see.... life can change a lot in another year +. Really bummed out as we were also supposed to be in Mexico last week tuna fishing, but that got cancelled as well.

she snuck in
I actually looked for black text on that! Hadn't done that in awhile!
I got sent a bat signal from somebody that I hadn't heard from in a LONG time. So, I was invited :flipoff2:

Yeah, I saw that in one of the threads here, which prompted me to post

welcome backish
Draw results are out, didn’t get the elk tag I put in for so we will,be doing OTC archery. Still get to go at least, need to ramp up the bow practice.
Just booked a Missouri whitetail muzzleloader hunt for January 1-5. Price was too good to pass up with rona cancellations.
Anybody ever hunted with Trophy Taker Outfitters in Leonard, MO?
I am looking to upgrade my muzzleloader with Traditions new NitroFire that uses the firestick powder cartridge. Can’t seem to find out if that muzzleloader is legal in Missouri.
It will be muley/whitetails for me this year here in Nebraska as I didn't draw an antelope, elk or bighorn sheep tag again. Definitely going for the NOV rifle season, Muzzleloader and Archery are a possibility also as we can buy 2 buck tags and unlimited doe tags. Archery started Sept 1st and goes to Dec 31st and Muzzleloader starts Dec 1st until Dec 31st and Rifle is Nov 14th to Nov 22nd.

Good luck to all...
Drew a permit for a somewhat local NWR. I drew a mid-December rifle permit which should be a decent time to go for whitetail. I’m still pending second draw on some other hunts, but I won’t hold my breath on those.
I took this week off of work to hunt. I've done two 6am to 10am, 3pm to 7pm sits in the past two days. Got out there this morning, and after 1.5h I went back inside. I don't know what it is. I'm so excited to get out there, then I get out there and after an hour I'm thinking of all the crap I could be doing. Not sure if perhaps I'm too early in the season. I haven't seen a single thing. Iunno. Maybe this isn't for me. :homer:
I took this week off of work to hunt. I've done two 6am to 10am, 3pm to 7pm sits in the past two days. Got out there this morning, and after 1.5h I went back inside. I don't know what it is. I'm so excited to get out there, then I get out there and after an hour I'm thinking of all the crap I could be doing. Not sure if perhaps I'm too early in the season. I haven't seen a single thing. Iunno. Maybe this isn't for me. :homer:

Hunting is a game of patience, time, and a little luck. You could be missing animals moving mid-day. Are you hunting trails, sign, or bait?
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