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Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia ‘officially pushing for emancipation’
By Vincent Barone

August 23, 2020 | 12:42am

Claudia ConwayInstagram

Kellyanne Conway’s Trump-hating daughter is apparently ready for a new family.

“I’m officially pushing for emancipation. Buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. Welcome to my life,” 15-year-old Claudia Conway tweeted Saturday night.

Left-leaning Claudia has been openly feuding with her parents on TikTok and Twitter all summer, bashing them for their conservative views.

At one point she urged progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to adopt her.

Saturday’s tweet came alongside many more in which she penned her frustration over her mother’s work for the president, and over recent praise of her father, George Conway, for his work as co-founder of the Lincoln Project, a Republican anti-Trump group.

“As for my dad, politically, we agree on absolutely nothing. We just both happen to have common sense when it comes to our current president. Stop “stanning” him,” Claudia tweeted.

15yo and has 1,000's of Followers that are cheering her on. Welcome to Social Media. This was not possible in my day as a youngster.WTF ? Crazy times.
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a stupid mad high school chick is what's wrong with the world? I thought that was pretty normal. I think her parents should encourage it. Maybe they can sell her off to a new family.
That chick is 15?? Jesus take off the makeup and don't worry about politics, just go be a kid

If she was a fat book nerd with glasses not a single male would follow her that she is t related to. She thinks she has influence because her views are solid. Nobody cares what a pretty chick has to say. :laughing:
She added that her mother was “selfish” for pursuing her line of work.

“My mother’s job ruined my life to begin with,” she wrote.

Who is Claudia Conway? Meet Kellyanne Conway's outspoken daughter

“Heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. Selfish. It’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen.”

The daughter’s tweets have racked up tens of thousands of likes and retweets.

Claudia thanked her followers for supporting her and showed no remorse.

“I’m a savage lol I’m aware,” read her last tweet, punctuating her busy Saturday night.

This is the 2nd part because it didn't show up in the 1st part.
10's of THOUSANDS of Followers. :eek:

The point is,in my young days you could call a couple friends and tell them how you were mad at your Parents. But never display it to that many people in the World.

I've said from the start of Myspace that it was the Ruination of the World and that is correct still Today.
Parents need to step up and take away her phone. Does she have a job which pays for it? Doubtful.

This 👆🏻

We reminded our girls that we are not their friends, that may come later. We are their parents, and basically “Our roof, our rules”.

Sure, we had some minor battles, but we now have two responsible productive young adults. We couldn’t be prouder ☺️
And any of this is my buisness/ problem how?

Bye bitch. Pay your taxes and bills. Laundry mats take $.25 and the grocery store is that way.
Kellyanne Conway announces she's leaving the White House and George Conway is stepping away from Lincoln Project
By Paul LeBlanc, CNN

Updated 11:09 PM EDT, Sun August 23, 2020

Washington(CNN)White House counselor Kellyanne Conway announced Sunday evening she will leave her post at the end of the month and George Conway said he was withdrawing from The Lincoln Project, both citing a need to focus on their family.

"I will be transitioning from the White House at the end of this month. George is also making changes," Kellyanne Conway said of her husband and frequent Trump critic George Conway in a statement.

"We disagree about plenty but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and 'tweens starting a new academic year, in middle school and high school, remotely from home for at least a few months. As millions of parents nationwide know, kids 'doing school from home' requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times."

Kellyanne Conway is scheduled to speak at this week's Republican National Convention, but it's unclear if she will still do so.

George Conway tweeted minutes earlier that he was withdrawing from The Lincoln Project -- a group formed by anti-Trump Republicans -- to "devote more time to family matters."

The Sunday evening announcement marks an abrupt end to Kellyanne Conway's high-profile time in the White House where she earned a reputation as one of the President's fiercest -- and most controversial -- defenders.

She landed her position in 2016 after becoming the first female campaign manager to win a presidential race.

But political tension with her husband had spilled into public view in recent years.

A Washington lawyer who was considered for multiple Justice Department posts early in Trump's tenure, George Conway quickly emerged as a prominent critic of the President. His opposition took on new meaning when he joined The Lincoln Project.

Each of the Lincoln Project principles had aligned themselves with the "NeverTrump" movement in the 2016 election and have been outspoken critics of Trump and the Republican Party ever since.

Still, Kellyanne Conway maintained in her statement Sunday that "the incredible men, women and children we've met along the way have reaffirmed my later-in-life experience that public service can be meaningful and consequential."

"For all of its political differences and cultural cleavages, this is a beautiful country filled with amazing people. The promise of America belongs to us all," Kellyanne Conway said.

She also stressed that the decision "is completely my choice and my voice."

"In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama," she said.

Guess she got HER WAY. Welcome to Today's world where Kids whine and Control people even in the White House. She needs an ass whooping.
I'll refrain from making unflattering comments regarding her whoreish looks and how her parents should just sell her to Jeffrey Epstein.

No you won't because you just did. And you're absolutely correct.
If she was a fat book nerd with glasses not a single male would follow her that she is t related to. She thinks she has influence because her views are solid. Nobody cares what a pretty chick has to say. :laughing:

Yep and nobody cares about the political opinions of a 15 yr old :laughing:
She has made "Her" Statement and Won her victory against Her Parents. Her mom Quit a Six Figure Job because of Social Media. The World as we Know it is Fucked.

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