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Anti-trust laws


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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I've always thought anti-trust laws were government intrusions into the free market and that only government can create monopolies. Now we have mega corporations like Google, Amazon and Facebook, that control an overwhelming percentage of their markets... And the information that reaches the public. They scare the heck out of me.

So what does IBB say about anti-trust laws?
I've always thought anti-trust laws were government intrusions into the free market and that only government can create monopolies. Now we have mega corporations like Google, Amazon and Facebook, that control an overwhelming percentage of their markets... And the information that reaches the public. They scare the heck out of me.

So what does IBB say about anti-trust laws?

Well, about 7 years ago I was at your point. So imagine where you will be with 7 more years of social media stomping on all the important conversations while you watch, aware that everyone is saying what 63 people on the West Coast want them to say.

What you would say at that point, is what I have to say now.

I typically receive flak from both sides about business. I believe in big business, Big Biz built America, that and tenant-owned farming. Those things built the USA. There are foreign firms that have massive advantages, one of the reasons Frank-Dodd was repealed on banks. Starting in the 80s, the Japanese had several private banks that were really state-owned by Western standards, and we responded about 10 years late. By that time conditions had changed and the loss of Frank-Dodd was one of the factors starting the 2008 mortgage crisis.

Still, I would NOT go back to strict retail/commercial Frank-Dodd in banking. We need big banks. And car companies, tech companies, etc. We are competing with a country much larger than we are, and several peers that are comign up fast.

So I wouldn't throw away big business at all. I almost always support the Compromise, like how Teddy Roosevelt handled it.

Ok, with all that throat-clearing, what I think about Big Tech:

I would have no problem not only repealing their Section immunity from monopoly prosecution, but I would Nationalize Neflix Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet. I would break them up into constituent parts and forbid anyone working there from every advancing pass middle-management.

I would have no compunction whatsoever upsetting the entire Internet applecart. The entrepreneurial response will be instant. There are tens of millions of Americans capable of writing twitter and facebook code. None of the companies I listed has ANY proprietary technology or cutting-edge advantage. It would be better if the secruity/monitoring/social-credit system was broken off from Alpha and MS anyway. Etc.

I would have no problem putting hundreds of thousands of their tech workers out of work.

I would ESPECIALLY have no problem cancelling the hundreds of thousands of H1B visas those companies sponsor.

My thought: I would not decimate the Tech Industry, I would cancel it. IT would be better for Liberty, America, Business, the Little Man, defense against China and Russia, stimulate thousands of new businesses, and generally refresh and envigorate the tech sector.
I've always thought anti-trust laws were government intrusions into the free market and that only government can create monopolies. Now we have mega corporations like Google, Amazon and Facebook, that control an overwhelming percentage of their markets... And the information that reaches the public. They scare the heck out of me.

So what does IBB say about anti-trust laws?

IMO anti-trust laws are a good thing. The free market is based on competition, but having a monopoly eliminates that competition.
The tech monopolies scare me, especially with the MASSIVE influence and sway that social media has. Add in the recent censorship and cancel culture and everyone should be concerned.
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